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Searching for: Posts from KitsuneKaimei.
Posted: Wed, 17/07/2019 01:22 (5 Years ago)
How much is a tiny mushroom worth?

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Posted: Mon, 08/07/2019 03:14 (5 Years ago)
@xXMysticXx check your gifts

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Posted: Thu, 27/06/2019 09:55 (5 Years ago)
How much is shiny nummel really worth?

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Posted: Thu, 27/06/2019 04:00 (5 Years ago)
Username: KitsuneKaimei
Event Pokemon: Driflamp (preferably female if possible)
Breeder: Grillby
Tip: Mystery item :3
Price:5k pd

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Posted: Thu, 30/05/2019 03:55 (5 Years ago)
Username: KitsuneKaimei
Event Pokemon: Spring Mareep (breeding pair of possible)
Breeder: Grillby
Price:10000pd (5k pd if just the one mareep)

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Posted: Wed, 22/05/2019 20:03 (5 Years ago)
Username: KitsuneKaimei
Event Pokemon: sandwebble
Breeder: Grillby
Tip: 5k pd

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Posted: Tue, 21/05/2019 23:31 (5 Years ago)
Your Username: KitsuneKaimei
Item(s) You Want: Brown key, green box, light blue box
Quantity Of Item(s): 2 of each
Donation To Shop (optional): coming up at refresh
Other: please and thank you ^^

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Posted: Tue, 21/05/2019 22:57 (5 Years ago)
Your Username: KitsuneKaimei
Item(s) You Want: Pink and green key
Quantity Of Item(s): 1 each
Donation To Shop (optional): soon
Other:please and thank you

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Posted: Thu, 16/05/2019 01:40 (5 Years ago)
Your Username: KitsuneKaimei
Item(s) You Want: Water Gem, Poison Gem, And Pink Key please
Quantity Of Item(s): 8x water, 2x poison, 2x pink keys
Donation To Shop (optional): coming right up ^^
Other: Thank you so much ^^

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Posted: Wed, 15/05/2019 17:20 (5 Years ago)
Your Username: KitsuneKaimei
Item(s) You Want: water gems and poison gems (needed for a hunt)
Quantity Of Item(s): 50 x poison and 60x water
Donation To Shop (optional): will be sending another soon
Other: thank you so much

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Posted: Wed, 15/05/2019 15:34 (5 Years ago)
Username: KitsuneKaimei
Event Pokemon: snowling (male if possible I really need for a breeding pair)
Breeder: CrimsonRaye
Tip: 15000pd (and a shiny in the future from a hunt)

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Posted: Tue, 14/05/2019 19:39 (5 Years ago)
Your Username: KitsuneKaimei
Item(s) You Want: whipped dream and purple box
Quantity Of Item(s): 2 of each please ^^
Donation To Shop (optional): I'll make another donation soon
Other: thank you ^^

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Posted: Tue, 14/05/2019 05:35 (5 Years ago)
Your Username:KitsuneKaimei
Item(s) You Want: 5 tasty bait, 4 Delicious bait, and 4 Magnetic bait please ^^
Quantity Of Item(s): 5 tb, 4 db, and 4 mb
Donation To Shop (optional): soon^^
Other: Thank you so much

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Posted: Tue, 14/05/2019 00:31 (5 Years ago)
Your Username: KitsuneKaimei
Item(s) You Want: Pink key, Green key, Green box
Quantity Of Item(s): 1 each please
Donation To Shop (optional): coming up ^^
Other: thank you so much for everything you do, and glad to see the shop open again ^^

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Posted: Tue, 07/05/2019 17:02 (5 Years ago)
Okay 2nd and last request of the day ^^; may I please have a hardy amount of bait and the gold key ^^thank you in advance and thank you for earlier

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Posted: Tue, 07/05/2019 16:33 (5 Years ago)
Good morning hun ^^ glad you're feeling well!
May I please have 3 red boxes and 2 pink keys.
Ill be making a donation here shortly as well ^^

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Posted: Fri, 03/05/2019 21:14 (5 Years ago)
A nice amount off gems would be nice please ^^ I need to get on my cauldron work

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Posted: Thu, 02/05/2019 18:15 (5 Years ago)
May I have a couple red boxes, fossils , and a few baits please if that's to much I understand and again thank you for everything you and eagle do if there's ever anything the either of you need I'd be more than thrilled to help

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Posted: Mon, 29/04/2019 17:44 (5 Years ago)
Holy shmow that is indeed a pokeload of berries.
I'd like the pink mystery key please and I don't mind taking some of those berries off your hands ^^

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Posted: Mon, 29/04/2019 15:33 (5 Years ago)
A couple of mystery boxes please ^^

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