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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Wed, 25/01/2023 02:38 (1 Year ago)
Charlotte opted for the 'walking on eggshells' choice upon arriving back inside the room. She edged around the beds toward the kitchenette and made a quick chicken
-veggie soup for herself.

She went back over to grab the wooden bowl and spoon she kept in her travel bag. She returned to the kitchenette and poured some soup out of the pot into her bowl. Upon taking the bowl with her over to the chair at the other side of the room, Charlotte spilled a little over the edge, burning her hand. With a shriek, she dropped the whole thing, sending soup everywhere.

(Thank goodness for hardwood floors instead of carpet...)

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Posted: Wed, 25/01/2023 02:03 (1 Year ago)
"This is a time in which spilling your ketchup could very well change the course time completely. Of course it matters! But you do have a point... Tell Iteral whatever you want but I don't think it's really my business." Unfortunately. She really wanted the tea.

Charlotte's stomach grumbled loudly, reminding her that she hadn't eaten for many hours.

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Posted: Wed, 25/01/2023 01:58 (1 Year ago)
Charlotte narrowed her eyes at the other two. They had a telepathic conversation again, she just knew it.

Iteral's exclamation proved to help her own suspicions, but she wouldn't pry. It wasn't really her business (yet).

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Posted: Wed, 25/01/2023 01:45 (1 Year ago)
"...so the saint isn't even pretty? Shame, I'd thought for someone who's a literal deity, she'd be a liiiiittle more attractive..."

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Posted: Wed, 25/01/2023 01:41 (1 Year ago)
Charlotte nodded in understanding. She snuck around so Kendo could see her but Iteral couldn't. Making eye contact with him, she waggled her eyebrows in a suggestive manner, smirking mischievously.

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Posted: Wed, 25/01/2023 01:30 (1 Year ago)
She crossed her arms. "My hair is pink. Blood is dark red. Are you colorblind? I mean, I had a friend who could see colors but had trouble distinguishing hues. Like, lavender and periwinkle looked the same to him. Should we take you to a doctor?"

She listened to what Iteral was saying. "Iteral's right, you--" Wait.

"Socially STUNTED?!"

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Posted: Wed, 25/01/2023 01:24 (1 Year ago)
"Like I said, doing things for them like helping with tasks or something is a good option. Other than that, I don't really know. And why did you come to me of all people? I don't--" Charlotte yelped as Kendo popped into existence next to them, scrambling to her feet on instinct.

"What the heck, man! I could've fallen off the roof and died or something!" She yelled at him, cheeks flaming to match her hair. Charlotte wasn't really mad. Well she was, but it was a snap-and-you're-done deal. She was mostly just startled and ashamed to be caught off guard.

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Posted: Wed, 25/01/2023 01:14 (1 Year ago)
"It depends on the person. Some like to be left alone. Some need kind words or even just a hug to feel better." It all depends on the person, the problem is that you don't always know which one it is. That's what I've always struggled with. But if they're refusing help, I guess just let them know you're there for them. Do things for them like doing the dishes unprompted or something." Charlotte told Iteral, addressing her concerns.

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Posted: Tue, 24/01/2023 04:29 (1 Year ago)
"Well I think she likes you. For realzies." Charlotte flipped her braid behind her shoulder, playing every bit the diva. "And your empathy? Broken. Shattered on the ground. She gobbles up humans for breakfast, remember? Hard-boiled eyes."

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Posted: Tue, 24/01/2023 04:21 (1 Year ago)
"I'm not quite at that level of discernment--you're just very intertwined. And there's definitely been some good and bad patches but over all this is a positive connection. That's about all I can tell, to be honest. Not really that powerful," she giggled.

"And what do you mean, 'miffed'? She doesn't just ignore me, I'm pretty sure she actually hates me!" This marked the point where Charlotte stopped taking the conversation as seriously.

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Posted: Tue, 24/01/2023 04:02 (1 Year ago)
"Well, a lot of people's threads wither away after the event or person has passed, the time is done, whatever. If it's still connected, that just means you're stuck on it and haven't let go. The lesson I've learned from this is that clinging to the past get you nowhere, just as going to the same park bench to mope because you miss your ex doesn't get you anywhere. Are memories useful? For sure. They can be very important. But you're a whole and complete person even without them, I think."

She glanced at Iteral. "We should go back. Even if the Angel definitely isn't looking for me, I did tell her it'd be at most an hour and it's been three."

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Posted: Tue, 24/01/2023 03:51 (1 Year ago)
Charlotte sighed. "I was born with Fate whispering in my ear from the beginning. I'm still not sure if it's half-alive, or in my hands to mold how I olease. Over time, the nature of my abilities has changed... I have a lot more knowledge at my fingertips than I once did. The only thing I really know is that it's unnatural for someone so completely and utterly human as myself to have this kind of supernatural gift. The only not-normal thing my parents ever were or did was when my mother stuffed me in a wagon out of town some time after my father died. I really don't know what I did to have this... And it's more of a curse than a blessing sometimes. I am powerless to destiny."

She stopped, staring up at the stars. "How about you? Any tea?."

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Posted: Tue, 24/01/2023 03:39 (1 Year ago)
"...why? I mean, I'll answer the question if I've got a good reason. And I'm sure you'll provide one. Just curious."

Oh God, was this it? Were they going to lock her up and try and get her to tell the future (which she could not do) or manipulate her into-- Aaaand stop right there, Char. No need to get your hair in a knot. It'll be fine. You're just scared of having friends."

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Posted: Tue, 24/01/2023 03:30 (1 Year ago)
"A mother, huh?" The concept was almost foreign to Charlotte; in everyday life but not something she could have herself. She smiled, "it must have been a beautiful story. Shame you've forgotten."

Charlotte turned her eyes back to the glowing moon and felt peace settle inside of her... sort of. She still wasn't convinced that the Angel wasn't going to skewer her like a Dernish kebab.

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Posted: Tue, 24/01/2023 03:16 (1 Year ago)
"That's pretty neat. I've never seen a moon like this one. Sure, I've been to plenty of harvest moon festivals, got dagged into doing a Blood Moon dance, even saw a solar eclipse once! But I don't think I've ever seen a pink moon before... It kinda matches my hair."

After a moment, raging curiosity plagued her. "Does it mean something important? I can't help but feel it's a sign of some sort."

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Posted: Tue, 24/01/2023 03:05 (1 Year ago)
Charlotte furrowed her brows in surprise as Iteral's strings seemed to glitch for a moment before settling back into place. She decided not to comment on it, as she didn't want to be relegated to 'fortune teller' status.

"Iteral, what-- uhhh... Lovely night, isn't it?" Words. What were words??? They were failing her. Charlotte was officially incapable of socializing.

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Posted: Mon, 23/01/2023 13:12 (1 Year ago)
"No," Charlotte responded. "I'm not exactly known for having great hearing... what is it?"

Charlotte wobbled on the brooom. "How do you do this all the time? Doesn't feel very safe to me."

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Posted: Mon, 23/01/2023 13:00 (1 Year ago)
Charlotte picked herself up from the roof, brushing off dust and using her handkerchief to wipe any stray tears off of her face. She turned to Iteral.

"Shall we go, then?" She flashed a smile she didn't feel, "Even if it's too late tonight, we can still use these later," she said, gesturing to the bag of food supplies.

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Posted: Mon, 23/01/2023 07:48 (1 Year ago)
Charlotte shrugged, feeling a bit hollowed out. "Dunno. Born with them, I guess. It's like I've got Fate whispering in my ear all the time, would not recommend."

'Whats this? she wonders at the clock in her lap. "Iteral, what--"

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Posted: Mon, 23/01/2023 07:43 (1 Year ago)
Charlotte was startled out of crying by a... Kendo? Maybe? But... he wasn't back yet.

So maybe a different one.

She made a desperate dash at the tears on her face while he wasn't paying attention to her, and hoped he hadn't seen her upset. How embarrassing! And now Iteral was here, too.

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