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Searching for: Posts from Raylong268.
Posted: Thu, 21/10/2021 05:58 (3 Years ago)
!! [CassetteMan], [Raylong268] wants to buy a Pokémon !!

What Pokémon may it be? Should it be a Shiny?: Shiny Oricorio (Sensu)
How many of these Pokémon would you prefer?: 1
Do you want it/them to carry an Everstone?: Nope
What are your payment method? (mix allowed): PD
You get to know the password, please name it.: Windy Castform

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 19/07/2020 15:01 (4 Years ago)
My friend is currently busy, so I’ll answer for him. We’re not selling any hunts that are not written on the front page, so not at the moment. Please feel free to check back in the future if we do end up doing such a hunt though, but remember to look at the front page first :)

[Read more]
Posted: Fri, 17/07/2020 14:21 (4 Years ago)

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 11/07/2020 15:27 (4 Years ago)
Show hidden content
For the Cooking Mama badge, is Lyra's Favorite Recipe counted for the 30 total recipes? Because I have 30 but still haven't received the badge yet

Edit: The badge updated later than expected, so I answered my own question. Sorry for the inconvenience :/

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 09/07/2020 10:27 (4 Years ago)
Don't worry I have like 0 photoshopping skills

Honestly, that would be equally as useful as well for a compromise, to help retain the current style of design while also relaying information needed. May I have permission to use the image?

[Read more]
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 07:12 (4 Years ago)

[Read more]
Posted: Mon, 06/07/2020 15:26 (4 Years ago)
I think I’ll go and give it another try. Thanks so much for the help!

[Read more]
Posted: Mon, 06/07/2020 14:59 (4 Years ago)
Show hidden content
It’s called The Berrymarket, I’ve been farming berries for around 30-ish minutes but wasn’t getting anything

[Read more]
Posted: Mon, 06/07/2020 14:47 (4 Years ago)
Trying to complete the sets, but I’m having issues with getting certain ones

Show hidden content
What do we need to do to get the puzzle pieces from Berrygarden? (not the ones from Bulletin Board)

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 04/07/2020 17:53 (4 Years ago)
Although this is a minor adjustment, this issue absolutely annoys me to no end.

What I suggest is that we change the obtained and hatch date in a Pokemon’s profile from it’s current format (1 Year 3 Months ago, etc.) to a static date (27 April 2020, 08:42)


While our current system doesn’t really have any glaring issues, it would help immensely for people who keep a diary on the site to better keep track of dates, especially for their older Pokemon. I can attest to how infuriating it is to forget to record the hatch/obtained date of a Pokemon and come back to it later none-the-wiser, especially so for shinies that were caught outside of a chain, and hence can’t be properly traced using the Pokeradar history. It would also help to prevent such a situation from happening to new players who are interested in making their own diary as well.

I’m not quite sure how it is currently being calculated, or how difficult it would be to make this QoL adjustment, but if it can be done I would be immensely grateful.

Other alternatives

Suggested by Gosth

We can instead provide the exact date below the current display, as seen below:

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 19/04/2020 10:59 (4 Years ago)

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 27/06/2019 11:38 (5 Years ago)

I would like to buy all of your Bug,Electric, Ground, Water, Fire, Ghost,Ice and Psychic gems

So it’s be (5+2+6+11+11+6+2+10)(100) which is 5300pd in total

[Read more]
Posted: Fri, 25/01/2019 15:44 (6 Years ago)
I’ve just started a Safari Zone chain to hunt for some Vivillion, but I’m just curious, is there any known point where shiny chance reaches max?

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 01/01/2019 15:26 (6 Years ago)
Oops, I didn’t read the rules entirely, sorry about that:D
I’d appreciate the help if you could sell me all your bug gems please

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 01/01/2019 09:07 (6 Years ago)
I’d like to buy all your bug gems please

[Read more]
Posted: Mon, 24/12/2018 15:12 (6 Years ago)
I’d like to buy all your bug and poison gems please

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 09/06/2018 16:51 (6 Years ago)
Huh, that’s cool

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 09/06/2018 14:51 (6 Years ago)
Even though it’s fixed already, I’d just like to bring it up to attention
So yesterday, I increased from dream level 4 to 5
Naturally, so did the number of dp points I would usually gain
But instead of 4dp to 5dp, I received 8dp for the free points and so on for the rest of the tasks
At the time, I thought it was normal, but logging in today, I realized that it had reverted to 5dp
I’d just like to know if the giant increase is a bug, and hopefully Riako can look into it

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 07/06/2018 16:42 (6 Years ago)
To be completed

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 02/06/2018 21:20 (6 Years ago)
Shadow Logs

Shadow Pokémon Obtained since July 1st 2019


The Shadow Bulbasaur has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Ivysaur has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Venesaur (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Venesaur (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

14 July 2020
The Shadow Charmander has been caught successfully! (Chain #7)!

The Shadow Charmeleon has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

1 June 2020
The Shadow Charizard has been caught successfully! (Chain #125)!

The Shadow Squirtle has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Wartortle has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Blastoise has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

26 June 2020
The Shadow Caterpie has been caught successfully! (Chain #34)!

16 July 2020
The Shadow Metapod has been caught successfully! (Chain #7)!

The Shadow Butterfree (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

1 July 2019
The Shadow Butterfree (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #97)!

30 May 2020
The Shadow Weedle has been caught successfully! (Chain #51)!

The Shadow Kakuna has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Beedrill has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Pidgey has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

3 July 2019
The Shadow Pidgeotto has been caught successfully! (Chain #139)!

11 July 2019
The Shadow Pidgeot has been caught successfully! (Chain #6)!

The Shadow Rattata (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

25 June 2020
The Shadow Rattata (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #68)!

9 July 2019
The Shadow Raticate (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #133)!

The Shadow Raticate (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Spearow has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Fearow has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

26 May 2020
The Shadow Ekans has been caught successfully! (Chain #58)!

The Shadow Arbok has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

23 May 2020
The Shadow Pikachu (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #125)!

The Shadow Pikachu (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Raichu (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

10 June 2020
The Shadow Raichu (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #80)!

The Shadow Sandshrew has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Sandslash has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

10 July 2019
The Shadow Nidoran (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #121)!

The Shadow Nidorina has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

29 May 2020
The Shadow Nidoqueen has been caught successfully! (Chain #42)!

The Shadow Nidoran (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

25 June 2020
The Shadow Nidorino has been caught successfully! (Chain #101)!

13 June 2020
The Shadow Nidoking has been caught successfully! (Chain #2)!

14 July 2019
The Shadow Clefairy has been caught successfully! (Chain #56)!

24 May 2020
The Shadow Clefable has been caught successfully! (Chain #90)!

The Shadow Vulpix has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

15 July 2020
The Shadow Ninetales has been caught successfully! (Chain #136)!

17 July 2019
The Shadow Jigglypuff has been caught successfully! (Chain #104)!

The Shadow Wigglytuff has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Zubat (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

29 May 2020
The Shadow Zubat (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #89)!

2 June 2020
The Shadow Golbat (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #93)!

The Shadow Golbat (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

23 July 2019
The Shadow Oddish has been caught successfully! (Chain #126)!

The Shadow Gloom (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

7 July 2019
The Shadow Gloom (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #92)!

The Shadow Vileplume (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

15 July 2020
The Shadow Vileplume (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #60)!

25 May 2020
The Shadow Paras has been caught successfully! (Chain #118)!

The Shadow Parasect has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Venonat has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

1 July 2020
The Shadow Venomoth has been caught successfully! (Chain #42)!

15 July 2019
The Shadow Diglett has been caught successfully! (Chain #19)!

12 July 2019
The Shadow Dugtrio has been caught successfully! (Chain #113)!

The Shadow Meowth has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Persian has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Psyduck has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

11 June 2020
The Shadow Golduck has been caught successfully! (Chain #118)!

The Shadow Mankey has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Primeape has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Growlithe has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

12 July 2020
The Shadow Arcanine has been caught successfully! (Chain #5)!

The Shadow Poliwag has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

23 May 2020
The Shadow Poliwhirl has been caught successfully! (Chain #6)!

The Shadow Poliwrath has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Abra has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Kadabra (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Kadabra (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Alakazam (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

10 July 2020
The Shadow Alakazam (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #19)!

The Shadow Machop has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

11 July 2020
The Shadow Machoke has been caught successfully! (Chain #11)!

29 May 2020
The Shadow Machamp has been caught successfully! (Chain #3)!

The Shadow Bellsprout has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Weepinbell has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Victreebel has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Tentacool has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

13 July 2019
The Shadow Tentacruel has been caught successfully! (Chain #33)!

4 July 2019
The Shadow Geodude has been caught successfully! (Chain #90)!

16 June 2020
The Shadow Graveler has been caught successfully! (Chain #4)!

The Shadow Golem has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

8 July 2019
The Shadow Ponyta has been caught successfully! (Chain #49)!

The Shadow Rapidash has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

1 July 2020
The Shadow Slowpoke has been caught successfully! (Chain #110)!

The Shadow Slowbro has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Magnemite has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Magneton has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Farfetch'd has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Doduo (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

24 July 2019
The Shadow Doduo (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #93)!

25 May 2020
The Shadow Dodrio (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #17)!

2 July 2020
The Shadow Dodrio (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #51)!

The Shadow Seel has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Dewgong has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

25 June 2020
The Shadow Grimer has been caught successfully! (Chain #54)!

The Shadow Muk has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Shellder has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

27 May 2020
The Shadow Cloyster has been caught successfully! (Chain #106)!

15 July 2020
The Shadow Gastly has been caught successfully! (Chain #53)!

5 July 2019
The Shadow Haunter has been caught successfully! (Chain #22)!

2 July 2019
The Shadow Gengar has been caught successfully! (Chain #6)!

The Shadow Onix has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

24 May 2020
The Shadow Drowzee has been caught successfully! (Chain #39)!

The Shadow Hypno (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Hypno (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Krabby has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Kingler has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Voltorb has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

1 June 2020
The Shadow Electrode has been caught successfully! (Chain #6)!

The Shadow Exeggcute has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Exeggutor has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Cubone has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Marowak has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

24 May 2020
The Shadow Hitmonlee has been caught successfully! (Chain #9)!

The Shadow Hitmonchan has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Lickitung has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

24 May 2020
The Shadow Koffing has been caught successfully! (Chain #135)!

6 July 2019
The Shadow Weezing has been caught successfully! (Chain #95)!

10 June 2020
The Shadow Rhyhorn (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #32)!

The Shadow Rhyhorn (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Rhydon (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Rhydon (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Chansey has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Tangela has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Kangaskhan has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Horsea has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Seadra has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

11 June 2020
The Shadow Goldeen (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #64)!

The Shadow Goldeen (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

27 May 2020
The Shadow Seaking (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #28)!

15 July 2020
The Shadow Seaking (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #24)!

26 May 2020
The Shadow Staryu has been caught successfully! (Chain #31)!

22 July 2019
The Shadow Starmie has been caught successfully! (Chain #11)!

The Shadow Mr. Mime has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

12 June 2020
The Shadow Scyther (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #125)!

The Shadow Scyther (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

30 May 2020
The Shadow Jynx has been caught successfully! (Chain #57)!

The Shadow Electabuzz has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

30 June 2020
The Shadow Magmar has been caught successfully! (Chain #7)!

The Shadow Pinsir has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Tauros has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

13 July 2020
The Shadow Magikarp (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #10)!

30 June 2020
The Shadow Magikarp (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #15)!

1 July 2020
The Shadow Gyarados (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #30)!

25 July 2019
The Shadow Gyarados (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #136)!

The Shadow Lapras has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Ditto has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Eevee (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Eevee (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Vaporeon has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

26 June 2020
The Shadow Jolteon has been caught successfully! (Chain #41)!

The Shadow Flareon has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Porygon has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Omanyte has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Omastar has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Kabuto has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Kabutops has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Aerodactyl has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Snorlax has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Articuno has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Zapdos has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Moltres has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Dratini has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Dragonair has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Dragonite has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Mewtwo has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Mew has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!


The Shadow Chikorita has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

29 June 2020
The Shadow Bayleef has been caught successfully! (Chain #85)!

The Shadow Meganium (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Meganium (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

30 June 2020
The Shadow Cyndaquil has been caught successfully! (Chain #118)!

The Shadow Quilava has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Typhlosion has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

10 July 2020
The Shadow Totodile has been caught successfully! (Chain #114)!

13 July 2020
The Shadow Croconaw has been caught successfully! (Chain #78)!

The Shadow Feraligatr has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

18 January 2020
The Shadow Sentret has been caught successfully! (Chain #34)!

10 June 2020
The Shadow Furret has been caught successfully! (Chain #81)!

3 July 2020
The Shadow Hoothoot has been caught successfully! (Chain #52)!

13 January 2020
The Shadow Noctowl has been caught successfully! (Chain #38)!

12 June 2020
The Shadow Ledyba (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #126)!

The Shadow Ledyba (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Ledian (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Ledian (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Spinarak has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

11 June 2020
The Shadow Ariados has been caught successfully! (Chain #30)!

The Shadow Crobat has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Chinchou has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Lanturn has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

29 May 2020
The Shadow Pichu has been caught successfully! (Chain #47)!

17 January 2020
The Shadow Cleffa has been caught successfully! (Chain #18)!

27 March 2020
The Shadow Igglybuff has been caught successfully! (Chain #5)!

The Shadow Togepi has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

10 June 2020
The Shadow Togetic has been caught successfully! (Chain #186)!

30 June 2020
The Shadow Natu has been caught successfully! (Chain #52)!

11 June 2020
The Shadow Xatu (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #79)!

The Shadow Xatu (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Mareep has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Flaffy has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

23 May 2020
The Shadow Ampharos has been caught successfully! (Chain #20)!

11 June 2020
The Shadow Bellosom has been caught successfully! (Chain #4)!

11 July 2020
The Shadow Marill has been caught successfully! (Chain #2)!

16 January 2020
The Shadow Azumarill has been caught successfully! (Chain #85)!

The Shadow Sudowoodo (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Sudowoodo (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Politoed (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

22 May 2020
The Shadow Politoed (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #108)!

The Shadow Hoppip has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

23 May 2020
The Shadow Skiploom has been caught successfully! (Chain #130)!

27 May 2020
The Shadow Jumpluff has been caught successfully! (Chain #158)!

The Shadow Aipom (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

16 July 2020
The Shadow Aipom (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #104)!

The Shadow Sunkern has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

1 June 2020
The Shadow Sunflora has been caught successfully! (Chain #20)!

The Shadow Yanma has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

26 June 2020
The Shadow Wooper (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #7)!

25 June 2020
The Shadow Wooper (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #40)!

The Shadow Quagsire (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

3 June 2020
The Shadow Quagsire (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #7)!

22 June 2020
The Shadow Espeon has been caught successfully! (Chain #72)!

The Shadow Umbreon has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

12 June 2020
The Shadow Murkrow (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #9)!

The Shadow Murkrow (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

8 June 2020
The Shadow Slowking has been caught successfully! (Chain #102)!

13 July 2020
The Shadow Misdreavus has been caught successfully! (Chain #59)!

The Shadow Unown A has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

14 July 2020
The Shadow Unown B has been caught successfully! (Chain #21)!

12 July 2020
The Shadow Unown C has been caught successfully! (Chain #73)!

The Shadow Unown D has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown E has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

24 June 2020
The Shadow Unown F has been caught successfully! (Chain #118)!

The Shadow Unown G has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown H has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown I has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown J has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown K has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown L has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown M has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown N has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown O has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

17 July 2020
The Shadow Unown P has been caught successfully! (Chain #21)!

The Shadow Unown Q has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown R has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown S has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown T has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown U has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown V has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown W has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown X has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown Y has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown Z has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown ! has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Unown ? has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

26 June 2020
The Shadow Wobbuffet (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #80)!

3 July 2020
The Shadow Wobbuffet (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #9)!

The Shadow Girafarig (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

25 May 2020
The Shadow Girafarig (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #4)!

The Shadow Pineco has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Forretress has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

27 May 2020
The Shadow Dunsparce has been caught successfully! (Chain #46)!

The Shadow Gligar (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

29 May 2020
The Shadow Gilgar (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #64)!

The Shadow Steelix (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Steelix (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

25 May 2020
The Shadow Snubbull has been caught successfully! (Chain #107)!

25 June 2020
The Shadow Granbull has been caught successfully! (Chain #156)!

12 June 2020
The Shadow Qwilfish has been caught successfully! (Chain #2)!

30 May 2020
The Shadow Scizor (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #19)!

17 July 2020
The Shadow Scizor (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #5)!

The Shadow Shuckle has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

8 June 2020
The Shadow Heracross (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #12)!

The Shadow Heracross (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

30 May 2020
The Shadow Sneasel (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #75)!

The Shadow Sneasel (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

30 May 2020
The Shadow Teddiursa has been caught successfully! (Chain #77)!

The Shadow Ursaring (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

12 June 2020
The Shadow Ursaring (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #130)!

2 July 2020
The Shadow Slugma has been caught successfully! (Chain #7)!

22 May 2020
The Shadow Magcargo has been caught successfully! (Chain #79)!

16 June 2020
The Shadow Swinub has been caught successfully! (Chain #83)!

The Shadow Piloswine (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Piloswine (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Corsola has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

9 June 2020
The Shadow Remoraid has been caught successfully! (Chain #59)!

24 May 2020
The Shadow Octillery (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #2)!

The Shadow Octillery (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

24 June 2020
The Shadow Delibird has been caught successfully! (Chain #144)!

The Shadow Mantine has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Skarmory has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Houndour has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Houndoom (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

26 June 2020
The Shadow Houndoom (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #11)!

16 July 2020
The Shadow Kingdra has been caught successfully! (Chain #48)!

The Shadow Phanpy has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Donphan (M) has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

1 June 2020
The Shadow Donphan (F) has been caught successfully! (Chain #12)!

The Shadow Porygon2 has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Stantler has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Smeargle has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

10 June 2020
The Shadow Tyrogue has been caught successfully! (Chain #22)!

The Shadow Hitmontop has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

9 June 2020
The Shadow Smoochum has been caught successfully! (Chain #44)!

The Shadow Elekid has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

10 July 2020
The Shadow Magby has been caught successfully! (Chain #12)!

13 June 2020
The Shadow Miltank has been caught successfully! (Chain #123)!

29 June 2020
The Shadow Blissey has been caught successfully! (Chain #67)!

The Shadow Raikou has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Entei has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Suicune has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

24 June 2020
The Shadow Larvitar has been caught successfully! (Chain #61)!

The Shadow Pupitar has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

15 June 2020
The Shadow Tyranitar has been caught successfully! (Chain #49)!

The Shadow Lugia has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Ho-Oh has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

The Shadow Celebi has been caught successfully! (Chain #Nil)!

[Read more]

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