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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Lien.
Posted: Mon, 22/07/2019 19:27 (5 Years ago)
Hey :)

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Posted: Mon, 22/07/2019 18:55 (5 Years ago)
I am so excited for it. I own the gameboy colour cartridge for the game and this looks so good so far. Also helps that I recently bought a switch so. I am getting this when it is out I don't care!!!

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Posted: Mon, 22/07/2019 18:54 (5 Years ago)
Mine is SW- 4302-4892-0620
I have a couple games (let's go eevee :), stardew valley, I also got the Mana pack thing on the eshop with the 3 games on it. I have played final fantasy adventure before and I even own the Sword of mana game that it's like very on par with. Getting more games soon ish haha My birthday is coming in a few months so >:D )

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Posted: Mon, 22/07/2019 18:33 (5 Years ago)
Hi I'm new, only a little over an hour old here ;D
*but irl almost ready for a midlife crisis gosh darn it*
How's everyone doing?
I'm being sabotaged by my baby box, if you don't know what that is....don't ask and just move along hahahaha.

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