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Posted: Wed, 07/12/2022 06:44 (2 Years ago)
Hey there! Would it be alright if I bought these two tricksters from you, please? ^.^

Box#: Galar 3
Pokemon: Both Morgrems

Anything else?: Thank you so much! :3

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Posted: Wed, 07/12/2022 06:20 (2 Years ago)
As Tia continued to walk with her she lightly smiled and then shrugged gently. "That makes sense!" She then started to hum before it was interupted as they approached the cave, lightly looking up to Hanako as she said she could let the two down, to which she nodded and gently lay Amaya down. She looked back in disgust as she set Sephtis down. "That sounds great..I'm tired of him drooling all over my ribbon."

"Heh. Was wonderin' why I just randomly startin' droolin' for no reason...The Sheila was sportin' some Negative feelins there.." Sephtis said as he used his arm to wipe his mouth, "Us Morgrems feast on Negative emotions. Lit'l fun fact for ya, beauts <3" He chuckled again before gently waving his hand. "If ya'd like Sheila you an' I could go huntin' togetha~ <3 You said yerself you're a scavenga'..Me bein' a treasure hunta' meself we could probably venture out an' find somethin' if there was anything near~"

"I don't trust you alone with her with a Wailord lengthed branch..!" She growled lowly towards Sephtis before looking back to Hanako with a gentle smile. "I'm sure there's gotta be something around though! We're in a meadow!" She gently peeked her head out of the cave, "Maybe there's a Shuckle or Bidoof that's around that has some berries we could buy or something?"

"We don't got money." Sephtis added boredly.

"Hmph! Says you, you little Imp! I always come prepared with money *just* in case of emergencies!" Tia said confidentally.

"Haha~ <3 Puttin' me in my place, are ya~? <3" Sephtis chuckled again before resting his hands on his hips, "Eitha' way...We should decide soon..Sunset's approachin' fast, mates.."

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 21:53 (2 Years ago)
Have fun when you do! ^.^ Best of luck on your Pokemon Journey! <3 You're absolutely welcome :D

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 08:18 (2 Years ago)
I definitely side with @Daiko on the Let's Go games~ I played Let's Go Pikachu myself and it's super fun to play! Especially if you have someone to play with! You guys can both run around and catch pokemon and fight (most) trainers together! Not only that, but come on..Who doesn't want a cute Pikachu or Eevee perched on their shoulder for you to give some lovin to? <3

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 08:16 (2 Years ago)
Tia smiled happily as she continued to listen and walk beside Hanako, keeping Sephtis quiet and floating with her ribbon. "That's so cool! Maybe you're an descendent of a flying type? Or maybe something along those lines? Either way, that's awesome!" She continued to walk before her ears perked at the sound of Hanako exclaiming they were almost there. "Yay! That's great! We can rest and then try to figure out what to do for food!" She then looked back up to Hanako. "You really sure you're okay..?"

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 08:10 (2 Years ago)
My first game was Yellow! It was so cute turning around and talking to Pikachu <3 Especially when it was happy <3 The emoticons were just so aoisjaosnaisua <3

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 08:04 (2 Years ago)
Tia and Sephtis started to follow behind Hanakp as she led the way towards the cave area.

"Defo, Sheila~ Defo." Sephtis gently brushed his bangs aside before lightly stretching a little before a small yawn escaped his lips. "Haven't had this much fun since I stole a bundle uh gems from a sleepin Sableye~ Then almost got caught when he saw they was gone! I'm gettin' kinda tuckered out." He grinned happily, "At least I have such beauties to keep me awake~"

"You BETTER not mean anything in THAT way." Tia interupted harshly, "Honestly you're so annoying with that flirty nature of yours..Not every woman is gonna want you to waltz them into a stupor!" She continued to walk along, gently looking at Hanako. "...Something on your mind?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Awwwe, what, Sheila~ Ain't I given you 'nuff attention~? <3"

Tia gave a rather bored expression before she used one of her other ribbons and wrapped it around his mouth, not paying him any mind. "You were so cool when you jumped that high, Hanako! How did you do that? Can all Lopunny do that?"

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 07:51 (2 Years ago)
"Haha~ Didn't miss anythin', Sheila~ <3 Just some rough love from Tia <3" Sephtis snickered as he finally arrived back with the girls, his smug playful fangy grin showing as he then looked up at Hanako. "Good on ya, Sheila! A cave should do nicely for the time bein'. Big enough for the four uh us..And if it gets cold~ We can all cuddle togetha' for extra warmth~ <3 <3" He snickered at Tia's disgusted face. "But really it's a good idea." He lightly winked up at Hanako and gave her a playful peace sign. "Ya did great, Sheila!"

Tia pouted again before she shook it off, Sephtis was so annoying, but he was right. Body warmth was the best way to go if you needed some extra warmth, since she didn't know if any of them knew any fire type moves. Her brother Infernalis was always the one in charge of warmth and he wasn't here, so she was lost. "Honestly Hanako, A cave would be lovely! Out of the wilderness and safe for us incase the weather turns bad! I like the idea!" She nodded in approval as her ribbons waved gleefully in the wind. "Let's make haste before the sun goes down." She picked up Amaya and held her close with her ribbons.

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 07:40 (2 Years ago)
Tia gave another gentle sigh before her attention went towards Hanako, nodding a little. "Indeed..I know that we'll be much safer if we all stick together..And I don't wanna leave Amaya here incase she wakes up. She might secretly get worried if we left without her.." She said with a small hint of doubt in her voice, she knew Amaya was strong, but maybe had a soft spot within her soul of malice. She gave another gentle sigh. "If we had some branches or something I could fashion us a small shelter with my ribbons..As they can get pretty long. They'd be able to cover all of us incase it rains.."

"You know what else can get pretty l--" Sephtis was slapped harshly and sent flying by Tia's ribbon.

"ENOUGH OF YOU!!!" She hissed before blinking as she looked towards Hanako, about to repeat 'or' but in a question as she watched her bouce up high. Her eyes widening. "Wow!!" she exclaimed. "I didn't know you knew fly, Hanako! That's amazing!"

"Pretty sure that's Bounce, Sheila~" Sephtis rubbed his cheek before he was sent flying again.

"AGAIN. DIDN'T ASK!" Tia said with a huff and a pout. "You're a real piece of work, Seph!"

Sephtis snickered as he casually crawled his way out of a nearby bush. "Awwwe ya care 'bout me 'nuff to call me Seph~ Cute~"

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 07:29 (2 Years ago)
I guess it really depends on if you'd like something more free roam, linear, or hand-holdy ^^; I know my first game was Yellow and I had so much fun, but it's definitely a linear style game. If you want hand-holdy, go for Sword/Shield..Very limited free roam except in the "Wild Area", which honestly isn't the best. But if you want like...BoTW-y kinda free roam, go for the new SV :D Honestly Scarlet and Violet are becoming my favorite STRICTLY for the free roam part. If you don't mind the bugs and lag that is until the game gets fully patched (if it does XD) but that's just my opinion, feel free to take it or leave it! I'm sure people like myself would be glad to help if you need it, as I personally have played every main-line game :3

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 07:24 (2 Years ago)
Tia quivered just slightly as she continued to hold onto Amaya tightly, continuing to give off the calming aura. "Amaya!" She then gently lept off and released Amaya from her grasp as she watched Amaya collapse onto the floor. She was thankful that Amaya was okay. "...I'm...very positive I don't want to see you at your worst, Amaya but..I really hope I won't have to and...I really hope that..." She then shrugged it off before offering to help Amaya up with her ribbon once Amaya felt like it. "If you'd like some help up. It's getting a little dark out..We should probably try to find some food and shelter."

Sephtis snickered to himself as this 3'11 pokemon was trying to hide behind a 2'07 pokemon, but he digressed with a playful handwave. "Easy thea', Sheila..Looks like it's under control. Ah'm sure she'll be okay. She's a beaut AND a brute~ <3" He chuckled again before nodding in agreeance with Tia. "Shelta' and Food sound great..But we're kinda in Woop Woop out hea..If ya see anything we can shelter in that'd be great." He gently rested his hands behind his head, looking up. "Hopefully it don't rain..Can't say I'm too fond of gettin' wet."

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 07:13 (2 Years ago)
Ignore this xD Didn't see I needed to DM ya!

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 07:10 (2 Years ago)
Sylveon <3 <3 She's so gorgeous and I love her dearly! >w<

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 07:07 (2 Years ago)
"Ah--Something like that I suppose!" Tia gently chuckled before she stood up upon watching and listening to Amaya speak, about to say something before her ears lowered as she watched Amaya slowly start to spiral into her own little madness. ".....A-Amaya..?" She frowned a little, "Y-You're definitely scaring me.." She was about to reach out to touch Amaya's arm with her ribbon before her motion was interuppted by Sephtis' oncoming comment.

Sephtis gave a small chuckle, "Well I wouldn't call it 'mine' alone, but me dialect defo." He then looked towards Amaya after hearing bits and pieces of what she was saying, sighing gently. "Not really.."
"Sounds like a real party there, Sheila." Sephtis lightly chuckled as he approached the two with Hanako beside him, watching as Amaya had gotten herself worked up. He chuckled softly. "Betta find a challenga' or somethin to quell her quick, she's a Krookodile ready tuh snap atcha!"

Tia growled over her shoulder as she looked to Sephtis. "Could you...NOT?? For like..a minute??" She looked back to Amaya and gently closed her eyes, taking a small breath as she then extended her ribbons and gently wrapped them around Amaya, filling the surrounding area with a calming aura. "Please relax Amaya! Come back to us!"

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 06:56 (2 Years ago)
For me it's a toss up between Fairy, Dark, and Electric XD

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 06:49 (2 Years ago)
Mostly laptop ^^ But when I'm working I use my phone :D It's just a pain to use my phone when I have to make long posts because my phone buttons pretty much are so close knit I oftentimes have to erase everything if it messes up XD

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 06:47 (2 Years ago)
For me it's voice acting, drawing, gaming, and roleplaying :D

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 06:43 (2 Years ago)
It's definitely a toss up between DDRMAX, Bloodborne, Pokemon, and Sengoku BASARA :3

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 06:41 (2 Years ago)
There's a lot about me I'm just too lazy to put it here XD

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Posted: Mon, 05/12/2022 06:33 (2 Years ago)
Tia nodded happily as she continued to walk with Amaya, looking up at her with a smile. "Yes! Ishida is an Umbreon! He's very protective over me and the rest of my family and has his own group of dark types to help him protect our home!" She gently rubbed the back of her head. "I hope they're doing okay without me...Wish I knew what happened." She sighed gently before listening and looking back up at Amaya. "Oh I'm actually quite used to the cold! My sister Demetria is a Glaceon and she often causes snow around our home..So everyone has adjusted! And uhh...I'll make a note of that! But if anyone tries to get to close I'll just Moonblast them!" She said rather proudly as she continued to follow. "U-Uhmm...I...guess.." She then paused a moment, "hate bone? Where? I don't have any h--...WAIT." She stopped herself, lowering her ears. "It's a metaphorical bone..isn't it?" She sat playfully and laughed a little nervously with a light smile. "Almost fell for it again..! hahah!"

"Oh yeah~ Defo helped me feel betta' <3" He snickered once more before blinking as he looked up to her, smirking cutely as he brushed his bangs from his eye. "Fair Dinkum is sorta like sayin' 'truly!' or 'honest!' Haha it's not actually a thing...least..not tuh my knowledge it ain't." He shrugged with another playful laugh at her comment as he continued to follow the two up ahead. *'This is gonna be one heckuvva ride~ <3'* He thought.

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