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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Kingdraforever.
Posted: Sun, 12/04/2015 11:13 (9 Years ago)
Im not a worker anymore, sorry

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Posted: Wed, 01/04/2015 10:14 (9 Years ago)

Title: Gible

Hi, give the money to AlifAnowar and tell him in the comments, that you want a gible.
I pp him that you want a gible.


Employee of AlifAnowar's pokemonshop

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Posted: Mon, 30/03/2015 15:53 (9 Years ago)

Title: Snowpaw

Hi im a worker here,

I can make your shinx, I pp Alif for a celebi, so if you can give Alif the money, then i make the shinx for you and alif talks to you about the celebi, deal?

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Posted: Mon, 12/01/2015 17:00 (10 Years ago)

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