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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from starboy.
Posted: Wed, 05/04/2017 11:00 (7 Years ago)
Quote from starboy - 4/4/2017 7:16 PM@Trager
aaa unfortunately i don't accept gem payments,, but it's just because i don't really use gems for anything ;w; please forgive me,,
otherwise i will draw them!~ all of your characters are nice

Quote from starboy - 4/4/2017 7:17 PM@CrystalCat
your commission has been accepted! i really like nova's design ;o;/ + your art is super cute
i'll get started as soon as possible

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Posted: Tue, 04/04/2017 23:17 (7 Years ago)
Quote from starboy - 4/4/2017 7:16 PM@Blaire

i will accept 50 nuggets! please and thank you ;o;
i'll get started on them soon~ they're cute too!

Quote from starboy - 4/4/2017 7:17 PMalso bumping this thread! :0

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Posted: Sun, 02/04/2017 19:28 (7 Years ago)
Quote from starboy - 4/2/2017 3:23 PM@Popplio

your commission has been accepted!~
feel free to send the payment whenever! ;o; i'll get started as soon as possible!

Quote from starboy - 4/2/2017 3:24 PM@kitkat

your commission has been accepted as well! what a cutie :0
feel free to send the payment and i'll get started soon enough!

Quote from starboy - 4/2/2017 3:25 PM@Koushi

i don't think i'm too overwhelmed! but accepted ;o; <3
what cuties omg!! feel free to send the payment whenever is best for you~
and thank you so much ;;; <3

Quote from starboy - 4/2/2017 3:26 PM@SpaceyAbsol

your commission has been accepted also~ i really like the way they look :'0 i'm sure they'll be fun to draw! feel free to send payment whenever!

Quote from starboy - 4/2/2017 3:28 PM@SensGirl25

what nice designs :0
feel free to send the payment whenever and i'll get started!

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Posted: Fri, 31/03/2017 17:11 (7 Years ago)
Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017 1:06 PM@-ReptilianGoddess-

your commission has been accepted!
feel free to send the payment whenever! ;o; i'll get started right away~

Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017 1:08 PM@Trager

your commission has been accepted as well! what cute characters :0
feel free to send the payment whenever + i'll get started!

Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017 1:10 PM@SkySilvally

thank you so much for the compliment! it means a lot <3
your commission has also been accepted! i'll try to be done with these as soon as possible!

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Posted: Fri, 31/03/2017 16:52 (7 Years ago)
Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017 12:24 PMhello there! welcome to my art shop!

Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017 12:25 PMi'm currently looking for popplio plushies, PD, popplio (the actual pkmn! for trade), and other rare/interesting items and pkmn!

Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017 12:26 PMmy prices are as follows:

fullbody (chibi or not): 20k to 50k pd - or - five pkmn - or - three plushies
knee-up: 10k to 30k pd - or - three pkmn - or - two plushies
sketch: 10k to 20k pd - or - two pkmn - or - one plushie

these are all for one character! it is an extra 5k pd - or - one pkmn - or - one plushie per additional character!

you can also do a mix of these things!
ex: 15k pd and one plush
ex: two pkmn and two plushies
ex: 20k pd and one pkmn


Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017 12:42 PMart examples:

Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017 12:50 PMform:
Show hidden content
- hey starboy, i'd like some art!
type of art:
reference image:
method of payment:

Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017 12:51 PMi am a mspaint user! it may take me a day or two to finish your commission after i accept it! please be patient!

i start your commission after your payment has been sent! thank you for understanding

Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017 12:58 PMi will draw:
Show hidden content
- pokesonas
- furries
- humans
- chibis
- anything really!

i won't draw:
Show hidden content
- nsfw
- intense gore
- drug related things

Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017 2:10 PMpickup!


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Posted: Mon, 28/11/2016 23:41 (8 Years ago)
Quote from starboy - 11/28/2016 6:41 PMname: marius benedik
age: 18
gender: male (he/him)
sexuality: pansexual
crush: tba
weapon/power: a camera that causes whatever it captures to explode depending on the lens used / the ability to speak to pkmn (animals?)
personality: shy / compassionate / passive / easily embarrassed / quiet
password: gengar
other: photography is his livelihood

this is a really old drawing of mine,, please forgive how bad it is

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