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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Ziddykamm.
Posted: Thu, 02/05/2024 06:38 (8 Months ago)
(You should probably introduce your character. Do a post. Join the group in character. Just walk up like others did? Etc :o))

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Posted: Thu, 02/05/2024 05:20 (8 Months ago)
The black ditto bounces

"I can fight! If I can figure out what my enemies moves do, I can use them right back. I can even copy you guys!"

She beams proudly. She started copying the mannerisms of the Pikachu with out realizing, pantomining and rubbing her own ear.

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Posted: Tue, 23/04/2024 22:50 (8 Months ago)
The black ditto jumped abit, startled. She didn't see Valifex approach, and with an eek, she stood behind Terata.

" Who..what? Wait. Who sneaks up gives half an explanation and stops? I mean. We have to take out the kid nappers as well as save the children...right? Otherwise they will just, rekidnap them?" She mentions, before sliding out from behind the Pikachu and staring at where valifex vanished too

" So weird. Well, uh. I want to help. Where do we go?"

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Posted: Mon, 22/04/2024 05:34 (8 Months ago)
(Shiny's character went off to the dungeon alone.. so hes not here . Mewtwo2's account is locked. So imma post for now. Until we catch up ye)

Inky eeked at the poke from the venosaur, and suddenly the Pikachu melts turning into a black colored ditto. Her form as black as a pool of oil. She giggled at that

" Awee. It was going to be fun. But yea. I wasn't expecting the joke to go on! I am inky, a ditto! There is something going on? Sorry if I interrupted something. Seems important. "

She extended a paw up to thr Pikachu, smiling at her.

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Posted: Sat, 20/04/2024 21:34 (8 Months ago)
Damn. I've been hard focusing normal eggs. Uh is there a way to get more normal eggs?

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Posted: Sat, 20/04/2024 19:21 (8 Months ago)
Tis my favorite pokemon... how do i get one? I cant afford the nuggets or pokedollars to buy one

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Posted: Fri, 19/04/2024 05:07 (8 Months ago)
Inky smiled at the other pikachu and answered "I am Inky as I said, pleased to meet you. Oh.. uh. I must of left before you.. from the village.. that we come from" She giggles at that, leaning in.

"How about you? What was our villages name again, I don't remember. Its been a while since I was.. there"

She stumbled abit, not expecting this kind of conversation. The ditto had thought that it would be a quick, shock and something fun, she was not expecting to have to improvise and make up things on the fly.

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Posted: Fri, 19/04/2024 04:25 (8 Months ago)

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Posted: Fri, 19/04/2024 04:03 (8 Months ago)
(( Its the mews post, right? Seems like a good time to introduce youself. Also, did shiney's character just up and leave in one post? ))

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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2024 22:20 (8 Months ago)
Inky would slide through the town, spotting a group of pokemon nearby. Blinking, the inky black ditto peeked around a corner, spying a purple pikachu, and giggling softly, and she would transform, turning into a purple pikachu, a nearly perfect copy of the one she saw. Her paws were slightly bigger then the others, as were her ears, giving her a rather lopsided appearance. and then fully walking around the corner, waveing merrily to the group of pokemon.

"Hai! I just got into town, I am Inky! Oh my! You all are so cute!"

She smiled, her tone friendly and cheery, yet she couldn't help but to giggle. She wondered if they suspected anything!

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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2024 22:05 (8 Months ago)

Title: Character

Name of character:Inky
Pokemon Species:Ditto
Pokemon Color (normal, shiny, special): Special, oily black color
Moveset: Transform
Team Name: Copycats

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