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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from ShinyFoxx.
Posted: Mon, 07/03/2022 16:31 (2 Years ago)
Don't worry, Just eat it, you'll be fine!

Waiter, there's a Shiny in my soup!

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Posted: Sun, 06/03/2022 15:52 (2 Years ago)
I'd like to buy some gems!
What kind of gem: Bug
How many: 2
Any other details: Not really but I saw you try to get a shiny? Best of luck ^_^
Thanks as always

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Posted: Sat, 05/03/2022 18:35 (2 Years ago)
oh man i really need more molah lol

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:38 (2 Years ago)
I want to buy some gems!
2 rock gems
tank you!

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:20 (2 Years ago)
Hi, can't find a shiny umbreon/eevee, In the future can you plz get me one? Thank u!

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Posted: Tue, 01/03/2022 01:31 (2 Years ago)
So gen 9 is coming out this year (pokemon scarlet and pokemon violet) and I'm curious to know which of the three adorable starters everyone wants to pick. personally, i'm going for the little green kitty cat spirigico (prob spelt that wrong lol) but thought this would be interesting

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