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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Patcool.
Posted: Mon, 05/01/2015 05:43 (10 Years ago)
It should be depending on the pokemon you release then you have a certain chance to get the gem of that type but if it's like Bug, Fairy, or Dragon then it should be a VERY RARE chance since you can't get them through rumble missions. Ex. You released a Squirtle then you have like a 1/8 chance of a water gem. But if you release a Blastoise then you have a 1/4 chance to get a gem or two.

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Posted: Sat, 03/01/2015 03:06 (10 Years ago)

My username and number in the category is : Patcool #49

My Most wanted Shiny from the prizes: Shiny Leafeon
Why I want the shiny: Leafeon is 1 my favorite color green 2 my favorite Eeveelution 3 my favorite type Grass and 4 It is a shiny so it is rare and special.

Why I chose this category: I chose this category because I am still a beginner and I want to at least FEEL like I made a great achievement which is to get a Shiny

What will I do with the shiny: I will keep it in my party forever unless I need my party for something special and the Shiny Leafeon will be like the trophy I never had but if I do win this then it will be the trophy I finally have. Also everytime I look at it I will think of this raffle and especially of course, YOU!

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Posted: Fri, 26/12/2014 08:28 (10 Years ago)
Categories I wish to apply for: Shinies,Summoning Items, and Retros/Events
Why I Want To Apply For These Categories: Well...this is "The Biggest Raffle on PokeHeroes so I would like to join and it wouldn't make sense to sign up but not participate in the raffle. Also because I'm still a noob at PokeHeroes and would like something to catch me up. Thank You And Have A Wonderful Merry Christmas :D

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Posted: Thu, 11/12/2014 03:35 (10 Years ago)
Banned for banning a random person

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Posted: Thu, 11/12/2014 03:33 (10 Years ago)
nimyahS :3

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