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Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Sun, 30/10/2016 08:45 (8 Years ago) |
Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Sun, 30/10/2016 08:24 (8 Years ago) |
Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Sun, 30/10/2016 08:17 (8 Years ago) |
Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Sun, 30/10/2016 08:13 (8 Years ago) |
Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Sun, 30/10/2016 07:50 (8 Years ago) |
The prizes vary from Shinies to Items and Legendaries. There are not certain prizes for each place, but it works another way. The winner can choose first whichever they want and so on. This is the part most of you have been waiting for, so see for yourself: ![]() - Shiny Van Bagon + Groudon + Shiny
Weedle + Shaymin
- Shiny Chinchou + Groudon + Strange Ornament - Shiny Weedle + Shiny Gastly + Resolute Stone - Shiny Glameow (currently being hunted) + Groudon - 1 set of all Rocks (Cold/Hard/Light) + Shiny Weedle - 1 set of all Orbs (Red/Blue/Green/Enigma) - Shiny hunt of your choice (Easy/Medium/Hard/Rare/Starter) - Shiny hunt of your choice (Easy/Medium/Hard) - 5 Dragon Gems + Reveal Glass + Mega Able Haunter - Shaymin + Shiny Gastly + Gracidea - Shiny Venusaur + Shiny Charizard - Shiny Van Bagon + Mega Able Pidgey - DNA Splicer White + Seatran - Refrigerator + Washiny Machine + Reveal Glass - 7 Weather Balloons + Mega Able Beedrill There are quite some ways to get tickets. Just so I don't waste more of your precious time, here's the list: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Priorities: Brown Box Dark Blue Key Green Key Light Blue Key Pink Box Purple Box Red Box If you want to participate, make sure to post here. Then, send the items through Delibird Delivery or, if you want, tell me to set up a Gem Exchange/GTS trade in your post! Thanks for your time and have a good day! Tickets: ![]() 0001 - 0067 Rapiddagger (1 Dark Blue Box
+ 3 Light Blue Keys* + 1 Red Key* = 7 + 45 + 15 = 67 Tickets)
0068 - 0267 MeisterBonkie (1 Old Amber + 100 Fighting Gems + 100 Poison Gems + 75 Ghost Gems = 25 + 50 + 50 + 75 = 200 Tickets) 0268 - 0347 randomcop (2 Brown Boxes* + 2 Dark Blue Keys* = 30 + 30 = 60 Tickets) 0348 - 0589 sportyamos 4 Purple Boxes* + 1 Red Box + 1 Light Blue Box + 1 Dark Blue Box + 161 Water Gems = 60 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 161 = 242 Tickets) 0590 - 0839 pokeknight (3 Star Pieces + 1 Old Amber Fossil = 225 + 25 = 250 Tickets) 0840 - 0924 EeveelutionPower36 (1 Pink Box* + 2 Green Keys* + 1 Purple Key* + 1 Red Key* + 10 Water Gems = 15 + 30 + 15 + 15 + 10 = 85 Tickets) 0925 - 3798 Amu-The-Litwick (2 Old Amber Fossils + 10 Bottled Messages + 6 Star Pieces + 1250 Fighting Gems + 131 Poison Gems + 9 Purple Keys + 3 Green Keys* + 5 Pink Boxes* = 50 + 1500 + 450 + 625 + 66 + 63 + 45 +75 = 2874 Tickets) 3799 - 3948 AshallaynTallyn (2 Brown Boxes* + 4 Green Keys* + 2 Pink Boxes* + 1 Dark Blue Key* + 1 Light Blue Key = 30 + 60 + 30 + 15 + 15 = 150 Tickets) 3949 - 4175 BlackHeart666 (50 Fighting Gems + 5 Boxes* + 1 Key* + 1 Rare Candy + 1 Star Piece = 50 + 75 + 15 + 12 + 75 = 227 Tickets [Read more] |
Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Sun, 16/10/2016 11:33 (8 Years ago) |
And the winner is... Leicester! Congrats :> You will be pal padded asap to receive your prize ^^ ![]() Next month's Lottery will start start later today, with the prize being a Shiny Van Bagon! [Read more] |
Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Thu, 13/10/2016 10:59 (8 Years ago) |
Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Sat, 24/09/2016 06:21 (8 Years ago) |
Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Tue, 20/09/2016 15:51 (8 Years ago) |
Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 06:36 (8 Years ago) |
Amy: "Why would I betray him? You are saying some complete nonsense right now." (But Cross is not even there? :p) [Read more] |
Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 16:23 (8 Years ago) |
Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Thu, 08/09/2016 18:21 (8 Years ago) |
"Chris has a point on that one. But still, before I stated that you could posses the body to do all the physical job and all that, incriminating Mandy. Mr Mayor, I am changing my vote back to Isaac." (Sorry pal, this is just a game so anybody could be the killer, don't take it personally) [Read more] |
Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Wed, 07/09/2016 16:44 (8 Years ago) |
"I'm sorry. I didn't actually well think of it. Yeah, you're right, I shouldn't had made such a fast accusation. But since you asked for it, here are my alibis. I don't have an alibi for the first murder, as there were no clues. Most of us could have done it, but still only one of us did. I couldn't had killed Percy. I can't even carry things properly, both of my species use all 4 of their arms/legs/however you want to call them to walk, so I can't even climb, not to mention that with my size I would be stuck inside the chimney, not to mention that my horns are fragile. I couldn't had killed Jason either. Who can tie a rope properly and hang someone using only their mouth? Even if this physically impossible to do thing could be done, it would had at least leave mark from teeth or something. But to be honest, you're right, as Chris said the evidence are solid. I too blame Mandy of being the murderer." [Read more] |
Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Wed, 07/09/2016 13:32 (8 Years ago) |
"I can't believe this, another one of us dead. Well, to be honest I can believe this. Whoever is the killer has really well thought of the murders. That makes me suspect one certain person. I have 4 clues that make me point my finger to that one person. One from each murder and one from the first vote off. I actually excluded him of being the killer at the first round, but I guess that maybe I was wrong. My first clue, believe it or not, is that there were almost no clues or evidence when Karen was murdered. Yep, I mean it. Only 2 people could do that before the murders and one off them I voted off last week and was executed. My second glue is the brutal way Percy was killed. Some person here could easily phase into Mandy's house at first, phase his arms into Mandy's first aid kit to steal his rubbing alchohol then or whatever was that and at last phase into Percy's house and leave the same way, making Mandy the obvious person to blame. And now the killer is more obvious than ever for me at least. My suspect probably hypnotized Jason, or at least make him sleep, possess his asleep body and drag it to where the rope was placed, make him hang himself and leave normally with little to no clues. But at the first vote off I felt really weird. Chilli blamed him immidiately, with me following straight after. At first, he voted calmly, but then angrily voted Chilli when he noticed he had the most votes then, being at danger of dying. There wad already one person who was balming Chilli, so he probably blamed her too so they would have a tie. Not only that, but he gave an alibi to almost half of us and pointed out why some of us could have been the murderer, but I don't know if you noticed, but he nevet gave an alibi to himself. Yep, I am pointing ny finger to no other. I blame Isaac of being the murderer." [Read more] |
Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Sun, 04/09/2016 08:37 (8 Years ago) |
"I voted an innocent and he was killed. Now I understand how you guys felt when you voted Chilli off. I still don't know who the killer is tho. I am going to go sleep now, I need some time alone." [Read more] |
Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Fri, 02/09/2016 17:20 (8 Years ago) |
"I agree with Chris. If Mandy is not the killer, then the real killer would easily put the blame on her by stealing things from her fairst aid kit. Also, Isaac, the killer could be anybody. If Chris was the killer, he could easily kill Percy without being noticed. I already told you last night. Forget everything you know about everyone here. Anybody could be the murderer. I still am not ready to vote, I am not sure who is the murderer. I need a bit more time to think, although I know who I am leaning towards to." (My phone's battery is about to run off, so I will post again) Edit: "Yeah, now that I think of it, I am surea bout who I am voting. I think that responsible of the murder is Zain. I voted him in the first round too. He could have easily killed Karen with a stick or something without leaving almost no evidence, could have also easily access Mandy's first aid kit and access Percy's house from the roof. Also, he didn't vote yesterday and it's weird, since he hasn't talked to any of us lately." (I don't know if they don't post due to some reason, but it is kinda suspicious.") [Read more] |
Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Thu, 01/09/2016 14:51 (8 Years ago) |
"And I told you. I even got her an alibi. But now, thanks to 3 of you, our friend is killed. And the killer is still out. The killer is one of us. Can you realise that? One of us is a freaking killer. Forget what you know about everyone else. I am not sure who the killer is now. I realised that voting Isaac was wrong, probably, so I changed my vote. I don't really understand why blamed Chilli of being the killer anyways. But one thing remains for sure. Don't believe anyone and anything someone says. So, Isaac, in my opinion if someone defends themselves, there's no reason for us to believe them. There's no reason for us to believe anyone at all." [Read more] |
Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Thu, 01/09/2016 10:06 (8 Years ago) |
Intak OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,265 |
Posted: Thu, 01/09/2016 08:16 (8 Years ago) |
"I think you are all thinking wrong. It would be impossible for Chilli to kill Karen and place the scarf between the rocks at all, not to mention without leaving any clue behind. Se can't even pick up rocks as heavy as them, nor can the wind do so. I can't really explain why, since this is all sudden. But I now change my vote from Isaac to Zain. I think that Isaac would be a really strong ally that we would need to find the murderer. But Zain, could easily pick up the rocks with his telekinesis, place the scarf between them and kill Karen using a stick or something, then throwing it to the river." (Sorry, I wrote this post when the server went down, but I couldn't post it, so I did so now :/) [Read more] |