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Posted: Thu, 20/10/2016 20:40 (7 Years ago)
Zombies. I'm not scared of them, but they do gross me out.

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Posted: Sun, 03/07/2016 13:05 (7 Years ago)
I'd like to see it show up in the storage boxes as well. The shiny symbol is visible in there, why not the megas.

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Posted: Sun, 03/07/2016 13:01 (7 Years ago)
Ah, thanks. I have such horrible luck with that search feature.

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Posted: Sat, 02/07/2016 21:32 (7 Years ago)
Guess I used the wrong words when I searched for this suggestion. I only typed in 'Search Forum'.

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Posted: Sat, 02/07/2016 21:24 (7 Years ago)
When a pokemon is shiny, it has that little red star on it that shows up everywhere you see it, like the storage box, summary page, post for the news feed, etc.

So why don't we have all that for the mega-able pokemon? It's irritating having to go through all the summaries for a mega-able species to see if they're actually able or not, especially with being able to pull 10 out of Emera Beach at once now, and not everyone knows which breeds are capable. I've actually put a mega-able up for auction when I would have kept it, had I realised it was able before it was posted.

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Posted: Tue, 28/06/2016 14:40 (7 Years ago)
I'm not sure if someone was deliberately trying to make him sound awkward and out-of-touch, but when Professor Rowen comments on the pokedex, "I never thought that there would be THAT many Pokémon... Well, cool to know!" it would sound better as 'good to know', or, 'isn't that cool' or something else entirely, like simply 'that's amazing' or whatever.

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Posted: Wed, 15/06/2016 13:05 (8 Years ago)
Just a little fishing terminology, because I personally found them to be a bit awkward, maybe it's just me.

We say you 'cast out' when you put your line in the water. Throwing the rod is occasionally what you do when you're frustrated because you can't catch anything. :D And we 'set the hook' and then 'reel in' the fish. Pull rod puts me more in mind of trying to get a snag off.

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Posted: Tue, 26/04/2016 21:22 (8 Years ago)
Sure, it's easy, and, if you have a good computer and good connection, fast, but, as for the rest of us, who wants to spend hours on the computer clicking because they have a slower connection and computer, just to have it thrown away. Would you throw your money in the garbage just because you got a good paycheque?

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Posted: Tue, 26/04/2016 15:27 (8 Years ago)
I think, if you don't need an odd incense when you're boiling gems (You do it within the smaller time limit), it should be carried over to the next time, rather than having your money wasted. I've recently discovered that my ipod is fast enough, on a strong connection, to boil properly, and I'd rather spend the money than lose the gems, but it's still annoying when I've bought it and ended up not needing it, and that's a lot of money to just throw away.

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Posted: Fri, 15/04/2016 12:51 (8 Years ago)
This one might be a little nitpicky, but over here, we usually say a hairstyle 'grows out' if it's not kept trimmed, so in the furfrou section, where it says the haircut will be back to normal, perhaps it should be the styling will grow out, instead.

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Posted: Thu, 14/04/2016 00:40 (8 Years ago)
In the Berry Garden's tool shed, when it says 'Currently Cooking', Currently is missing it's T.

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Posted: Sun, 10/04/2016 14:10 (8 Years ago)
I completely agree. If you still want to give people the option to change colours or other simple things, it would be easy to put a choicebox in the change nickname section or something, but the fancy stuff is pointless and annoying. I've come across at least 1 person, in the last couple of days, who has insisted on putting a marquis setting on all of their pokemons' names, so that you have to scroll down the page to click the train button.

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Posted: Thu, 07/04/2016 03:26 (8 Years ago)
I think it's way too difficult too. My internet is slow, and my computer is slow (It has a partially broken ram set, so I can only have 1 gig in it), and I've tried a few times to boil a leaf stone and don't even manage to get half way through the gems before my time is up. I've lost all my grass gems, along with the others, for nothing. Even charging and losing a dollar fee would be better, if the game was fair.

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Posted: Wed, 06/04/2016 12:54 (8 Years ago)
I suppose it might be those things. I'm not into the fighting, so I don't care about the nature, but it seems a little strange that's they're only the ones right after each other, and not out of order. And generally, there's a matter of a few seconds between the different ones, so I don't really think it's a time thing. I only look at the first page of my missing dex, so the longest time span, when it isn't busy, is still less than an hour.

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Posted: Wed, 06/04/2016 08:18 (8 Years ago)
So, here's what I don't get. A couple times in the past few days, I've bid on one of a set of four or five pokemon, same pokemon, same price, only to be outbid, sometimes by +100, when it would be cheaper and easier (not to mention, more polite) for the person to bid on one of the other ones in the set. It got really annoying yesterday, because it happened three times in the same set, the last time a snipe, so I didn't even have time to bid on the last pokemon in the set (which went unclaimed).

This really makes no sense to me. Personally, if there are other unclaimed pokemon, I'd rather take them, then steal one from someone else for no good reason. I don't even like sniping myself, although I have done it occasionally, usually when the other person's already outbid one of my bids, or I really, really, want that particular pokemon.

Maybe it's because I'm Canadian and that whole politeness thing or something, but it just seems like people are being deliberately nasty (in lieu of a stronger, less acceptable word) to me.

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Posted: Mon, 04/04/2016 02:48 (8 Years ago)
Congratulations on another anniversary of your escape from the womb.

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Posted: Sat, 02/04/2016 02:16 (8 Years ago)
I didn't realize it was a prank. I actually didn't get a chance to look until just now, since the network I connect to at home blocked the digheroes link. (It blocks lots of stupid things, including my antivirus updates. I have to lug the laptop somewhere else to connect for those), so I'm glad we're getting the time extension to get the Pokemon.

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Posted: Wed, 30/03/2016 00:54 (8 Years ago)
I found my last egg by pure accident, when I went to reply to a comment on a thread I made. I never would have even considered checking there.

Just a suggestion for next year, maybe there could be a counter that shows you exactly how many eggs you've found. I didn't realise I had found the light one either, until the 15 egg prize notice popped up.

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Posted: Mon, 28/03/2016 23:11 (8 Years ago)
Ah, k, figured it out, thanks. Everything was greyed out until I signed into google, and then it turns out your spreadsheet isn't compatible with the 2003 office suite, but I managed to copy and paste it into a new sheet properly.

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Posted: Mon, 28/03/2016 03:03 (8 Years ago)
Is there any way to put up a link to just download it, so I can open it in excel or something? It takes forever with my connection to load it, and it would be handy to not have to reload it every time I needed it.

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