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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from RedScar.
Posted: Mon, 28/05/2018 02:40 (6 Years ago)
(I hope this is still open . . . I get so paranoid)

Agantuk Sekimoto (Nicknames include Tuk and, more commonly, Moto)
Gender & Sexuality:
Male | Pansexual
There is no method to the madness of Agantuk's hair, and if the hair was living, it would be classified as bipolar. The top layer of his hair is curly, while the bottom layer is straight. The two mix together making his hair has a crazy wild look to it. The coloring is also interesting since it is black at the roots and slowly morphing into a pearly white at the ends. Agantuk's hair is longer, but not long enough to pull it back so he usually wears a clip instead. His olive tan skin is riddled with scars, though he keeps them hidden most of the time. The only one that is truly noticeable is the scar cutting through the end of his right eyebrow, starting from the middle of the forehead to his cheekbone, barely missing his eye. His wide, almond-shaped eyes are an earthen brown with their golden flecks giving the irises depth. Agantuk stands at about six feet tall. (So I don't really feel like writing out a long description of Moto's outfit, so if you follow this link, it will take you to the pic. Everything is the same, except he also has a black satchel and the appearance | https://www.pinterest.com/pin/382946774559719860/)
Human fused with the benevolent spirit of a Harpy Eagle (Is this okay?)
Agantuk is quiet and a man of few words when you first meet him. He is an introvert that would much rather read a book or wander alone. However, if you are the one to initiate the conversation, he will happily take for however long you want. He is secretly very shy which is what makes it hard for him to make friends. He is reserved around people he is not close with, and he only reveals half of what he is keeping to himself with those he is. He has mastered the skill of keeping his facial expressions stoic and neutral. He rarely smiles because of this, but Agantuk tends to have a hard time hiding how he feels with his eyes. They are is dead give away. Despite is indifferent outer shell, he can be passionate and obstinate/truculent because of it.
An Adventurer that sells his finds to the local merchants | To make more money he works with odd jobs and as hired protection
A variety of long daggers and a loyal Golem (as he acquired it in his travels) | Agantuk is attuned with air and even has the ability to control a little of it, it can be magnified with an amulet he has also acquired, though it can only be worn for short amounts of time (this aerokinesis can sometimes be confused with telekinesis since he uses wind to move objects)
Agantuk was born into a nomadic tribe that was one with animals and nature, which is probably where he got his love for wandering. The leader of the matriarchy was a kind old woman that raised Moto after his mother died and his father disappeared. In this tribe, it was customary for every child to be fused with a spirit at the age of ten. It was seen as a rite of passage into adulthood, marking when the person first gains their special talent. The spirit that came to Agantuk was that of a Harpy Eagle, a shock to everyone. It had been a long time when since someone's soul was fused with an entity of the air. Many became jealous of him and he became a common topic of envy. Soon he had had enough of the whispers and his own questions about who his father really was. Agantuk decided to leave the comfort of his nomadic home to go on adventures and to find answers. When he was twenty (6-7 years after he left) he came upon Zothea and decided to make it the "base of his operations". Therefore he could get regular business and have a place to return to after his journeys. It was about time he had found a constant in his life to keep him balanced. He has never seen his old tribe again.
- NO ONE knows his past
-Since he has traveled all of his life, Agantuk is very knowledgeable about different languages and cultures
-One of his pet peeves is people openly being rude for no warrant, Another is talking bad about different cultures, especially nomadic ones
-He has a white snake named Jinx as a companion
-No, the Harpy Eagle is not a Spirit Animal, it was fused with his soul granting him aerokinesis and sharper senses and agility

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