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Searching for: Posts from TheRealMossi.
Posted: Fri, 08/04/2016 02:53 (8 Years ago)
Shop Updated!!!


- The reserve of Shiny slot and Mega-Able Absol slot has ended.
- Now this shop have "Event Pokémon for sale and prices:", that fixes a big problem with the prices.
- Prices are lower
- Also, now im reserving Shiny and Mega-able Slots for Bagon/Shelgon/Salamence!

Thanks for buy in TheRealMossi's Shop!

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Posted: Fri, 08/04/2016 02:51 (8 Years ago)
Shop Updated!!!


- The reserve of Shiny slot and Mega-Able Absol slot has ended.
- Now i opened my EVENTS BREEDING SHOP! You can visit it here.
- I've re-bought my "Sell/Trades 2 SH" box and expanded my "Sell/Trades SH box"
- Before this update, i only have 200 pokes for sale. Now more than 1200!
- Errors fixed
- Now im reserving Shiny and Mega-able Slots for Bagon/Shelgon/Salamence!

Thanks for buy in TheRealMossi's Shop!

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Posted: Fri, 08/04/2016 00:47 (8 Years ago)
I need know the price of ALL event and their evolutions...

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Posted: Thu, 07/04/2016 23:57 (8 Years ago)
Pal Pad :D

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Posted: Thu, 07/04/2016 23:46 (8 Years ago)
Prices are in the shop :3 pal pad please!

Me? What pokemon do you want? Pal Pad!

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Posted: Thu, 07/04/2016 22:49 (8 Years ago)
Welcome to TheRealMossi's EVENT Breeding Shop!

This is similar to my item shop. Here you can buy event pokemons! :D.
PokeDollars (), Nuggets () and Event Pokémons that i miss are accepted here.

Show hidden content
1.- You should pay me first BEFORE i give you the pokemon(s).

2.- Don't spam me please
User: Hi! i want Princess Smoochum. I'll pay ??? PDs.
TheRealMossi (me): Ok! That price its OK. I'll put you in my queue.
User: Yes?
TheRealMossi (me): Yes. xD
User: Yes?
User: Yes?
User: Yes?
TheRealMossi (me): Please dont spam.
User: Yes?
User: Yes?
User: Yes?
User: Yes?
User: Yes?
User: Yes?

3.- Please, if you're going to buy, please not ignore if you're online. Example:
User: Hello! Do you have an Scattercube?
TheRealMossi (me): Yeah, please offer :)
(minutes later)
User: Ok i will pay with a Magikarp xD, but really i will pay with a Sir. Shelgon
TheRealMossi (me): Well, i have Sir Shelgon already...any other thing that you can offer please?
(days later)
TheRealMossi (me): Hello? Are you here?
(User dont reply me again)

4.- No request donations please.

5.- If you are going to leave PH for days, please tell me.

6.- If i'm in shiny hunt, i will end this as soon as possible and start with orders.

Event Pokémon for sale and prices:*
*Prices depending on Their Rarity, Price Check and prices of Auction House
*The prices i'm giving here its for Pokedollar, for find the price in nuggets only do this:
(Price PD) / 1500
Show hidden content
Catercream (12k)
Metacream (15k)
Buttercream (15.5k)
Satichu (25k)
Satochu (28k)
Raitoshi (30k)
Clawfa (20k)
Clawfairy (23k)
Nessy (25k)
Witch Vulpix (12k)
Magic Ninetales (15k)
Mewtwon M. Meowth (30k)
Lepreowth (10k)
Perchaun (11k)
Cuddlithe (12k)
Arcaddly (15k)
Autumn Abra (12k)
Autumn Kadabra (13k)
Autumn Alakazam (13k)
Dark Ponyta (13k)
Cursed Rapidash (14.5k)
Slowyore (15k)
Yorebro (16k)
Yoreking (25k)
Gomaseel (OFFER)
Ikkakugong (OFFER)
Disguised Exeggcute (10k)
Disguised Exeggutor (13k)
Derpatung (20k)
Princess Smoochum (14k)
Queen Jynx (15k)
Spring Mareep (12k)
Spring Flaafy (14k)
Spring Ampharos (15k)
Summer Mareep (15k)
Summer Flaafy (16k)
Summer Ampharos (16.5k)
Santa Bird (17k)
Super Shroom (11k)
Super Breloomio (16k)
Winter Numel (13k)
Winter Camerupt (14k)
Ferrerocoal (14k)
Space Spinda (10k)
Cottonblu (11k)
Candaria (12k)
Frostly Kecleon (13k)
Zomppet (14k)
Banettenstein (15k)
van Bagon (15k)
Shelcasso (16.5k)
Sala da Menci (17k)
Mr. Bagon (18k)
Sir Shelgon (20k)
Lord Salamence (20.5k)
Tom Nook (75k)
Tom Nook (Seller) (90k)
Pachirisnow (10k)
Easter Buneary (18k)
Easter Lopunny (22k)
Heartomb (20k)
Rokkyu (10k)
Lucario-sensei (14k)
Gloweon (10k)
Lumiday (12.5k)
Cosmoneon (12.5k)
Nightmare Munna (14k)
Nightmare Musharna (15k)
Flower Girl (25k)
Lillibride (27k)
Rodeo Scraggy (18k)
Sheriff Scrafty (20k)
Snowling (12k)
Snowbuck (12.5k)
Knight Axew (25k)
Baron Fraxure (26k)
Sir Haxelot (27k)
Mikofoo (12k)
Mikoshao (15k)
Messenger Flechling (10k)
Messenger Flechinder (12k)
Messenger Talonflame (12.5k)
Skugar (12k)
Gingergoat (13k)
Dralucha (20k)

Prices for gender (add this prices to the pokemon if you want a certain gender):
Show hidden content
If you want any gender, it cost 0k PD more.
If you want a certain gender, please add this prices to the pokemon, based on rarity of the gender.

Gender rarity 87.5% .... 2.5k
Gender rarity 75% ....... 5k
Gender rarity 50% ....... 10k
Gender rarity 25% ....... 15k
Gender rarity 12.5% ..... 20k

Orders in queue:
Show hidden content
Umbreon_DarkPrince (1x Female Ferrerocoal, 1x Female Gomaseel, 1x Female Lepreowth - TOTAL: 90k) [90k SENT]
TabyCat12 (1x Derpatung - TOTAL: 18k) [18k SENT]
DancingArti (1x Snowling, 1x Skugar - TOTAL: 25k) [25k SENT]
Moocowman (1x Derpatung - TOTAL: 18k)
Salai (2x Cuddlithe - TOTAL: 24k)
Devil0356 (3x Catercream, 2 Nightmare Munna, 1x Disguised Exeggcute - TOTAL: 74k) [74k SENT]
Brock (1x Sala Da Menci - TOTAL: 19.5k) [19.5k SENT]
ImmatureGuy (1x Derpatung - TOTAL: 18k)
snapchienne (1x Witch Vulpix, 1x Female Skugar - TOTAL : 24k)
Professor_Nafis (2x Catercreams - TOTAL: 24k) [24k SENT]
tensazangetsu111 (1x Derpatung, 1x Tom Nook (Seller) - TOTAL: 120k)
Nymphrasis (1x Princess Smoochum, 1x Tom Nook (Seller) - TOTAL: 114k) [114k SENT]
~BlazingTy~ (1x Buttercream - TOTAL: 15.5k)
lindsaybug (1x Princess Smoochum - TOTAL: 14k)
Pasta-Punk (1x Spring Flaafy - TOTAL: 15k) [15k SENT]
johnnie402p (1x Winter Numel - TOTAL: 13k) [13k SENT]
EmmyFalcon (1x Clawfa, 1x Clawfairy, 1x Nessy, 1x Derpatung - TOTAL: 88k)

This because...i cant breed all time. When i'm in shiny hunt, when i have so much orders, when i lost premium and i have nuggets, the same thing with flutes, etc.

Breeder Form:

[size=16][b]Hello Mossi! I wanna be a breeder :D[/b][/size]
[b]Black Flute:[/b] (Yes or no)
[b]White Flute:[/b] (Yes or no)
[b]Premium:[/b] (Yes or no)
[b]Ditto:[/b] (Yes or no)
[b]Events?:[/b] (Lower than 50%, 50% or higher than 50%)
[b]Additional Comments[/b]: (Optional)

Completed Purchases:

Thank you very much for visit this shop!

Now enjoy your Pokémons! :D

I'm in a shiny hunt, so if you order now, i will start when i finish my shiny hunt.

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Posted: Thu, 07/04/2016 22:21 (8 Years ago)
I would like a Satichu, scattercube and Dirndltank

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Posted: Thu, 07/04/2016 22:05 (8 Years ago)
Sorry for ignorance, but here i can buy or sell My items?

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Posted: Thu, 07/04/2016 21:18 (8 Years ago)
@Robel you have to tag pls edit the title

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Posted: Thu, 07/04/2016 20:53 (8 Years ago)

I wish for 3 or more boxes or keys

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Posted: Thu, 07/04/2016 00:17 (8 Years ago)
Pls missing

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Posted: Thu, 07/04/2016 00:10 (8 Years ago)
Sent a misssing!
A missing too pls :3

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Posted: Wed, 06/04/2016 23:52 (8 Years ago)
Please evolve my Boldore!
Pokémon ID: 9111371
Comment (additional): Thanks for making all this!! Also very sorry for dont post it before, i forgotted this T-T

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Posted: Wed, 06/04/2016 23:42 (8 Years ago)
Please evolve my Porygon!
Pokémon ID
: 9308018
Comment (additional): Thanks for making all this!!

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Posted: Wed, 06/04/2016 23:33 (8 Years ago)
How much PD costs a shiny Unown F?

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Posted: Wed, 06/04/2016 22:14 (8 Years ago)
1- oh i dont seebthat
2- i have he My fearow

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Posted: Wed, 06/04/2016 12:52 (8 Years ago)
Fearow on GTS!

I wodh for 3 or more boxes or keys or mixed :3

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Posted: Wed, 06/04/2016 03:17 (8 Years ago)
oh welL thats a big coincidence that everytime i saw that, and dont have any object
anyways, thanks..

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Posted: Wed, 06/04/2016 02:35 (8 Years ago)
Sent pls send missing

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Posted: Wed, 06/04/2016 02:14 (8 Years ago)
Well everytime i saw a Satichu in auction house the winning bid its 70-80k, as same of Scattercube (its common too, i saw everytime in auction house winning bid: 110-120k)

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