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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Zerro.
Posted: Mon, 24/04/2017 22:07 (7 Years ago)
I wound up with 13/15 eggs and like the last time I joined, none of them were in the forums despite me being convinced they were, I'll learn eventually. XD
The last two locations have left me a little salty. I know it's my fault, not blaming the randomness. But it'll bug me if I can't get my question answered. Could someone tell me if the Speed Click Event page is accessible when the SCE events aren't running? Or is my inactivity on this site showing and I simply missed the link?

I also apparently had an egg on 'browse hashtag' page. My own fault there, I never bother with hashtags, I didn't know that page existed. XD Though, it took a while to actually see where the egg was because it kept redirecting me to the notifications page. Zooming out showed it at the bottom in the empty space below the page content, not sure if its supposed to be like that or if its a result of me zooming out/the page being redirected the moment it loads. Had me confused for a while there either way, I was genuinely thinking I'd gotten a glitched egg.

Well, maybe next time I'll find them all. At least I got the event Pokemon from getting 10 eggs. Thanks for the event, though I always find these hunts a little frustrating, I still get a thrill from finding eggs.

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Posted: Mon, 23/11/2015 23:17 (9 Years ago)

Here's my other entry! Not much to say about this, just a silly idea I thought might be funny. Glad I was able to finish it before the deadline. :)

That'll be the last post from me until the winners are announced. Best of luck to everyone! I've got a few favourites on here that I'm rooting for. X3

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Posted: Sat, 21/11/2015 21:24 (9 Years ago)
Here's my entry, I was worried I wouldn't get it finished in time between college and falling ill but hey! Here I am! :D

I know it's not strictly Christmas themed like the requirements said, so I understand if it's disqualified. When the idea popped into my head though, I simply had to draw it. I felt like a complete noob doing it but I had a blast learning new skills and I'm pleased with how it turned out. So I don't mind if it doesn't meet the requirements, this is one of those few things that turned out just as I imagined it!
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(I can darken the image if it's too light, just say)

I figured it might be nice for the image to be left up to interpretation by who's looking at it. It is PMD inspired though, they're looking to befriend the legendary. Perhaps even invite him for hot cocoa. ;)
I know the deadline is only a matter of days away but if I do have the time to finish it then I'll have a more festive themed entry. ^-^

On another note, there are so many awesome entries! I can't wait to see who wins this! X3

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Posted: Mon, 02/11/2015 21:40 (9 Years ago)
Never commented before but I really did enjoy this event. ^-^

Just a shame I'm no good with riddles. A such, I did ask for help with some of the clues and typically found I was in the right area, just not quite doing it right. XD
I wasn't able to do the last two but I don't mind. I wouldn't have attempted the code anyway, with only three winners. It wouldn't have felt right to try and enter.

Only thing I have an issue with is that there were only three Shiny Darkrai. For such a large userbase I find that is a little, well, unfair. Considering 111 people played fair. It seems a shame that only three were rewarded. Even five or ten would have been fairer in my opinion but hey, this was a first time right? Maybe future events (that perhaps do not have as much fabulous effort put into them) could take the above into consideration? Just my opinion of course and a very small one on this site. ^-^

And I guess people will probably start hunting Darkrai soon enough, assuming the maps become available that is.

I'm pretty isolated from the community but it does sadden me to see such a large number of people cheating and once more you having to go through it all and find out who's genuine. Hopefully seeing these numbers will make some of those cheaters think twice next time.

Perhaps in future events, the code could be kept hidden until all or a certain number of steps/puzzles have been taken/solved. It might cut down on how many people cheat.

Congrats to those who won! :D

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Posted: Thu, 11/12/2014 20:49 (10 Years ago)
htokals and selatenin are two of my many favourites. X3

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Posted: Tue, 13/05/2014 19:14 (10 Years ago)

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