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Posted: Sun, 07/04/2024 01:31 (10 Months ago)
Yanma95 added!

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Posted: Sat, 06/04/2024 20:24 (10 Months ago)
Yeah sharing is fine, as for credit you can use my DA for other sites and my user on here.

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Posted: Sat, 06/04/2024 18:57 (10 Months ago)

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Posted: Sat, 06/04/2024 18:49 (10 Months ago)
HaruxBun added!

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Posted: Sat, 06/04/2024 18:31 (10 Months ago)
aixle you are a Nickit!

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Posted: Sat, 06/04/2024 13:54 (10 Months ago)
Drakonia you are an Alolan Vulpix!

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Posted: Fri, 05/04/2024 23:54 (10 Months ago)
Charmander25 added! (you only gave me 1 jersey number tho)

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Posted: Fri, 05/04/2024 22:13 (10 Months ago)
GlitchMode added!

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Posted: Fri, 05/04/2024 20:43 (10 Months ago)
Well thanks! aizle added!

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Posted: Fri, 05/04/2024 13:40 (10 Months ago)
Charmander25 you are a Dragonite!

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Posted: Fri, 05/04/2024 12:25 (10 Months ago)
Drakonia added!

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Posted: Fri, 05/04/2024 11:23 (10 Months ago)
Charmander25 you are a Shinx!

ft. this SNEAKY ghoul. SIR.

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Posted: Thu, 04/04/2024 05:13 (10 Months ago)
Sending, bday plush plz

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Posted: Tue, 02/04/2024 21:11 (10 Months ago)
Taking a party full of pokes and accidentally dropping them into the wrong box, can be frustrating, especially for mobile users. I would love an Undo option that will undo the latest 'Move Pokémon' action you performed in the last few seconds.

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Posted: Mon, 01/04/2024 10:27 (10 Months ago)
Charmander25 added!

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Posted: Sun, 31/03/2024 18:10 (10 Months ago)
That_One_Rabbit you are a Buneary!

for the easter theme

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Posted: Sun, 31/03/2024 13:11 (10 Months ago)
Charmander25 you are a Tyranitar! cursing myself for choosing a 9 character name I had to then fit on the jersey smh

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Posted: Sat, 30/03/2024 14:25 (10 Months ago)
Drakonia you are a Giratina! cause I was feeling generous

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Posted: Sat, 30/03/2024 11:25 (10 Months ago)
ThatCatKid you are a Litten!

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Posted: Fri, 29/03/2024 16:39 (10 Months ago)
ChirotheKitBat you are a Rockruff!

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