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Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 02:04 (10 Years ago)

thank you he said to her you might not want to think about important stuff around me I hope I don't make you hate me but I can read your mind and herd something about allwings in your thoughts

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Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 01:53 (10 Years ago)

thank you Raina. I am fleeing form the nightwings they are tying to kill me becase I am half skywing> i want to know will you try to kill me pr any other rainwing he said almost in a wisper

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Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 01:48 (10 Years ago)

he saw her coming back with a mango when she got to him. he said so this is ac ward. but did you notice my claws they are red I am half skywing.

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Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 01:39 (10 Years ago)

he knew she would walk off when he asked for mangos but stayed where he was. he herd her thoughts she was thinking what was a night wing doing in the middle of the rain forest asking for mangos.

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Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 01:33 (10 Years ago)

he was hoping she would want to talk to him. he said I don't eat fish do you know if I can find some fruit like mangos.

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Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 01:02 (10 Years ago)

my name is storm. I was wondering do you know how I can get something to eat

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Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 00:55 (10 Years ago)

he went over to the tree and called up nicely who are you and what is your name.

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 02:28 (10 Years ago)
he flew up into the clouds looking for something he and his mother could eat when he spoted the rainwing he had herd earlier he flew down to the ground to try to speak with her.

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 02:23 (10 Years ago)

he was sleeping dreaming of him and his mther never being safe from harm. he woke up and his mother was awake. she said to him we need to catch something to eat storm. ok mother strom said to her.

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 02:16 (10 Years ago)

he saw her go in a tree to sleep and went back to his mother to sleep. he was thinking he would catch something to eat soon

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 02:06 (10 Years ago)

he got up to figure out who this rainwing was. he flew up just as she dove into the kingdom he followed her into the kingdom.

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 01:57 (10 Years ago)

he herd another thought coming near. he knew it was a rainwing. he needed to wake his mother before the rainwing was near. he wasn't known by the rainwings as the nightwing he as known as the halfling and he didn't want to be called this.

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 01:31 (10 Years ago)

he looked at the other dragons and wondered what he should do about his ability to read minds. it was rare for night wings to be able to read minds but he was no ordnary night wing he was half skywing. he looked at his mother sleeping next to him and read her thoughts. she was dreaming of the time she fell off a cliff as a drogonnet.

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Posted: Thu, 29/01/2015 01:09 (10 Years ago)
Species:half night wing half skywing
Appearance:is black with silver scales and red claws can read minds.
Fan made?:yes
Back-story:lived in the nightwing volcano land. no night wing knew he was half skywing

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Posted: Fri, 12/12/2014 00:56 (10 Years ago)

pure black cat

type water


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