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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Lyoi.
Posted: Wed, 03/04/2019 07:42 (5 Years ago)
Hey there, everyone. Could we all send some love to all sandshrews?

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Posted: Mon, 01/04/2019 23:52 (5 Years ago)
Evil in a good way xD

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Posted: Mon, 01/04/2019 22:41 (5 Years ago)
Hi everyone,

So, I have been playing for some days now, and felt like I should share a little bit of myself out here. My name is quite similar to my nick, but won't share it for now. I'm a 25 y.o. spanish (Spain) Criminology student, who's also working hard to get a job in the local authorities (here we have something called "oppositions", where you have to go through some tests (physical and knowledge) in order to work for the gov.) and also has a "job" (can't call it a job itself, I do not work for nor receive money from them, but I do quite a good amount of things for them) in The Pokémon Company in., and not only talking on the judge/organizer level. But that's an history for another day, too.

Hobbies? -- Games are quite my main thing to relax, other than music and streams. That's why I am here. I love all kind of Pokémon Games and decided to try some more, tried off-format games and bam, wild pokeheroes appeared. Can't seem to get tired of this, so I'll be here for a while. Would love to chat with many of you and share/receive knowledge.

I think this will do, for now. Little by little!

Bunch of loves and smilies for you all. ;)


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