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Searching for: Posts from UndergroundMetro.
Posted: Fri, 28/04/2023 13:24 (1 Year ago)
im a studying pathologist, and i love researching diseases i know, morbid. but there actually really interesting! the thing is I've basically seen almost everything. so im trying to find something new to research, that being some sort of sickness, or maybe even a sport! im not pickey

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Posted: Fri, 28/04/2023 13:20 (1 Year ago)
megamind ladybug that came from space probably! if it tried to stand on those lil legs its would fall flat like a slammin lid

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Posted: Fri, 28/04/2023 13:18 (1 Year ago)
hi hi! ah i love talking about my hobby! its researching diseases, poisons, and drugs! Its such an interesting topic, and i love finding out more about it! i fully plan to become a pathologist to help follow this! some of my favorite topics I researched are sleepy sickness (the names funny. thats why) krokodil (wow! okay Russia!) and mad cow disease (wow! okay Britain!)

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Posted: Fri, 28/04/2023 13:14 (1 Year ago)
no, we all know that the god avian got upset at kaguya so he made birds to annoy him (my dnd lore)

should i start an animation (id probably start crying and give up halfway through but its fine cause its fun)

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Posted: Thu, 27/04/2023 14:51 (1 Year ago)
ah wow, pick

there is no god in space by screaming mechanical brain!

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Posted: Thu, 27/04/2023 14:49 (1 Year ago)
i was looking for a name to go by, then i saw this song called metro, and i liked it as a name! although metro is usually taken, so i wanted to add something. while playing splatoon i found the level underground metro, and i was like, wow that works! so thats the story

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Posted: Thu, 27/04/2023 13:35 (1 Year ago)
that is a bug! sorry dawg☺

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Posted: Tue, 25/04/2023 23:46 (1 Year ago)

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