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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Grei.
Posted: Sun, 13/10/2024 01:21 (5 Months ago)
thanks so much! He looks so adorable!

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2024 02:33 (5 Months ago)
OFFER: 75k pd
OTHER NOTES: ngl I had a hard time choosing. If you don't feel comfortable drawing his nose or eyebrow piercings, feel free to not include them bc he can remove them.

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Posted: Thu, 25/01/2024 02:31 (1 Year ago)
missing please

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Posted: Thu, 25/01/2024 02:22 (1 Year ago)
missing please

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Posted: Thu, 25/01/2024 02:19 (1 Year ago)
missing please

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2024 18:44 (1 Year ago)
missing please

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2024 18:11 (1 Year ago)
missing please

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2024 16:10 (1 Year ago)
missing please

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Posted: Wed, 19/07/2023 18:16 (1 Year ago)
If you want to influence what event mon I provide next, I always will have a poll up on my profile for my next event hunt.

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Posted: Tue, 11/07/2023 15:42 (1 Year ago)
Ordering an egg!
User: Grei
Egg: Cream wink
Payment: pd
Checked if available?: yes

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Posted: Sat, 01/07/2023 00:19 (1 Year ago)
missing pls

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Posted: Sat, 01/07/2023 00:16 (1 Year ago)
missing pls

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Posted: Fri, 23/06/2023 01:54 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Thu, 22/06/2023 23:48 (1 Year ago)
how about one hand in a peace sign and winking?

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Posted: Thu, 22/06/2023 23:42 (1 Year ago)
Can I get a chibi of him?

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Posted: Thu, 22/06/2023 20:36 (1 Year ago)
for next: him, or her, or this poke-fusion
edit: sending non-marked + 3 other expressions through PM, took me about an hour and a half bc am speed lol

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Posted: Thu, 22/06/2023 20:24 (1 Year ago)
Username: Grei
Request + Details: can I get him holding holding her?
Payment Amount: 100k pd
Amount sent before or on completion: before, but once I'm off waitlist if that's ok
Am I wait-listing?: yes
edit: I forgot this detail, but give him a very slight smile (he's not exactly a grinning type lol)

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Posted: Tue, 13/06/2023 16:05 (1 Year ago)
Ordering an egg!
User: Grei
Egg: Cloudy Swirls
Payment: PD
Checked if available?: Yes

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Posted: Fri, 21/04/2023 19:50 (1 Year ago)
new adopt dropped, this one is l e g e n d a r y

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Posted: Wed, 19/04/2023 17:22 (1 Year ago)
Ordering an egg!
User: Grei
Egg: green, green, blue
Payment: pd
Checked if available?: yes

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