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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Vivien.
Posted: Tue, 17/05/2016 22:46 (8 Years ago)
I have a gold box im about to try and sell.
I dont have very many items due to being on her not even a week
Don't know how to get rare candies
Have no idea how to get Summon items
Im not gonna spend real money
I can't even reach 5K to buy a garden
And I click all the time to try and raise a little.

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Posted: Tue, 17/05/2016 22:20 (8 Years ago)
You kinda blocked me so We can't talk. And I would just rather not. I'm used to games like this having a real market going by how rare things are and what they have possibilities of doing. It makes it easier for someone to make money and buy items they need to better themselves in this game. but the market here doesn't follow anything unless it's a Mega evo or a legendary. Like really.. I'm fighting to even get 10K in poke gold just to buy the radar and what not. I've been breeding my butt off and buying pokemon to breed and try and get better ones. But with a Market of only high price Mega or Legendary it's kinda hard. And even if I am knew to this game I have played many many others. And I am not a child at all. So I don't know why you assumed I was when I was talking about RL marketing techniques. If everyone selling one pokemon ups the price and keeps it up people will HAVE to buy it that price or try and get in through the professor which for RARE pokemon is hard to do. It's easier to just buy them. COntrol the price and you can make a higher income. Females, if you notice, always go higher than males because they are harder to get. Just because you are breeding and making a lot then sure it might be easier for you to get, but not for others. Just gotta learn how to market. I guess I'm thinking people on the game would use rl skills on here, but I forget a lot of kids do play this. I just got offended when you 1. Called me a child. And 2. Blocked me for no reason.

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Posted: Tue, 17/05/2016 21:57 (8 Years ago)
I just feel it's not right. I feel like they should go for a higher price if there is a chance they mega evolve or if you can breed to make them evolve

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Posted: Tue, 17/05/2016 19:27 (8 Years ago)
So I'm pretty annoyed with people and them under pricing pokemons in auction house just because they are breeding. How is anyone going tomake money? At ask someone nicely to up price their Pokémona bit more so follow everyone else so everyone has a fair chance at selling without the price of the Pokémon going down. This person rudely called me a child sent me a forum that even he didn't understand. Then blocked me. Like im trying to be nice and all and it seems being nice doesn't work on here.

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