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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from The_Crazy_Dragon_Lady.
Posted: Sun, 05/02/2017 14:41 (7 Years ago)
both drawings look quite nice ^^
I'd suggest putting highlights in the drawings as well though
it would make it even nicer
[at least, i think it would]

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Posted: Sun, 05/02/2017 14:36 (7 Years ago)
So, i felt like it was that time of the year once again
you know, posting OLD art
and with old, i mean like a year or 5...or so
really old
So this was a joke i drew from scratch in MS paint

i'll put my newest dev here under a spoiler as i have posted it before
but peeps who are online at this time probs missed it o3o

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2017 23:57 (7 Years ago)
i'm scared to work on it though TTwTT
it was having...trouble with the piece
but that's because i didn't work of it for three months...
i guess i could try

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2017 23:50 (7 Years ago)
i can't see it
i simply don't get what you mean
ah well...
not that i can edit it anyway
you can't erase watercolours
[especially not dark coloured water colours]

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2017 23:42 (7 Years ago)
what do you think is strange about it?
it's a short snouted dragon
maybe it looks a bit weird because the skin looks very tight to the bone?
as in, barely any tissue between bone and the scales on the outside

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2017 23:34 (7 Years ago)
hahaha, i'll try

@Kitsu meme
after like a month, i finally posted something here again o3o
that's about all i know though

@everyone [?]
what'd you think of my drawing?
is it good?
is it good good?
are there flaws?
did i forget something?

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2017 23:02 (7 Years ago)
i finished it
i am happy
i can die now [notreally]

ah, allright
hope you soon pick it up again ^^

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2017 21:11 (7 Years ago)
welcome to the club ^^

@ everyone else
aaahhh, sorry for being so inactive TTwTT

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2017 20:57 (7 Years ago)
whelp, yooterii just bought 2 of my dergs, so i was finally able to hatch a nest
not really happy with the hatchies but oh well...
they are all in the AH




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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2017 20:39 (7 Years ago)
pfffftt, well allright then!
take care of em

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2017 20:31 (7 Years ago)
i hatched two new imps [finally]
they are ''adorbs''



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Posted: Sun, 29/01/2017 12:52 (7 Years ago)
selling new babs
finally hatched a bogsneak in my lair ^^
throw a price at me~~ [treasure, gems or a mixed offer is ok]




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Posted: Thu, 26/01/2017 23:39 (7 Years ago)
ah, thank you ^^
i love your humans
i wish i could draw humans, hahaha

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Posted: Thu, 26/01/2017 22:44 (7 Years ago)
that drawing is beautiful
the fishes reminded me of a drawing of mine own
i think it did so because the fish looks lightly similar, hahaha
though not in colour

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Posted: Wed, 25/01/2017 14:31 (7 Years ago)
he's in the AH for 15K right now i believe

it's a site with dragons
every month, they open registration for new players for a week

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Posted: Wed, 25/01/2017 14:08 (7 Years ago)
New hatchies
and they are both for sale



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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 19:41 (7 Years ago)
yes please.
it'd be a nice start

thanks for offering to help
the colour range of the tert is not what i'm looking for though

i'm trying to get a wildclaw [pref female] with the following things :3

-metals iri
-cream butt [it's in the white range....]
-flaxen butterfly

no dragon on FR exists with those colours
no active ones at least
it's really hard to find dragons with that range TTwTT

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Posted: Sun, 22/01/2017 19:28 (7 Years ago)
guys help
i'm looking for a dragon with the yellow-white-yellow colour ranges
preferrably with gems genes

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2017 15:35 (7 Years ago)
i love it to bits TTwTT
it's now in my about me [with credit of course ; D]

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2017 15:32 (7 Years ago)
thank you so much TTwTT

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