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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Abby.
Posted: Sun, 25/10/2015 11:19 (9 Years ago)
I was kinda waiting to see some nice accents and I had the hope on male SD or female spirals but meh. I dont find the item very interesting either but I guess Ill get it anyway.
I may get the accent for female SD
Im not that fan of skins in general unless its to cover an ugly dragon you dont want or cant get rid of :b so meh.
Kinda disappointed

Kurumi yeah the detail...xD

And then you search on the contest thread and see better things than the released?
It happened to me on a previous festivity: I saw better/more fitting/detailed skins and accents than the released ones and that makes me sad :<

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Posted: Sun, 25/10/2015 09:30 (9 Years ago)
Ooooh the random one? o: lucky you it has some normal combo of colors xD I prefer to forget my poor male
Also I guess Zira will never be gened since I dont like any genes with her primary pft


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Posted: Sat, 24/10/2015 19:03 (9 Years ago)
hair and wings

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Posted: Sat, 24/10/2015 16:12 (9 Years ago)

yep, expect me to order more

Username: Abby
What Kind of Art Style: Chibi pixel art like your avatar?
How Much You Want To Pay: 100k PD to start with? I may add more though :3 do you take items or pokemon by any chance?
Reference: Kiraaa (the one with shorter hair and skirts)
Extras: Could you draw her with the black shirt and red skirt outfit? She also has blue, purple and red bracelets on one wrist and yellow, grey and brown bracelets on the other. It's okay if you can't do that though, since it's tiny pixel art >u< Make her look happy, but no idea about the pose.

If it's okay to ask for another drawing at the same time, since you haven't specified it (?) check the spoiler box below. If not, then just ignore it :'3
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Username: Abby
What Kind of Art Style: Chibi drawing
How Much You Want To Pay: Reply to my question if you accept pokemon/items here :'3
Reference: Vicky
Extras: Could you draw her with a flower crown/necklace and a white dove somewhere near her?

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Posted: Wed, 21/10/2015 18:32 (9 Years ago)
Yep, for how long do you need it? Once I reserved for a week, but it was a kinda big quantity.
Anyway it's out of AH so there is no risk that someone will buy it either :b

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Posted: Wed, 21/10/2015 18:26 (9 Years ago)
Hm these two babies just grew up and I'd rather sell them than exalt them so if anyone wants to buy one of the siblings? ;;
Female is XYX, the male not. Female for 12k and male for 9k treasure.

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Posted: Tue, 20/10/2015 13:17 (9 Years ago)
Romania those babies
Cutesy cheru-pere <3

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Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 21:48 (9 Years ago)
The pretty happy dragon o':

Also I feel like now I'm drowning in pretty dragons for making a thread on the forum help

Mind sharing your opinion? I'm like...I need more space to buy all the pretty dragons, I wanted to buy one but I will have to buy two at least I think...:'D

They are so pretty
Now I need another male dragon for the last Skydancer if I buy her :'D I love white SD with different colored wings!
And the Coatl would fit Zeni who is almost black + ice as contrast to white + black of the Coatl.

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Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 20:43 (9 Years ago)
Hmmm I think you can remind me when they hatch o: I may be interested if a nice female hatches as pair for one of my dragons.

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Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 20:19 (9 Years ago)
Plant-chan: fun fact, I actually kind of dislike it :'D I'm sorry little baby dragon. Blue on crystal-facet looks like a too hard blue to be XXY or XXX (I do like it if the body is a lighter blue tho)
I love sky cry-facet dragons and I also like the crystal with azure, denim and a few others, but blue is one that I dislike D:
*pats baby*

darkaxe hmmm they don't really convince me I think from what I see on the scrying shop. However perhaps you can ping me if you get a skydancer from the first pair?

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Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 19:08 (9 Years ago)
Lovino and darkaxe they don't really catch me, sorry :< Lovino the female is quite pretty but it's not really what I do look for.

Nessy hmm depends on the bbies o:

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Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 18:51 (9 Years ago)
Oh yep this reminds me I am still looking for a dragon to buy/adopt :'D a dragon to actually keep and give love. Basically this means I won't accept any dragon I may eventually sell/exalt (well there is a chance that on far future I sell/gift it, but not exalt, nope).

So if you want to throw dragons at me? either adult or hatchling. I've been checking on the two last pages for dragons but I think the only one to catch my eye was sold/wasn't for sale :'D

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Posted: Sun, 18/10/2015 20:36 (9 Years ago)
Lol nice done Kurumi o: that Salamence and the Dragonairs cuties.

Well so.
It's my time, I think I am looking for a dragon to buy/adopt to keep for real on my lair. Basically a dragon I will keep and not exalt/resell. Does anyone have pretty dergs to show me for sale?
If yes, check the spoiler below for some tips on what I may look for :3

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As for the colors I prefer cold colors (blue-green) or black/white somehow. But you are free to show me any color if the genes fit! :3

For species, my faves are Spirals and Skydancers. At the moment I think I have quite enough Spirals but feel free to show me. I prefer male Skydancers than females btw ^^
I also like Guardians, Tundras at times, female Snappers sometimes, Imperials, Coatls and female Pearlcatchers

I like cherub, iri, crystal, vipera kinda, piebald.
For secondary I like shimmer, facet, paint, peregrine, seraph maybe.
For tertiary it's relative since I may or may not like it depending on colors and dragon species, but I'd go for gembond, smoke, spines, okapi and glimmer. Perhaps underbelly. Never ever in my life: crackle.

Honestly you are kind of free to show me whatever dragons o': but never NEVER crackle. Also most likely never speckle, freckle, ripple, current, eye spots.

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Posted: Sat, 17/10/2015 18:00 (9 Years ago)
@Kain thanks for the tips :3
And well yeah I've only seen people charging +$50 for really...like...really incredible arts? Like people who is actually professional(-ish) somehow?
Well and that person who charged $15 for 15 min headshot doodles :b for some reason I always remember that.

Giltine that's seriously beautiful *w* totally saving to character folder <3 with yoru name on it ofc

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Posted: Sat, 17/10/2015 17:31 (9 Years ago)
@Kain that's true about the thin gof they don't have a way to get points. Honestly when I entered years ago I thought 100 points was a lot. Now I see that it's even less than an euro for me. What would it get me, probably some chips xD
I still don't know about the hourly wage because usually people would just commission you if your art was like outstanding I think :T There's so many people offering cheap things and nice quality so $10 may sound quite a lot for one hour. Like, I could never consider charging that for my art and lately I feel like I can't even improve to reach that minimum wage.

And I also had that thing you mention at last, some time ago. I wouldn't offer anything serious too cheap now though. I probably wouldn't offer anything, honestly, because I feel like if I charge a small price I am underselling but if I charge the typical minimum wage per hour I'd feel like I'm charging too much. Again, this is another one of the low self-esteem and insecure persons for everything and when it comes to art I never know how to price.

A Wild Charizard: thanks very much! that actually looks really pretty <3 I'm sending you something on FR right now

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Posted: Sat, 17/10/2015 16:58 (9 Years ago)

If everyone was like that then probably art wouldn't be that...broken? :'D like on deviantART I'm always trying to get points to commission beautiful artists but I can't even get people interested in 100 point commissions that take me 2 hours. Kinda sad. I know it will also depend on skill/quality, obviously, but if you go check there's like people offering some nice things for even lower than 100 points OTL
I don't know
It just seems broken?

And yes well I've probably gotten more customers on FR mini-shop than on dA this whole year.

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Posted: Sat, 17/10/2015 16:50 (9 Years ago)
Would you draw Zeni who I just posted on last page? xD I can re-send it

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Posted: Sat, 17/10/2015 16:36 (9 Years ago)
You could possibly ask on the art sales forum for an interest check? I guess it also depends on how much i nterest people has o: I think the FR community is kinda generous when it comes to art. Someone told me a certain price for my ink things that I thought would have been far too...expensive? but seems like on there it isn't that much.

So perhaps you can even go for more than what Lupa says - but again depends on interest.

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Posted: Sat, 17/10/2015 16:25 (9 Years ago)
Would you possibly like to draw something of Zeni? My lil' elegant trainee c:

Even though I was looking for something else for him I'm quite liking his current apparel and he has just three pieces omg

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Posted: Sat, 17/10/2015 16:12 (9 Years ago)
That actually looks cute and I'd probably be interested? o':

Art academy games are actually kind of useful for these things lol

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