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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from toreden.
Posted: Fri, 19/11/2021 11:15 (2 Years ago)
Thanks for sharing peeps!

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Posted: Fri, 19/11/2021 11:13 (2 Years ago)
Coke goes best with meals or to be used as mixers for drinks. Pepsi is best when you are really thirsty or it's hot outside. That's because I find Pepsi to have a cooler crisp than Coke, which makes it super refreshing. However Coke has a caramelly boldness that works great with hard liquor and doesn't overpower food. Both have a very similar taste, but it would totally depend on situation.

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Posted: Fri, 19/11/2021 11:12 (2 Years ago)
I feel like shopping online has made it possible to have a more curated and well-thought-our wardrobe. I used to love to go shopping over the weekend and after work (TBF I lived in a major city with fantastic shopping). But most of the time I would just browse and end up buying random nice things (mostly impulsive purchases) that didn’t have a place in my wardrobe. I shop mostly online now. I make wish lists based on inspirations from Pinterest and people watching. I sleep on my wish list items for days, weeks, even months before buying them. I research the options and sizing, and then make carefully considered purchases. Is returning items a pain in the ass? Yes. But my wardrobe and personal style has benefitted tremendously from this process.

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