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Posted: Fri, 20/07/2018 10:17 (6 Years ago)
THANK YOU!! CatLady, Liirah :3!

Also Bratmatsu UuU <3

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Posted: Thu, 19/07/2018 09:42 (6 Years ago)
Oh wow are you sure?!

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Posted: Thu, 19/07/2018 06:51 (6 Years ago)
Like I mean, what is the meaning of a little red star next to the name of my pokemon? Or anyones pokemon, they happen to be on some of the exact same type as others and still others do not have it, like for example I have my Pichu without a star and he's level 101, but in the clicklist I saw another Pichu with lower level, nothing else different than mine, not even or anything, BUT the star next to his Pichu name.
Maybe this means something important?
I appreciate any answers C:

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Posted: Tue, 17/07/2018 18:19 (6 Years ago)

Title: I love you! ❤

Thank you sooo much you've been of really much help this responds all my thoughts and doubts about clicklist so far, so I'm very grateful n.n I guess that one has to be somewhat famous around here to get more clicks than usual to their pokemons and that they use this pokemon listed on their comments and such that has a button that says "train" and "thank you" when you click it, but other than that, guess it's all that matters :3 Max right?
I'm adding you to friend list you're just so sweet and informative, again thanks and have a big hug from me!

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Posted: Tue, 17/07/2018 18:03 (6 Years ago)
Yesh this is a very useful guide, I really appreciate it c:

Also, just to be sure then the ONLY thing that matters when rumbling is not the type or rarity of the pokemon, BUT the level, right?

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Posted: Tue, 17/07/2018 16:24 (6 Years ago)
I think this is my last question, for now xD... I'm sorry I'm just new and I really like this site so I try to search for every bit go information about it and I see no thread that actually explain it, so

My question is: how does it really work, since I see people with like, 9999+ pokemon and the clicklist from let's say, for example, "Unreturned Favors", shows a single pokon from a user and that's it. So I was wondering, how does it select a single pokemon, is there a hidden way to put a pokemon from my collection at the top or something to make it be the one to click on when returning favors? Why that pokemon in specific among all the others? Also does it matter to have my pokemon in my party or boxes? Does it make them be on that clicklist more?

And also... The "Newest Adoptions" clicklist, what is the point of it exactly? I ask this because I know it's supposed to be to help new eggs hatch faster ir at least that's what Rowan persuaded me to think xD BUT, I see some Moltres, Dragonaire, Shiny Mew, Salamance lvl 121, etc, popping up in there from time to time every 50 eggs or so and it makes me wonder as to why and how to make my pokemon pop up in there too so that they can lvl up faster :3

Every answer greatly appreciated and a huuuge thank in advance and a biiig HUG UuU <3

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Posted: Tue, 17/07/2018 16:15 (6 Years ago)
Wow you've been really helpful thank you :3!!!!

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Posted: Tue, 17/07/2018 16:11 (6 Years ago)

Also I see that this has been here for years... AND HASN'T BEEN EVEN GIVEN A THOUGHT?
I suggest this to be bumped like craaazy because it's one of those great ideas that doesn't seem to be heard

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Posted: Tue, 17/07/2018 15:55 (6 Years ago)
Hi there I'm kinda new here so I just wanted to ask, among other things... Does it really matter to level up in here? For the pokemon since I see a lot of high level pokemon being sold like nothing so I was wondering if maybe level for pokemon isn't a relevant thing
Also while I'm at it, mm maybe I'm kinda slow to get it but, the point of pokeheroes, is it just to collect different pokemon and that's it?
Because I see lots of different sprites and images of pokemon which have been modified and quite frankly I don't see an appeal in those because I care about original pokemon but, they seem to be the most valuable assets here so it kinda makes the idea that this is just a collection stamp book and nothing more... Maybe I'm just rambling up some things but I dunno, like I said I'm new and was attracted because of the pokemon c:
Any answer will be REALLY appreciated. Thanks in advance! ❤

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Posted: Tue, 17/07/2018 15:36 (6 Years ago)
THIS. I was looking for this. T h a n k y o u.
I thought the exact same thing, we need npc for the newbies like me, otherwise it's just like a bully type system... Which is no fun

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Posted: Thu, 12/07/2018 20:44 (6 Years ago)
Oh thanks! If I take long to respond to you personally it's because I'm having a bit of trouble finding the way :'3 sorry

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Posted: Thu, 12/07/2018 20:10 (6 Years ago)
Hello I've been here for a couple of days playing or trying to haha but... I feel kinda silly saying this but I don't quite get how this works, so I'd appreciate if you guys could tell me a few tips, like how to hatch my eggs faster since it's been hours and they haven't hatched yet when yesterday in a matter of minutes they were... And I already reached the 10 000 interactions some time ago in the unlimited clicklist of the new eggs like Rowan said but it doesn't seem to be doing anything? I dunno...
Also little things like changing my profile picture and how do you really get gold nuggets here since I don't have any...
I REALLY like this game since I love pokemon so much and it's been years since I last played any game, 8 I think haha so I guess all I'm saying is that gi you could help me with some general knowledge, specially the secret ones or something, I'll be so grateful, that when I get enough dream points (which I also don't know how...) I'll give y'all plushys :3

Love, Xihart.

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