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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Jesselin.
Posted: Tue, 19/06/2018 16:58 (6 Years ago)
Let me dance with you!
Your Username: Jesselin
What are you hunting? Eevee :3
Are you willing to dance for others? Of course! Dancing is fun.

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Posted: Tue, 19/06/2018 16:18 (6 Years ago)
I love Eeveelutions as well! Glaceon is my fav eeveelution.

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Posted: Tue, 19/06/2018 16:11 (6 Years ago)
Hello~ my name is Jesselin. I just joined PokeHeroes last night. :3

I am a huge fan of Pokemon and i've been playing for about 6 years. I used to collect Pokemon cards, which made me drawn into Pokemon. I then started collecting the games too. Of all Pokemon, I would have to say my favorite is Latias. Why? Cause I just think it's adorable. ^_^

Now i'm going to tell you a bit about myself. I am a bit shy, so it can be hard for me to make conversations, but I like to communicate with other people. I also like to draw. I haven't drawn in a while, but my dream is to become an artist. I'm planning to join an Art Club next year that my school has. Oh yeah, speaking of school, I am a 9th grader. Although, I will be a 10th grader soon since i'm basically done with school already. My last day is on June 26th. :D

Now for some facts about me. One fact about me is, my Zodiac sign is a Leo. My birthday is August, which makes me a Leo. Another fact about me is, I am Puerto Rican. I live in the U.S so I don't go to Puerto Rican often, but it is a nice place and the beach over there is beautiful. I would recommend visiting Puerto Rico someday. One last fact about me, I am an anime fan. I like to watch anime. Although I don't watch anime watch due to school, I still like to watch an episode or two. Maybe recommend some anime's to me? Lol

Well, that's my introduction. Now you know me a bit. I hope to meet some new friends here in PokeHeroes. Feel free to add me if you'd like. ^_^

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