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Searching for: Posts from Duncan97.
Duncan97 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1 |
Posted: Fri, 04/07/2014 19:07 (10 Years ago) |
2. How many eggs can an elephant lay?= (your answer)one egg that then cracks into 50 more!!! 3. If a hippo flew all the way to the antartic, then how much time would be needed?= (your answer)1second!! Because it would fly faster than light and sound!! 4. Can snakes fart?= (your answer)nope but they can eat farting monkeys!! 5. How many eyes does a giraffe have?= (your answer)for all we know each spot may be an eye!!! :0 6. Are these questions retarded?=(your answer) Are my answers? [Read more] |
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