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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Fennecfox.
Posted: Wed, 19/08/2015 12:17 (9 Years ago)

Title: I Like The Suggestion


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Posted: Fri, 14/08/2015 01:29 (9 Years ago)
Username: Fennecfox

Events I Want:
I'd like to order two of each of these..

Lepreowth (Everstone)
Surfer Machop (Everstone)
Valenfloon(M/F) (Everstone)
Rodeo Scraggy 
Fiesta Larvesta
Scattercube (Everstone)
Catercream (Everstone)
Disguised Exeggcute
Tom Nook
Princess Smoochum (Everstone)
Winter Numel (Everstone)
Autumn Abra (Everstone)
Dark Ponyta
Summer Mareep
Driflamp (Everstone)
Flower Boy
Flower Girl
Festival Ralts
Jolly Jr (Everstone)
Sad Jr (Everstone)
Nightmare Munna
Easter Buneary
Knight Axew
Van Bagon
Mr. Bagon
Santa Bird
Sugar Shock (Everstone)
Cuddlithe (Female)
(x2 on ALL)

Normal Pokemon I Want: N/A

Specific Gender: 1 Female & One Male Of Each.
Fixed Genders just do x2 Also.

What I Am Offering: PD or/and Pokémon I can breed.

Do You Want Your Complete Order Or For Me To Send Them As They're Bred: Send Them As They're Bred please!

Ps. Growlithe Rocks

PM the final PD price and/or pokémon you'd accept. Discount for massive order would be ♥ but I can understand if that isn't possible ^-^

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Posted: Sun, 09/08/2015 19:25 (9 Years ago)
I Claim "Umbreon" - (Fennecfox) - 9th August 2015
If she's taken then I claim Entei

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Posted: Fri, 31/07/2015 23:35 (9 Years ago)

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