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Posted: Wed, 20/07/2022 21:58 (1 Year ago)
Does anyone know what rarity a milcery egg is?

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Posted: Wed, 20/07/2022 21:50 (1 Year ago)
Does anyone know what rarity a milcery egg is?

Edit: I realized this is the wrong thread but I can't delete the post. Sorry.

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Posted: Tue, 19/07/2022 20:59 (1 Year ago)
Ok, got it. Thank you!

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Posted: Tue, 19/07/2022 20:40 (1 Year ago)
Yeah, I'm on advanced. I'm guessing it might be 40, but I haven't got there yet so I don't know.

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Posted: Tue, 19/07/2022 20:33 (1 Year ago)
I've got to level 35 and still haven't gotten anything. How far does it go?

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Posted: Tue, 19/07/2022 20:30 (1 Year ago)
So you get the candy by spinning the wheel <i>without</i> the candy? Then you spin it again while milcery holds the candy?

I'm asking where you get the sweets from. I know milcery has to hold it to evolve. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear.

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Posted: Tue, 19/07/2022 20:11 (1 Year ago)
I'm sorry, I'm confused then. I thought the wheel was used to evolve them?

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Posted: Tue, 19/07/2022 19:31 (1 Year ago)
Oh you can't tell it which sweet to use? It's just random?

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Posted: Tue, 19/07/2022 18:44 (1 Year ago)
@Umbreonpanda thank you! Do you know how we get the candy for milcery? I didn't see that in the evolution post, just the different types.

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Posted: Fri, 15/07/2022 21:24 (1 Year ago)
Sorry for posting twice, but I can't find an answer to my first question above, and also I wanted to ask about gigamax pokemon. Does that count as a type of evolution? How do you do it?

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Posted: Thu, 14/07/2022 20:00 (1 Year ago)
How does milcery evolve, and is it possible to get the different flavors?

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Posted: Thu, 14/07/2022 18:51 (1 Year ago)
My name's Corgi! I am older than Pokemon itself but still love playing the games. Sometimes I stream on Twitch, and I can't wait for Gen 9 to come out!

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Posted: Thu, 14/07/2022 02:34 (1 Year ago)
Luxray is my fave!!

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