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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Grayyy.
Posted: Fri, 31/12/2021 16:34 (3 Years ago)
Citrine had been wandering it the woods. Taking in the scenery in the afternoon. Crisp air ruffled her ears as she laid quietly basking in sunlight that inhabited the area through the shaded trees.

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Posted: Mon, 27/12/2021 23:27 (3 Years ago)
Name: Citrine
Age: 17
Species: Shinx (Shiny)
Personality: Citrine is sweet with a rather calm demeanor. She isn't typical to show anger or aggression unless it's for an important cause. If it's pointless, it is likely she'll just move on. In addition to this, she can be slightly apprehensive at times towards others. Starting out shy and becoming more open.
Appearance: Shiny form of Shinx, black and gold with dark eyes.
Extra Stuff: Bisexual and I have a sheet for her abilities if wanted/needed.

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Posted: Sat, 25/12/2021 20:54 (3 Years ago)
Hey all! Please read below if you're interested in purchasing an icon.
PLEASE NOTE: The example images are large to preserve and display the best quality. They can be easily resized to be used as a profile picture or whatever you desire.

~ Please credit me if you use my art anywhere
~ I have the rights to decline a comission
~ Please be patient
~ Follow PH rules
~ If I accept your offer, I will PM you the price. Once that is done you will send it and I'll accept when I've finished and sent the comission over.

Deluxe Icons - Ranges from 20k PD to 35k PD depending on pokemon and difficulty
~ Around a week
~ Pokémon and Background


Form for Deluxe Icon
Pokemon -
Background color + illustrations -
Password -

Example -
Pokemon - Shiny Pikachu
Background color + illustrations - Stars and navy blue background
Password -

Simple Icons - 5k - 10k PD depending on the background
~ 2-3 days to be finished
~ Pokeball art only w background


Form for Simple Icon

Password is your favorite game!

Type of Pokeball -
Background color + illustrations -
Password -

Example -
Type of Pokeball - Greatball
Background Color + illustrations - Pastel blue and flowers
Password -

Thank you for reading! PM or reply if you'd like one and have a lovely day either way!!
Also, if you were wondering, I use Pixil studio to create these.

Slots - 2/4 taken - Note: If you PM I'll see it sooner

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