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Posted: Tue, 11/12/2018 01:59 (5 Years ago)
I would like a venasaur for 2000 pd ok?

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Posted: Fri, 26/10/2018 23:25 (6 Years ago)
Support, I think this idea makes a lot of sense especially considering how many users there are that get on once look around, and then never get on again.

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Posted: Fri, 26/10/2018 16:06 (6 Years ago)
I give this full support, I have had many new users that I have tried to mentor but I send them a PM and they never respond.

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Posted: Mon, 11/12/2017 04:25 (6 Years ago)

I like that its a gif but the handwriting could do some work and its not very funny.

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Posted: Mon, 11/12/2017 04:14 (6 Years ago)
in response to Malkins response to my last post, its hard to tell whats people are talking about in this game and I thought we were voting. Also even though that obviously wasn't the last post if it was it would have counted because the rules don't say you can't say the same thing twice. In fact people could just copy a single post like this one over and over and over again.

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Posted: Sun, 10/12/2017 17:16 (6 Years ago)
Nintendo Switch

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Posted: Fri, 03/03/2017 03:23 (7 Years ago)
wow that is wierd

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Posted: Thu, 16/02/2017 05:08 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 10/01/2017 22:11 (7 Years ago)
yes catlady that would explain the spilling off to the right

and yes when i'm typing the box enlarges downward though probably the strangest thing about it enlarging downwards is that it never did that on this computer until about a week and a half ago I haven't changed browsers or anything it just started happening and then after the spilling off to the right scenario happened I thought they must be connected so I made this thread

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Posted: Mon, 09/01/2017 03:20 (7 Years ago)
so one day I was typing a message in the notifications and it started extending the box like I was hitting enter it didn't really matter because it looked the same but it was slightly annoying

two days after I go to notifications and all of the messages are spilling off to the right I play on my computer and I found this really weird and would like to fix it as soon as possible

(edit) now not spilling over the right but still doing the stretch when I try to type a message

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Posted: Wed, 04/01/2017 03:31 (7 Years ago)
what are you saying hear it isn't clear

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Posted: Tue, 03/01/2017 23:09 (7 Years ago)
i am coiiolllllllllllllll

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Posted: Sun, 18/12/2016 01:38 (7 Years ago)
Ok I agree that does make sense about the 2nd point but my first point the point was that badge set one is easier than most of badge set 2 and badge set 2 is mostly easier than badge set three and badge set 3 is easier than badge set 4.

But about the only exception to this rule is Super Famous and Search for Gold where Search for Gold is much harder to get than every other badge in set 2 and Super Famous is much easier to get than any badge in set three.

this has caused me and many other people I know of to get every other badge in set 2 and then have to wait for so long to finish it I'm even coming close to finishing set 3 before finishing set 2 even though I got every other badge in set 2 before getting a single badge in set 3.

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Posted: Mon, 12/12/2016 03:35 (7 Years ago)
I think we should switch the badge Super Famous and Search for Gold because:

1. Super Famous is a much easier badge to get than Search for Gold.

2. badge set 2 doesn't have a badge for the community.

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Posted: Thu, 01/12/2016 01:33 (8 Years ago)
sending (hint it can fly)

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Posted: Sat, 26/11/2016 17:03 (8 Years ago)
wayne forgot to drop head on keyboard so


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Posted: Sat, 26/11/2016 16:59 (8 Years ago)
your banned because your hair is blue

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Posted: Sat, 26/11/2016 16:56 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 26/11/2016 16:52 (8 Years ago)
Just go buy another you find them all over the stores these days

Help, Riako stole my complete collection of Pokemon cards

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