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Searching for: Posts from Elisia77UwU.
Posted: Fri, 15/01/2021 17:09 (3 Years ago)
hi my real name is not elisia

Anyyyways i chose a username CLOSE to my name buuuut im NOT gonna tell u it.

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Posted: Fri, 15/01/2021 17:00 (3 Years ago)
I'd Like to start my Journey as a pokemon trainer!
Name: Elisia
Age: Just 10
Starter: Alolan Vulpix
Personality: Sweet, Shy, but gets really ticked if you beat her in a battle, and falls for any prank or trick
Appearence: Brown Hair, Green Eyes, Short with twinkle toes sneakers (lol) and her shirt is a dabbing unicorn and her pants have glitter from a art project

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Posted: Fri, 08/01/2021 01:11 (3 Years ago)
bumpity bump bump

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Posted: Thu, 07/01/2021 17:14 (3 Years ago)
Hi hi hi hi i am Elisia77UwUor just Elisia i like gacha club, pokemon and im just weird. Anyways my fav legendarys are Reshiram, Lunala, and Zacian and Zamazenta. i have 1 of those 4 TwT

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Posted: Thu, 07/01/2021 16:38 (3 Years ago)

Title: Extra desc:

Extra Appearence: Ok so her hair is like lavender as you know and her eyes are big and cute with kind of pale skin and she wears gloves that only cover her wrists and her dress is lavender with bumpy yellow lines and she has shoes with (fake) wings and also has (fake) wings on her back and her socks are very wrinkly

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Posted: Thu, 07/01/2021 06:20 (3 Years ago)

Title: Thanks!

Oh ok thx I was having a lot of trouble anyways I will also probably uhm... Submit something for this forum? Idk what you guys r doing but I will consider! Ok have a nice day/afternoon/evening/ night!

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Posted: Thu, 07/01/2021 05:28 (3 Years ago)

Title: Just a Dragocat Newbie

Ok so totally not related to this... Forum at all but... I just got signed in! And I am a dragocat (dragon cat) desc of me is I like to play gacha club, pokemon games, and my fav legendaries are Lunala and Zacia n oh and also Reshiram. Ok bye!

(Also sorry if i mess up ima Noob TwT)
Username: Elisia77UwU
Character Name: Pantha
Desc: has white/lavender hair and has a little sister that is sick and she plays teh flute for her when she visits. Her dress is lavender-white-and yellow her hair is in a braid? I forgot ok thats all

Also how do i attach a pic? Someone pls help meh

Username: Elisia77UwU
Character Name: Gavana
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Appearance: Her Hair is a pretty shade of purple/lavender that is very messy and her clothes appear as a dress with mixed up colors that I cant describe.
Personality: Annoying, Confident, and a big wimp at times.
Pokemon: Pumpkaboo and Froslass
Other R-E-S-P-E-T-C-G
Idk if thats correct

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