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Searching for: Posts from NepKatCalliope.
NepKatCalliope OFFLINE Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Thu, 07/01/2016 22:38 (8 Years ago) |
NepKatCalliope OFFLINE Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 14:19 (8 Years ago) |
Screen Name (What you are called in Splatoon): Kit Level: 50 NNID: Kit Favourite Colour Of Ink: I like all of them Favourite Stage: Parana Pit Favourite Thing To Do: Don't have one? I play all the Ranked modes and Turf wars. Other: I typically am able to play on Monday through Friday between 9AM and 4PM Eastern Standard time. I'm best as a support player, covering turf and distracting the other team either by drawing their fire or splatting them. I share this Wii U with my sister but between us I play Splatoon the most, she mainly only plays during Splatfests. [Read more] |
NepKatCalliope OFFLINE Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Tue, 15/12/2015 22:54 (9 Years ago) |
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