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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from a23577.
Posted: Thu, 05/07/2018 18:45 (6 Years ago)
Join my hashtag contest!
Hashtag to use: #ShinyOricorioOS
If I hatch the 1st Shiny, there will be 3 winners.
1st = 1 Mega Stone + 3 Dragon Gems
2nd = 100 Normal Gems
3rd = 1 Dragon Gem
Additional requirements: Gift me Ghost or Flying Gems. Or interact with my parties.
Every gem donate = 1 entry.
Every interaction comment (per exchange request)= 1 entry.
Sharing this thread = 1 entry.

Current Entries

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Posted: Sun, 24/06/2018 00:52 (6 Years ago)
Is there a BBCode for Alolan pokemon. Specifically Alolan Vulpix. Thanks in advance!

Nvm figred it out

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Posted: Sat, 28/01/2017 20:19 (8 Years ago)
Show hidden content
1. ALL[/] PH Rules Apply!
2. [b] DO NOT
3. Money First!

Payment Methods
Show hidden content
1 Nugget=1500PD
1 Normal/Fairy Gem=1K PD
1 Flying Gem=750PD
1 Dragon Gem=50K PD

Show hidden content
Lugia (1)=20K PD/14 Nuggets
Shiny Lugia=3.5M PD/2334 Nuggets
Retro Starter=150K PD/100 Nuggets
Uxie=100K PD/7 Nuggets
Mesprit=100K PD/67 Nuggets
Azelf=100K PD/67 Nuggets

Hoenn :
Show hidden content
Marine Cave Map=140K PD/94 Nuggets
Sapphire=160K PD/107 Nuggets
Blue Orb (1)=70K PD/47 Nuggets
Terra Cave Map=140K PD/94 Nuggets
Ruby=160K PD/107 Nuggets
Red Orb (1)=70K PD/47 Nuggets
Sky Pillar Map=140K PD/94 Nuggets
Emerald=160K PD/107 Nuggets
Green Orb (1)=70K PD/47 Nuggets
Eon Stone=110K PD/74 Nuggets
Enigma pearl=70K PD/47 Nuggets
Star Piece=55K PD/37 Nuggets

Sinnoh :
Show hidden content
Vortex Of Time Map=170K PD/114 Nuggets
Adamant Orb=190K PD/127 Nuggets
Hollow Space Map=170K PD/114 Nuggets
Lustrous Orb=190K PD/127 Nuggets
Griseous Crystal=100K PD/67 Nuggets
Spooky Manor Map=120K PD/80 Nuggets
Dark Crystal=170K PD/114 Nuggets
Griseous Orb=80K PD/54 Nuggets
Griseous Pearl=500K PD/334 Nuggets
Volcano Cave Map=170K PD/114 Nuggets
Magma Stone=190K PD/127 Nuggets
New Moon Map=600K PD/400 Nuggets
Yelow Lunar Wing=650K PD/434 Nuggets
Full Moon Map=600K PD/400 Nuggets
Red Lunar Wing=650K PD/434 Nuggets

Unova :
Show hidden content
Cold Rock (2)=120K PD/80 Nuggets
Hard rock (3)=120K PD/80 Nuggets
Light Rock (1)=120K PD/80 Nuggets
Reveal Glass (1)=70K PD/47 Nuggets
White Powder=120K PD/80 Nuggets
Resolute Stone (2)=110K PD/74 Nuggets

Kalos :
Show hidden content
Bottled message (3)=70K PD/47 Nuggets
Submarine Volcano Map (1)=350K PD/234 Nuggets
Frozen Lava=370K PD/247 Nuggets


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Posted: Tue, 10/01/2017 20:39 (8 Years ago)
How much to buy 1 ruby and 1 emerald?

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Posted: Sun, 08/01/2017 01:16 (8 Years ago)
Gem Collector has special offers on those legendaries and a few other Pokémon that obviously require gems to exchange

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Posted: Fri, 02/12/2016 01:03 (8 Years ago)
Polestar! I want to make a wish!
Username: a23577
I wish to be rich!

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Posted: Mon, 24/10/2016 19:54 (8 Years ago)
I think that if you already have premium, you can pay half of whatever you paid for the premium you bought to get another one of that package. So if you paid 250 nuggets for a premium 1 week, you could pay 125 nuggets to get another week and same for the rest of the packages. Right now the only actually useful benefits of premium are the retro vouchers and the extended pokeradar.

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Posted: Fri, 07/10/2016 20:16 (8 Years ago)
I will pay 2500 PD for 2 gold mystery boxes and a dark blue key

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Posted: Fri, 07/10/2016 20:09 (8 Years ago)
Can I get the full evo chain of the event salamence and I also need both Jr. and blossomly in this box: http://pokeheroes.com/userboxes.php?name=Hunni&box=2

They are free right?

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Posted: Thu, 06/10/2016 23:18 (8 Years ago)
Username: a23577

Magikarp Plushies: 102

Box Name: Hunt Leftover #1
Pokemon: Fearow, Ratticate, Onix, Hypno, Porygon, Retro Togepi, Lugia, Houndoom, Makuhita, Hariyama, Manectric, Zangoose, Relicanth, Shelgon, Latias, Latios, Azelf, Phione

Box Name: Hunt Leftover #2
Pokemon: Sandslash, Nidorina, Nidorino, Gloom(2), Venomoth, Psyduck, Golduck, Espeon, Misdreavus, Qwilfish, Skarmory, Houndoom, Celebi, Solrock, Clamperl, Infernape, Pansear

Box Name: Hunt Leftover #3
Pokemon: Nidoran Female, Muk, Rhydon, Bayleef, Murkrow, Tyranitar, Nuzleaf, Slakoth, Slaking, Minun, Slamence, Torterra, Spiritomb, Yanmega, Glaceon, Mamoswine, Gallade, Manaphy, Tepig, Pansage, Braivary, Chespin, Froakie, Furfrou, Hawlucha, Klefki

Box Name: Box 2
Pokemon: Retro Charmander, Farfetch'd, Phione

Box Name: Box 6
Pokemon: Parasect, Hitmonchan, Electabuzz, Sudowoodo, Nuzleaf, Breloom, Nozepass, Seviper, Lunatone, Kecleon, Absol, Walrein, Driblim, Emboar

Box Name: Box 9
Pokeom: Retro Squirtle, Arbok, Horsea, Meganium, Umbreon, Magcargo, Lugia, Swablu, Retro Ducklett

Box Name: Trades
Pokemon: Spearow, Electabuzz, Magmar, Crobat, Xatu, Smeargle, Lugia, Clamperl, Beldum(2), Jirachi, Probopass, Shaymin (Flying Forme)

Private Message If Not Enough

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Posted: Wed, 05/10/2016 00:36 (8 Years ago)
Username: a23577

Magikarp Plushies: 120

Box Name: Hunt Leftover #1
Pokemon: Fearow, Ratticate, Onix, Hypno, Kangaskhan, Porygon, Retro Togepi, Natu, Smoochum, Lugia, Houndoom, Makuhita, Hariyama, Manectric, Zangoose, Castfrom (Female), Sunny Castform, Gusty Castform, Relicanth, Shelgon, Latias, Latios, Azelf, Phione

Box Name: Hunt Leftover #2
Pokemon: Sandslash, Nidorina, Nidorino, Gloom(2), Venomoth, Psyduck, Golduck, Espeon, Misdreavus, Qwilfish, Skarmory, Houndoom, Celebi, Solrock, Clamperl, Infernape, Pansear

Box Name: Hunt Leftover #3
Pokemon: Weedle, Kakuna, Nidoran Female, Muk, Rhydon, Bayleef, Murkrow, Tyranitar, Nuzleaf, Slakoth, Slaking, Minun, Slamence, Torterra, Spiritomb, Sugar Shock, Yanmega, Glaceon, Mamoswine, Gallade, Manaphy, Tepig, Pansage, Sandwebble, Braivary, Chespin, Froakie, Furfrou, Hawlucha, Klefki

Box Name: Box 2
Pokemon: Retro Charmander, Farfetch'd, Phione

Box Name: Box 6
Pokemon: Parasect, Hitmonchan, Electabuzz, Sudowoodo, Nuzleaf, Breloom, Nozepass, Seviper, Lunatone, Kecleon, Absol, Walrein, Driblim, Emboar

Box Name: Box 9
Pokeom: Retro Squirtle, Arbok, Horsea, Meganium, Umbreon, Magcargo, Lugia, Swablu, Retro Ducklett, Easter Bunnelby

Box Name: Trades
Pokemon: Spearow, Electabuzz, Magamr, Crobat, Xatu, Unown B C S ?, Smeargle, Lugia, Clamperl, Beldum(2), Jirachi, Probopass, Shaymin (Flying Forme)

Private Message If Not Enough

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Posted: Wed, 28/09/2016 22:56 (8 Years ago)

Title: #RoyalTunnelProPath

I currently need more funds so I can complete the pro path of royal tunnel so I will now hold a raffle...

Tickets are given out depending on how many PD you send me

1st Place- 5 Dragon Gems + 1 of any of the legendary dogs (Your choice)

2nd Place- 10 Normal Gems + 1 Gible or Deino or Skrelp(Pokemon and its Gender is your choice)

3rd Place- 15 Fire/Grass/Water/Electric (One of any of these gems) + 1 male starter (random)

Sharing This Post = 1 ticket
1,000 PD donation = 1 ticket
10,000 PD donation = 11 tickets
20,000 PD donation = 25 tickets
50,000 PD donation = 70 tickets
Interacting With Party = 6 tickets (Comment with proof)
Gifting 1 Dragon Gem = 30 tickets
Gifting 10 Normal Gems = 30 tickets

Currently: 400 Tickets

Rosalina47-210 Tickets
Spellcraft- 142 Tickets
Johnny103265- 48 Tickets

Ends when I complete the Pro Path

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Posted: Tue, 27/09/2016 18:50 (8 Years ago)
I currently need more funds so I can complete the pro path of royal tunnel so I will now hold a raffle...

Tickets are given out depending on how many PD you send me

1st Place- 5 Dragon Gems + 1 of any of the legendary dogs (Your choice)

2nd Place- 10 Normal Gems + 1 Gible or Deino (Pokemon and its Gender is your choice)

3rd Place- 15 Fire/Grass/Water/Electric (One of any of these gems) + 1 male starter (random)

1,000 PD donation = 1 ticket
10,000 PD donation = 11 tickets
20,000 PD donation = 25 tickets
50,000 PD donation = 70 tickets
Sharing This Post = 1 ticket
Interacting With Celebi Egg = 3 tickets (Post proof of interaction)
Interacting With Mothim = 5 tickets (Post proof of interaction)
Gifting 1 Dragon Gem = 30 tickets
Gifting 10 Normal Gems = 30 tickets

Currently: 175 Tickets

Rosalina47-140 Tickets
Spellcraft- 19 Tickets
Johnny103265- 16 Tickets

Ends when I complete the Pro Path

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Posted: Mon, 26/09/2016 17:22 (8 Years ago)
I will buy a celebi when I get a few more gems(20 right?)

I'll pal pad you when I get the gems

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Posted: Sat, 24/09/2016 00:12 (8 Years ago)
I want to buy all the remaining normal gems

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Posted: Wed, 21/09/2016 03:47 (8 Years ago)
Need a Froakie x3 all males and two mald Chespins for 10 normal gems, palpad replies

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Posted: Sun, 18/09/2016 00:17 (8 Years ago)
I will buy 60 pokeballs for 10 fighting gems, ok?

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Posted: Sun, 18/09/2016 00:11 (8 Years ago)
I'll give you three light blue mystery boxes for 75 water gems

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Posted: Sat, 17/09/2016 20:34 (8 Years ago)

Title: 20 Fighting Gems

I'll give you 20 fighting gems for a brown key, ok?

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Posted: Sat, 03/09/2016 19:05 (8 Years ago)

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