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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sun, 22/10/2017 18:02 (6 Years ago)
I belive that mine is Zombies, but I am not sure

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Posted: Fri, 02/06/2017 02:49 (6 Years ago)

Title: "When nothing in the world"

If people say for you to remeber...
That theres good in the world...
How can you see...
When nothing in the world is ever good for me

How can you tell me to remeber....
When even you've forget me...
How can you tell me when theres nothing...
Left in the world to me anymore....

How can anybody understand the pain I see...
How can you tell me everything is okay...
When I have nothing left to hold onto...
Nothing left that loves me anymore...

How can I ever run to your arms...
When your arms ain't open to me anymore..
How can you say you care...
When I can't even get the time of day in your world....

How can I have the happiness you wish for me...
When nothings left in the world for me...
How can I give you my heart...
When its nothing left in my heart...
The soul is gone and dry...
Just like the earth when theres nothing left...

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Posted: Fri, 05/05/2017 02:54 (7 Years ago)

Title: A song dedicated to Anka

*A Light fog rolls across the stage, a deep baritone hums a beat*

If I could show you how much you mean to me... There would be no time to tell you how much I care for you...
If you were gone from my arms, I would fight to get you back in my life...
No matter where you go, you will always be in my heart... Always safe from the harm that tries to tear us apart...
No matter how low we go, you will always be high as the sky in your dreams that make you the queen of your own reality...

I love you like the sun
I would carry you everywhere, like the goddess that you are
I love you like the moon
Even though the darkness tries to tell you to stay away
I love you like my everything
Can you show me the same...
[End Chorus]

I wish you had the time... Cause I lost mine when I was looking at you
I wish you could see... The golden heart that you carry...
I want you to know... How much I love you so...
I hope you can... Let me show you the way to the light that we offer you...

I love you Anka, you are the best and nobody will ever tell you differently

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Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 15:49 (7 Years ago)
After exploring for a while, and loosing her tracking vack to the only thing she knew, Nya returned to the destroyed ship, laying on the ground trying to relax before her inevitable death that she had quite the feeling was coming, she was alone, she was always alone

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Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 04:19 (7 Years ago)
Having grabbed all that she could scavenge, Nya pulled the primer back on the Siaga-12 that she had found, it was white but had burn marks, she scanned the area once more "Nothing... Seems dead'er then the planet that I hail from.... Never the less, shoot to kill anything "

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Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 03:47 (7 Years ago)
"Stupid piece of crap! Urgh! First you have engine stalls, and now you hurt my foot! What else!?" She looks around, wearing a gasmask not knowing if there was poisonous gasses around or in the air

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Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 03:12 (7 Years ago)
Nya was already crash landed a few kilometers away, not really hurt, but her ship absolutely totalted and a blazing fire ball of metal and supplies "Guh... Stupid escape pod... Useless those carbon life form creatures are!" she kicks the ship, screaming out in pain cause she kicked a fireball of a ship

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Posted: Sat, 22/04/2017 23:32 (7 Years ago)
Name: Nya
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Tar Dragon
History: Nya was the last of her kind, not really caring for much of the race that was ruler of the earth, honestly, they annoyed her, always complaining or lying about their lives, it just wasn't for her, so after being invited by Mother Fae to her home, she waits for the day that she can return to her people
Special ability: ShapeShifting, but stays a Jet Black Color

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Posted: Sun, 16/04/2017 18:44 (7 Years ago)
*Sets her down* Well dang Skylar, you are getting bigger and bigger each day! Soon you'll be the one picking Ty off the ground haha *Punches her arm playfully*

Yea, maybe

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Posted: Sun, 16/04/2017 16:07 (7 Years ago)
Don't let it get to your head kid, you still have your school work to attend to and such *Sets her down* And you still have your chores that Nate asked you to do

*Runs over, picking up anf hugging Skylar* That was awesome!

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Posted: Sun, 16/04/2017 15:58 (7 Years ago)
*Goes out and lifts Skylar onto his shoulders* Good job Skylar, you cut it close that one, but that win is gonna take us to the Nationals!

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Posted: Sun, 16/04/2017 15:55 (7 Years ago)
Come on Skylar, you can do it.... I know you can....

The ball fires into the goal, scoring the final point to win the game for the team

*Jumps up and cheers* THATS MY LITTLE SISTER!!! WOOO!!!

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Posted: Sun, 16/04/2017 15:47 (7 Years ago)
As the years go by, not many occurrences have happened to Aki and the others, but Ty has been training Skylar... To be a Warrior.... A Indestructible Creature... A daughter.... But as you may think that Ty was teaching her to fight? No no no, he was teaching her how to play Soccer for her schools State Champion Team, and Ty? Well, he's now the coach and "Soccer Mom"

Come on Skylar! If the goals open take the shot! Don't choke if you get nervous! Remeber you are a Warrior!

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Posted: Sun, 16/04/2017 15:27 (7 Years ago)
Thats good, thats very good... *Smiles at her* Well, its getting late, I think everyone should be getting to bed?

(Are we allowed to do a time skip?)

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Posted: Sun, 16/04/2017 04:54 (7 Years ago)
*Notices the ladybug leave* Just like all good things in life Skylar, they must leave at some point, you just learn to let things go

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Posted: Sun, 16/04/2017 04:16 (7 Years ago)
See? Being afraid of things is natural, bugs is a very common phobia along with Needles, its just how we live *Pats Peachs back genlty* You must remeber, we are all a family here, nobody is going to harm anyone

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Posted: Sun, 16/04/2017 04:03 (7 Years ago)
Its okay if you are afriad of bugs Peach, we all have our fears, like mine is drowning

*Talks through Ty* Mine is people and needles

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Posted: Sun, 16/04/2017 03:45 (7 Years ago)
I don't see how, she was in your line of sight that entire time nor did she make any sudden movements, she jusy showed you the bug

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Posted: Sun, 16/04/2017 03:35 (7 Years ago)
Whats the matter Peach? You afraid of a harmless little ladybug?

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Posted: Sat, 15/04/2017 00:22 (7 Years ago)
*Smiles and watches the Ladybug crawl onto Skylars hand, and thinks to himself* She is such a patient child

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