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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Saphira455.
Posted: Mon, 05/04/2021 18:47 (3 Years ago)
I would enjoy if I could see where the eggs I missed, were, tbh. To see if I missed one(s) I could have actually gotten or not.

Edit: April 7th; Just found my 16th. :/

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Posted: Sun, 04/04/2021 23:29 (3 Years ago)
Kinda sad because I don't have many items and certainly not the levels to see everything. I have 15/16 for any prize and it's absolutely not from lack of trying. I don't think I got very good luck for where my eggs are hidden...

I've honestly searched to extreme lengths, trying different areas of the same place and even searching deep into areas I've never even glanced at. Multiple times in fact. I was thankfully close to level 11 when the event started and hoped that leveling up would reveal that one more egg needed, but no such luck. :(

I'd share the crazy places I've looked and things I tried as proof, but I know we aren't allowed to. Even as I'm typing this, I'm double and triple checking everything.

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Posted: Mon, 28/03/2016 15:08 (8 Years ago)
Darn... sadly I got 14 eggs and then couldn't find another one in time...

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Posted: Mon, 31/03/2014 14:34 (10 Years ago)

Title: Hiya

Hello, Call me whatever nickname you want. Saphira455, Saphira, 455, Saphire, Saph, or anything of that sort, but only friends can call me Saphy. I am very friendly and will almost never refuse a friending attempt. Please look in Chickensmoothie.com for 'saphira455' if you have a profile on there, or to check it out and see if you wish to join. I will also accept friends there, And please check out my profile and see if you wish to try and adopt one of my own oekaki creatures.

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