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Posted: Mon, 02/05/2016 03:04 (8 Years ago)
Lawrence took observations abound. It was one thing to have a strange ability, but an entirely different affair to carry a blue blob on their back. That it became solid so fast wasn't clear, either. Lawrence wanted to assume the Trapinch's icy jaws were responsible, but he hadn't ever seen ice so blue or sublime.

Whereas the Tropius recoiled, Lawrence asked the subject a question: "Sorry. Are you alright?"

Dumb question, mind him. "Alright? Check yourself, Lawrence!"
"Uh, Lawrence-! You're bleeding!"

Lawrence turned to Winston, gesturing to his feather, and asked: "May I-"

"Get your own."
"Chirp off."

For the time being, then, Lawrence held his head against his body. Talons pointed away from the blue matter. This was the coldest Lawrence had felt so far.

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Posted: Mon, 02/05/2016 02:15 (8 Years ago)
Get out of the way!

Rabid claws swiped after Lawrence and company, only to miss his other heads. "We-"

One swiped the side of his face and tore feathers from his cheek. Lawrence wouldn't have it, but the others couldn't act. Neither Winston or Samuel would fight; the former ravenously hungry; the latter scared of battle. There was a tension he couldn't ignore.

Fine. You won't act.

It might explain why he used the Acupressure technique instead. "Sorry again - found something of use." The Dodrio, more concentrated this time, [b]attempted to the Tropius (Fin). It hoped to raise its attack.

Lawrence was not a doctor. It had no idea what it was aiming for.

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Posted: Mon, 02/05/2016 01:58 (8 Years ago)
Squealing. Blobbing. To Winston's chagrin, Lawrence moved to the source.

A Trapinch, maws blue as ice, against what might've been water..
A Minun with bright coloration.
A Tropius in disrepair.


One head attempted to reach for the Tropius; Lawrence held its neck. "N. No. Sorry." The other took cues from Lawrence and observed.

Or, it would've claimed. The head froze in place.

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Posted: Mon, 02/05/2016 01:38 (8 Years ago)
Squawking. Right head pecked away at a lone chain; it soon spit out a nut. "Blech! Done and over with!" Either way, there wasn't much else Lawrence could observe in his pen. The three lowered themselves to the ground, squatted, and...

...slid under their barriers?

Oh, heavens!

"Excellent," Lawrence exclaimed. The thrill got the other heads into a prepared state - at least for then. He soon found himself staring down a hallway. Lawrence lumbered away; hearing Pokemon, but unable to confirm their identities.

Or maybe he was a loon.

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Posted: Mon, 02/05/2016 00:36 (8 Years ago)
Lawrence awoke knowing that Winston and Samuel, fellow heads on the chest, wanted Figy berries for breakfast. With their revolving palletes, he had never known this before - and this shocked him. The other heads amplified this, and asked the middle one a slew of questions.

"Look. I get it - this isn't quite what we we were expecting. You'll need to stick with me on this."

In unison: "That's Tauro-"

Lawrence then said: "I'm sorry. I don't know much else about this." Blank looks. "There's a saying. E pluribus unum; out of many, we are one. That's what it is. Yell about it now, if you must."

They did. For a solid minute, the Dodrio's other heads released their worst emotions. Crying. Laughter. Withheld lashing. Once the other heads held still, Lawrence hummed, then gave a universal command: "Search." Heads twisted and rolled about as the three-headed Pokemon explored unfamiliar territory. "Careful." With the dilapidated, sullen expressions of the others, Lawrence felt like a crane trying to lift himself. Though his door was half-open - easy to squeeze under with a squat - he didn't leave quite yet.

He took one look back at their pen, tight and restrictive as it was.

Winston cried first: I want to go! Samuel followed: Staring at that reject outhouse again, Lawrence? Can I be offed now?

A final rebuttal: There are probably more like this. Here- hold on! Voices from afar followed; Lawrence kept his spirit up.

(out of character: hope this works)

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Posted: Sun, 01/05/2016 15:57 (8 Years ago)
Hey, can I join or naw?
RP Name: SikhGraveler, or just Graveler. Either works
Pokemon Name: Lawrence
Pokemon: Dodrio
Gender: Male
Type: Psychic/Flying
Appearance: Not much seems to have changed aesthetically, save for some rising hair. It's easier to see what happened to the Dodrio in action; the fact that it can levitate without assistance is just one sign; on another note, it occasionally retracts its movements.
Other Notes: Each of the Dodrio's three heads knows what the other is thinking. Internal politics are more consistent. This revelation horrifies the outer three, who have spent long hours adapting to their new form...

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Posted: Sun, 01/05/2016 07:04 (8 Years ago)
You, Ambie, are a very kind user.

Thank you for your service.

Pleasure meeting all you fellow newcomers, too.

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