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Posted: Tue, 05/03/2024 23:26 (6 Months ago)
I guess this is inactive? Bump one last time

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Posted: Wed, 10/01/2024 23:34 (8 Months ago)
I thought you had to wait for two other to post before you post again

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Posted: Wed, 03/01/2024 20:45 (8 Months ago)

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Posted: Sun, 31/12/2023 20:05 (8 Months ago)
Oh sorry about that! I fixed it I think

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Posted: Sun, 31/12/2023 00:25 (8 Months ago)

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Posted: Sat, 30/12/2023 23:09 (8 Months ago)
What does it mean when some of the great balls next to forum threads are faded?

Also is using the hangman helper considered cheating? (Previous question)

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Posted: Sat, 30/12/2023 02:58 (8 Months ago)
Character name: Torpedo
Gender: M
Age: 14 (From an Advanced growth project without the project he would be around 11)
Outcast or wings of Hope? Wings of Hope
Special power: (This is more of a skill than a power) Can temporarily turn into a living Torpedo and becomes extremely focused on the target and cannot be distracted. Will not stop until hits target. To activate this, Torpedo will fly/swim up and dive, angling wings to create an air current/water current shield in around them. When hit by this, the target would feel impact of pressurized air/water and Torpedo will be kind of useless for a little bit. Only to be used in extreme situations
role: Would like to be lead spy, but regular spy is fine. Can I suggest an Air/Sea Strike team? I would like to be leader/part of that
Appearance:Normal seawing, with exception of shell armor and trident shaped seawing lights on forehead. Wings are more developed from practice of Torpedo skill
Personality: Silent and cunning. Torpedo is very big on being Silent and cunning. Easily flustered when talking to female dragons due to little social training and exposure. Introverted
[Abilities: See special power, normal seawing attributes
Backstory: Was taken as a child by Wings of Hope to escape becoming an outcast. Raised to be a perfect, disciplined soldier
Other: (If playing as an outcast with non canon powers, explain your powers here)wings of ruin, wings of hope

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Posted: Sat, 30/12/2023 02:12 (8 Months ago)

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Posted: Sat, 30/12/2023 01:31 (8 Months ago)

Fav Pkmn:Clawitzer, Hoenn favorite is Primal Kyogre and Swampert
Fav Color: Blue
Rooms wanted:? (Not sure what this means?)

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Posted: Wed, 13/12/2023 00:49 (9 Months ago)
NOTE: These are not the actual signups, just seeing if I did start this if anyone would be interested

Legacy of the Mariner is the title of the Pokemon book I am currently writing IRL. I am running out of ideas, so I think I will start this as a way to fill up some pages, for some side adventures, and for any books I decide to make after this first one. There will be multiple RP's each with 1-4 people depending on the characters they chose. The characters are premade but I am interested in any new ideas you may have. The characters are listed below. You can PM or Palpad any suggestions for characters or stories to me.

Evie-Female-Main Character's Love Interest and Fiancee-Specializes in ghost and psychic types-researches into the occult and hunts down people who claim to have supernatural powers-Not a Hex Maniac

Peter-Male-Main Character's adopted son-Actual father was a good friend of the main character, so when the actual father died, the main character felt obliged to take Peter under his wing- Specializes in Fighting types-Studious

Percy-Male-Peter's real father-Dies in the book, but his RP will be set before that- uses Pokemon associated with Tech (Porygon Line, Rotom, Golett line, Voltorb Line, Magearna)

Gerald(M), Adair(M or F), Murray(M), Astra(F), Blitz (M or F), and Azar(M or F)-The new leaders of Teams: Rocket, Aqua, Magma, Galactic, Plasma, and Flare, respectively.

More characters are to be added soon!

You are also welcome to post here if you are interested or have any questions

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Posted: Tue, 05/12/2023 23:34 (9 Months ago)
Arno and Torpedo start to help, but a high-frequency EEEEE noise comes from Torpedo's collar. Torpedo winces and looks at Arno. Arno gives Torpedo a series of barks, yips, and growls that the other canine-like Pokemon and dogs can translate kind of. Everyone who is a canine or a canine-like Pokemon can make out that Arno and Torpedo are arguing over something. Arno says something like "Master needs us!" Torpedo replies with a shake of his head and draws "These Pokemon need our help" After a minute it seems Torpedo gives up arguing. Arno shapes a swirling black vortex and he and Torpedo hop in and disappear. The portal stays there and it doesn't seem like it's going to disappear. Everyone can tell that Arno and Torpedo are going to use the portal to get back, and that no one should mess with the portal.

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Posted: Mon, 04/12/2023 23:30 (9 Months ago)

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Posted: Tue, 14/11/2023 03:24 (10 Months ago)
Perci stares at you, confused. I’m not quite sure what you are talking about.

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Posted: Tue, 14/11/2023 02:36 (10 Months ago)
Arno has been distracted helping torpedo pull a giant crystal shard from the ground. “Woah! Who are these new folk?”

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Posted: Mon, 13/11/2023 23:33 (10 Months ago)
"Uh, should we go get your friend... Kratos, was it?" Arno inquires. He uses his Illusion to make some duplicates of himself and Torpedo collects some shards left from the comalisk.

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Posted: Sat, 11/11/2023 17:29 (10 Months ago)
Perci sees Grey. “Oh hello there! You are in Pokémon Square where all the Pokémon gather to spend some time to chat, shop, or just relax!” Perci continues “As for location, you are in the Sevii Islands, specifically One Island. The ferry to Kanto is north of here and the ferry to the Legacy Islands is south of here”

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Posted: Sat, 11/11/2023 17:20 (10 Months ago)
(I’m very sorry for not posting signups sooner)
Welcome to Pokémon square a chat place for Pokémon when you need some time away from your trainer or just want to hang out with other Pokémon
All Pokeheroes rules apply
Everything must be PG-13 unless it is essential(PM for permission to do above PG-13)
No discrimination or harassment unless it is part of the role play and the victim says it ok
Start by using this form

Role play Pokémon:
Pokémon’s Name:
About my character:

I’ll start
Role play Pokémon: Porygon-X
Pokémon’s Name:Percival(Perci)
About my character: A Porygon-Z who has received X Upgrade and no longer behaves erratically like a Porygon-Z. Has started an organization to help distribute the X Upgrade to Porygon worldwide and needs other Pokémon to join!(Will put up art of the Porygon-X later)

It’s a bustling day in the new square and there is a feeling of excitement in the air. In the center of the square is a strange Porygon-Z who seems to be handing out flyers

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Posted: Sat, 11/11/2023 17:16 (10 Months ago)
“Oh we use the computer to upload the upgrade. This is the actual upgrade here.” Perci gestures toward a box that has the same shape as a Dubious Disk but different markings on it.

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Posted: Fri, 10/11/2023 20:06 (10 Months ago)
Torpedo and Arno decide not to follow it, deeming it not worth the chase.

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Posted: Fri, 10/11/2023 01:10 (10 Months ago)
Water type is better late game than early game, who agrees

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