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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Dorky.
Posted: Wed, 27/11/2024 03:35 (3 Months ago)

🕊️lucian arbred's pov❄️

(A note from the very regretful author of this post:
I apologize for taking such a long hiatus from the roleplay, again. I hope that you enjoy what I have composed here. I look forward to what we'll all create together with our characters and I love you guys, okay? Never forget that.)


With that one word, all the tension in Lucian's shoulders vanished. His demeanor returned to its typically calm and amiable state, as he too, offered Kubo and Idris a soft, apologetic smile. They would make this plan work, even if they had to involve Shi in it unintentionally. They would stop this killing game... no matter what.

You can do this, Kubo. Just tell us your plan.

"I know who the mastermind is. They've made it so obvious, time and time again. The timing, the manipulation, the connection to every killer... it's there. They know too much about too many things."

Lucian's nose and eyebrows twitched, a look of realization coming upon his rather meek gaze. Did Kubo mean... them?

"But we can't be wrong. We can't kill them with no proof, and have it come back to bite us in the arse. Forgive my Bri*ish."

He almost laughed at that one. Even in such a serious situation, Kubo couldn't drop his blatant sarcasm.

"We need to be careful, meticulous about this. Lay down a trap with two angles to catch them... just on the slightest chance we're wrong."

But... what could they possibly do?

"Lucian, we're going to have to fake your death."

your death. your death. your death.

It had been a long time coming. Yet the words still rung in his ears. He had to make sure he'd really heard that right. Yet, didn't it sound natural, in a way? He had lost almost every person he had ever cared about. It was only fitting he would die as well.

He remembered just how opposed Kubo had been to the suggestion of his suicide preventing another trial.

And maybe, if I had... Futatabi... Mei... they would still be...

No. He couldn't focus on that right now.

"A lot iiiiis kinda an underestimate, but fine. Whatever. You can join, Shi. I'd be...delighted to have you."

Thank goodness. The Greek spaghetti emo Idris had decided to play along. So he could cooperate, when push came to shove. Lucian was glad he and Kubo had resolved... some of their differences. Or maybe, they just loved to hate each other.

Man, there sure were a lot of emo boys in this roleplay. Like, an entire club of them. Go to Hot Topic.

"Oh thank god. I'd be so crap at faking my death. I've done it before but, I can't lay there, all dead-like. I can't sit still..."

Lucian was slightly startled at the Idris lore drop, but unsurprised that that had happened to him in particular. "...that explains a lot."

"Alright. The plan is to fake Lucian's death, and while we're in the trial room, Lucian can sneak around and search the hidden tunnels."

That... definitely sounded like a plan... but...

"You may have noticed I was... away for a bit. I was searching for Darcy, who fell through a hole in the floorboards. There's a suspicious set of tunnels underneath the school. There's a door at the end of all it, which Monokuma seemed oddly concerned about us finding."

Lucian stiffened. He was just grateful both Darcy and Kubo had been alright. But, those tunnels could be useful...

"I think there's a hidden base where the mastermind monitors the school, because otherwise, how would they know who the killers are? There has to be a place where the recordings are sent, because otherwise, how would they get the chance to review the murder, know who the killer is in time for the trial? That, is what I suspect lies at the end of the tunnel, if not an exit. But we can't check, since Monokuma will stop us if we head down there. No doubt, the only reason we found it to begin with is because we didn't know of its existence. But now that we've seen it, there's no chance to get down there without him standing guard."

Kubo had a good point there. The mastermind had known a lot of things that... no person could have feasibly known. That made sense. Video surveillance...

Lucian shivered. He didn't... want to think about cameras.

"There's one person in particular who disappears following the murders, and that's the one I suspect as being the mastermind. But we're going to confirm that theory. We'll lay out an apparent suicide, and lay the body in an inaccessible spot in here, where there are no cameras... but, in another room on camera prior to the murder, have Lucian hide an apparent note before he goes off to our decided room. The note will implicate someone, someone suspicious enough, say... Miko."

Wait, that WAS a good idea. Miko had been a loose cannon lately. He had literally tried to kill someone in front of everyone. Who was to say he wouldn't try it again?

"Meanwhile, during the class trial, we can observe and see who targets Miko with no precedence. Perhaps they'll try and guide us in the 'right direction'... perhaps not. But if they have this note to keep them calm, then Lucian'll get an opportunity to check out the tunnels during the class trial, when no one is monitoring the cameras inside them, and Monokuma is successfully distracted with all the fun in his murder game. And no doubt, there'll be something to implicate the mastermind. And if all else fails, Lucian can review the security footage and see who collects his apparent last note."

That... was all a very good idea. But Lucian still had one question.

"Of course this all hinges on the fact that they don't regularly check the cameras and realise that this one is only playing a loop. And they don't have a security system besides Monokuma monitoring the tunnels. But if we play our cards right, then there should be little suspicion of anything, and the class trial room will probably be the target of all of their security measures. What do you think?"

Well... it seemed like a solid plan, but-

"Not bad, but is there anything for the rest of us to do besides prep? It really seems like all this relies on Lucian."

Yes... it does all rely on me. That this time... I don't get up. And maybe, maybe I can save everyone's life.

"Besides monitoring the trial room? Not particularly. But if it comes to it, when we notice somebody who seems to target the person we have chosen as a 'killer', we need to have people available to hold that person down after the execution. And three people are more credible than one, if we have to kill them. And... if we must, perhaps we can rig something, manipulate our target. That's why I'd want to pick Miko. He seems unstable enough, and if we're confident of who the mastermind is, perhaps we can arrange for our own little assassination. Defeat the mastermind, Hope's Peak Style."

Lucian took a deep breath. "There's just... one thing bothering me. This all hinges on the mastermind actually thinking I'm dead. How are we going to pull that off?"

💌Darcy Harper's POV🦋

Dying. Suffering. In pain. Having guilt nightmares. Depression.


Haha the flashbacks never stop

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Posted: Wed, 27/11/2024 03:09 (3 Months ago)

💛Kalani Akana🐦‍🔥

Right, the matter of introductions. A simple thing that was kind of a snore. Yet, they couldn't deny it necessary, and possibly fun. She yawned and perched her hands behind her head, stretching and flicking their ponytail, eyes flitting from side to side.

Nobody seemed to be saying anything useful. But at Yang Mi's comment regarding her nails, Kalani perked up. She zipped over, curly ponytail swaying from side to side.

"Ooh, awful sharp! I bet those are painful. You're like some kinda wolverine." She blinked her wide eyes curiously, almost admiring the objects.

"Buuut where are my manners (I guess). I'm Kalani Akana, and I'm an actor by trade. Nice to meet you!"

She grinned.

One of the people here... was kind of boooooring. She kept talking about getting off the island. While Kalani was curious about that, right now, her mind was more on exploring this place they found themselves in. And there was no need to worry!

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Posted: Tue, 05/11/2024 04:03 (3 Months ago)

💛Kalani Akana🐦‍🔥

Kalani Akana never really saw any real reason to be concerned. Nothing was ever much of a big deal to her. How could it be? Life wasn't a big deal. Life wasn't to be taken seriously. Life was to enjoy, to have fun, pleasure, joy, merriment! You could never bother restraining yourself with the binds of worry!

...and, after all, what would you ever have to worry about? What would there, could there, possibly be that you couldn't deal with? Everything was fun and games, right? Just about having a good time.

She stirred into motion, and took in their surroundings with a broad streeeetch of her arms and legs.

"Kidnapped, huh?" she asked, flicking her long hair with a long-nailed index finger and blinking her wide eyes. "Well, I must say. I don't remember living here." She clasped her hands together before quickly pulling herself to her feet, earrings clinking as she did so.

Kalani hurriedly ran her fingers through their hair, grabbing a dusty spare hair elastic from her pocket. She immediately yanked it through, putting it up in its characteristic ponytail.

"Eeeh. But if we were kidnapped, that's junk. We might as well get to know each other! After all, our enemy of our enemy is our friend!"

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Posted: Mon, 04/11/2024 22:22 (3 Months ago)

🕊lucian arbred's pov❄️

Lucian momentarily froze up at Shi's voice like a startled bird. But... upon noting Kubo's demeanor... he realized the same thing.

It's better to behave politely towards her. Since we've been caught. It's all we can really do.

He nudged Idris gently in the side, giving him a look.

"What Idris meant to say is... he's a bit upset at having been interrupted. He's going through a lot right now. I hope you understand. We'd be more than glad to have you join us."

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Posted: Mon, 04/11/2024 21:40 (3 Months ago)

🕊️lucian arbred's pov❄️

"I have a plan to capture the mastermind. It requires the work of three different people. You, me, and Idris."

Lucian's eyes widened, his head jerking slightly to the side. He slowly nodded, listening intently.

"you think it can be done?"

"I'll get into the details once he arrives. For now, we can look for any hidden cameras. I think there's just the one, but we might as well double check."

That was a good idea. You could never be too careful. You could never underestimate what... some people could unfortunately be capable of.

'Oh yoo-hoo Kubo! Your knight in shining armour has ari-ii-ved!'

Knight in... shining armour?

Well. Those were words. That was Idris.

"Well, for once Idris, your princess isn't in another castle. You've got two princesses, and a fake murder plot to plan with them."

Lucian silently looked himself up and down, wondering if either he or Kubo looked like what would qualify as a 'princess'. The very idea was appalling.

But wait. Fake... murder plot?

I think I know where this is going.

"Lucian's part of the plan. I know him pretty well, and I don't think he's secretly orchestrated this whole killing game... so he'll be helping us. I hope that's okay. This whole business is a three person job."

Lucian's heart skipped a beat. Kubo trusted him. He actually trusted him. Although the idea of him being the mastermind did sound a little preposterous. If anyone out there was theorizing about that, he would be very surprised.

"Yeah...he doesn't really look like the 'mastermind' type. Unless he's really good at hiding it, then, props to you Lucian."

He flinched slightly, taken aback, pulling his scarf up over his face. "who would do such a thing?" he exclaimed in wide-eyed horror.

I don't think... even Mei would do that.

Was... Idris really excited about a fake murder plot? Well. It was fake. So... that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. But the idea of Idris being excited sounded odd in his memory.

"So... the identity of the mastermind. I have a good idea, but if we're going to kill someone we better damn well be right. That's why you're here."

He perked up slightly at the sound of that. Kubo had a good idea of who the mastermind was? But.... who?

. . . could it be... that person?

"You've got a good head on your shoulders. You aren't stupid like Setsuna or Darcy and you're a hell of a lot less arrogant than me. If there's a flaw in my theory, you'll catch it. So..."

Okay, ouch. No need to insult everybody. But Kubo did kind of have a point.

"Listen carefully, okay? If I'm wrong about anything, I'm trusting you to spot it."

What was he going to propose? Lucian waited intently with bated breath.

Maybe they could actually pull this off.

Lucian kind of felt like he had just faded into the background as Idris spoke and wondered if there was an actual point to him being involved in this plot. Dang, did he just call Kubo Watson? He called THE ULTIMATE DETECTIVE Watson?


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Posted: Sat, 02/11/2024 16:28 (3 Months ago)

🕊lucian arbred's pov❄️

He hadn't even uttered a word.

Lucian was unsurprised. Maybe Kubo didn't know where he belonged. Or maybe... he simply didn't want to think about it. It was a difficult thing to think about, wasn't it?


"...so, why did you call me here?"

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Posted: Fri, 01/11/2024 06:28 (4 Months ago)

🕊lucian arbred's pov❄️

"I don't think you belong here."

Huh? Lucian raised his head. He wasn't sure what he was expecting Kubo to say... but... it certainly wasn't that.

"This isn't the place for you. Not here, not somewhere sterile and cold and w-with tiles and crap. You... you belong out in the sun."

. . .

"out in the sun... huh?"

Lucian paused for a moment. Unsure of whether to say what lingered on his mind.

I've always loved the cold.

"I think... she would have loved the sun."

Probably... a garden. Of flowers. Somewhere safe and warm.

Being... out in the sun, he thought. What a peculiar concept.

Was that what freedom felt like?

He was always moving, from place to place. So frantically. He was so tired. So, so very tired...

Of having a bad feeling, and walking in to see things were just as he had feared. Of never being able to do enough. Never being able to save everyone...

"...where do you think you belong?" he couldn't help but ask.

"Let's focus. Idris'll be here any minute now, and I don't want him attacking us when he sees you... if he th-thinks we're trying to p-pull something."

Why would he...?

And then Lucian remembered... this was Idris they were talking about. He had tried to kill Saeko. They still had to be on their guard around him. Even with the hope of moving forward.

"alright. I understand."

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Posted: Fri, 01/11/2024 05:10 (4 Months ago)

🕊️lucian arbred's pov❄️

"Lucian? You're here already?"

Oh. That was a good point. Why was he already here? Lucian wasn't sure himself.

Not to... ask Kubo about that, certainly not.

"you told me to get out of there," he replied flatly. There wasn't really any other response he could feasibly give. After all... he wasn't sure where else to go.

His breath hitched, his warm brown eyes flitting around the room, his head turning slightly in accordance with the motion. He numbly fiddled with his hands.

"this place... I like it here." He nodded to the infirmary. "it's somewhere people's wounds can be mended. Like when..."

He trailed off.

Oh, to prevent the murders? Yeah. That had clearly never worked out.

And the people who had helped to treat wounds?

Lucian swallowed, feeling for where that cut had been on his cheek. Not so long ago. It had already healed, and it just reminded him of...

Kaoru was no longer here. Neither was Akora. Akora... who they had found dead in the cafeteria. So soon. So recently. Lucian hadn't known her very well, but he had respect for them. They didn't deserve that.

"and... this is that place. Our place. Where we talked."

There was just something comforting about it. About the infirmary. It was a peaceful place. Lucian loved it here.

. . .

And Mei...

Could it be they had been treating her wounds so recently? Only to find out she had taken the fall for Setsuna. And was to be executed.

Lucian had never liked Mei Akamatsu. But he'd always wanted better for her. He'd always thought she could do better. Be better.

And maybe she could have.

Maybe that's what this place served as a reminder of. Of all the healing everyone could do... if they only tried.

"I guess... I just found it most natural to come here. It's like I belong in this place. In a way."

Yes... maybe that was the answer.

💌Darcy Harper's POV🦋

(Too much has happened in his regard for me to post more for him. Awaiting replies.)

🍭Sawyer Laurens's POV📚

(Too much has happened in their regard for me to post more for them. Awaiting replies.)

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Posted: Fri, 01/11/2024 04:21 (4 Months ago)

💌Darcy Harper's POV🦋

"Darcy! Don't just- what if he has more in his pockets?!"

Shoot. That... thought hadn't even occurred to him. But there was an even more startling thought on his mind. Miyako... cared if he got hurt?

That was new.

But Darcy merely found himself giving Miyako a small smile and a shake of his head.

Was Miko willing to perform a suicide bombing? Darcy didn't know what he was capable of. And yet...

What does it matter?

His life had never really mattered. No matter what he did.

"Miyako... it's fine. It's alright."

"Well- whatever your methods, you're right. We'll need to bring him back to his dorm. We can lock him in during prom, make sure he won't crash the party."

His grip tightened on Miko's wrists, his eyelids fluttering. Right. Prom... they had to get to prom.

And then, maybe...

His thoughts were interrupted by the most irritating, horrifying noise imaginable. One that none of them could have possibly predicted. One of complete, utter, unmatched horror--


Darcy's brows furrowed. He huffed tiredly, still tightly gripping onto Miko's wrists. The metal cross clinked slightly as it shook against his sweater's slightly rumpled fabric.

"Okay. Very nice, Buffkuma. Very nice. Let's hear it from the Ultimate Comedian."

"He really does. Clearly they should leave the talking parts to the grown ups! They have a few workouts before to do before they try roasting us!"

Darcy squinted. Did they... seriously think they were great talkers? That was rich.

Whatever. They weren't even worth entertaining. Especially not with the situation they had trapped them all i--

"WELL I CAN DO HIM ONE BETTER! All of you are sent back to your rooms! Don't come out until prom at 8 o-clock sharp, you hear?! If I catch any of you in the halls..."

Darcy grimaced. What was that utterly horrendous sight? He visibly paled, his body growing cold and stiff. Yet he still clung hastily to Miko's wrists, not daring to-

"Wifekuma and I will dress you in your PERSONALIZED prom outfits."

No. NO. Nononono.

So this was what true despair felt like.

"Now get out of here!"

Darcy sighed. He slowly, reluctantly let go of Miko's wrists. Red marks were left were there was normally unbelievable paleness. He reached out and grabbed Miko by the scruff of his hoodie.

"Listen here, you. You better march RIGHT back over to your room like that abomination told us to..." His eyes narrowed, his face clouding over. His tone lowered in volume, growing somehow colder "Or I will personally cause you unspeakable pain before killing you myself. Have I made that clear?"

🕊️lucian arbred's pov❄️

I have places to be.

Lucian's footsteps echoed almost silently against the floor with every step he took. He was used to being quiet. Not making any noise, even when you wanted to. You couldn't risk making a sound. Couldn't let them hear you.

I don't know what this is about...

But he had to show up. The therapist knew that very well.

Whatever it was, it was important. And he wasn't going to miss it for anything.

Everything would work itself out in the end.

🍭Sawyer Laurens's POV📚

People seemed... afraid. Sawyer wasn't sure what of. Until the teddy bear mentioned something. About-- - - -

. . . No.




Not again.

I don't want to go back.

I don't want to go back.




Runn ing.

R u n n i ng.

I don't know where to.

Anywhe re is be tt er

than the re

I don't want

I don't want to go back

n ot now

no t e ver

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Posted: Fri, 01/11/2024 02:00 (4 Months ago)

❄️lucian arbred's pov🕊️

Lucian always knew there was something off. Something off about... her. There was always something off about Miyako. And Mika, or, rather, Miko as well. They had the same pale blue eyes, the same ghostly hair and snowy skin. They both looked like they would shatter at a single touch. And yet... that they were both so, so very, very...


And as Kubo nudged him in that moment, telling him he should go... he couldn't help himself but to recall a time not so different from this one. Like all the dangers he had faced before. That he would probably face again, in some form or another.

Life was so unbearably violent.

The world was so unbearably violent.

It was a truth he knew all too well. That he recognized all too well. And, under any other circumstance, he would have intervened. He would have told everyone not to fight. He would have told them all that wasn't the answer. That maybe, just maybe, there had been a misunderstanding.

But, he knew better than that, didn't he?

Siblings. People from the same home.

People that shared the same experiences, the same parents, the same... everything. He didn't know how he hadn't seen it before.

Mika, no, Miko... Miko Hiroto had built a bomb. And he had just tried to kill his sister. Who knew who else he would take a shot at, if given the chance?

And for once... just once...

Lucian did not feel compelled to intervene.

He did not feel compelled to tell everyone to stop.

He just...


He did what Kubo had asked of him. And he got out of there.

His heart pounded in his ears the whole time. He just kept asking himself, over and over, as he clutched his notes tightly to his chest, tugging anxiously at his scarf...

What the hell am I doing?

💌Darcy Harper's POV🦋

But there was someone else who did feel compelled to act.

Darcy whipped around, snapped out of his bleary, dazed thoughts, which were mostly rolling his eyes at Sawyer internally, and wondering who the hell here he could actually speak to.

And then he snapped upward, diving to grab Mika... no, Miko, by the wrists, tackling him to the floor.

Not again not again not again not again...

Not when he could do something about it.

I'm not any better. I'm not any better. But...

"What the actual F**K?! Miko. Do you realize what you've just done?" Darcy shouted, his bright blue eyes blazing with hate. "You almost- YOU ALMOST KILLED MIYAKO. YOUR OWN SISTER. We need to restrain this maniac!"

And when he looked into Mika's Miko's eyes, he did not see the timid, shy little boy who struggled to even find words. Who blushed at the slightest provocation.

He saw... a monster. A hidden monster, but a monster.

One that has to be stopped.

"Miyako. How can you be so casual about this? HE JUST TRIED TO KILL YOU!"

Her own brother... huh?

Mei's voice still crept in the back of Darcy's mind. Gripping coldly at his shoulders, with that snide, coldly familiar, slitted smile.

He tried to ignore it. He tried desperately to ignore the shivers that went down his spine. That made his hands and wrists shake, even as he firmly gripped Miko's. This- this creep. He was absolutely insane.

And Darcy... Darcy, no matter who he was. He had- he had to make at least one thing right.

"We have to restrain him. For everyone's safety. He's not to be trusted."

He squinted in Buffkuma's and Wifekuma's direction. "CAN YOU STOP? Miko's attempt at throwing a bomb was about as graceful as a weasel pretending to be a seahorse, but this is a serious moment!"

🍭Sawyer Laurens's POV📚

A loud noise rang and split their ears, split the sky. Sawyer whipped around, their long locks of hair as well as their pigtails whipping around with them. Their wide dark blue eyes fixed themselves upon the sight, head tilted slightly to the side.

It was loud. So, so loud. And just where had they heard that before?

Maybe in a movie . . . maybe in a video game . . . maybe in a faraway memory, a faraway dream.

. . .

Or maybe...

Everyone was shouting. Something shocking had apparently happened.

The word the teddy bears used was murder.

Something... they were apparently all too happy about.

But no one else seemed to be happy.

Especially not the angel. The angel didn't seem to be very happy.

Quite angry, actually.

Darcy . . . ?

They slowly got up from the table. Yes, there was...

Certainly something off about...

. . .

Was that what everyone was so upset about?

It certainly looked like whatever that explosion had caused had wrecked the place.


Where had they seen that before? Had they... seen that before?

I think I've heard that word before.

There was this talk about siblings. Sawyer... didn't have any of those. At least, they thought... they... didn't.

"You're acting like somebody just killed your brother!"

"I don't have a brother."

That straight, short green hair... that dark and proper outfit. Beads dangling from her neck, with a cross on the end. Almost doll-like, so fragile, with that little clip in her hair. A tired but almost patient smile.

Almost reminded them all too much of someone else.

Someone it didn't seem right to lose.

Someone who was always there...

But I can't remember. Why can't I remember?

There were other people, who were always there too.

Always there, always there, always there.

Smiling. Happy. Helpful. Loving.

Always smiling. Never unhappy.

Nothing but blissful freedom.

Until the wretched place, where they take it all away.

They say you can't see the outside.

But why is that? Why must you look at it from within those confines?

Taking away all the color, and you're left with nothing left.

Nothing left.

I felt so numb, I felt so numb, I felt so numb, I felt so numb.

I couldn't remember.

I couldn't remember.

I couldn't


No matter how much they wanted me to.

They took away all the joy.

All the freedom.

Was it because I was different?

Because I couldn't make sense of those pictures?

And I could never make sense of that, either.

How a girl so kind... could do something so cruel.

But words from those lips could convince anybody.


but me.

"I have to say." Sawyer blinked, shaking their head. "That really was a sucky murder, you know? If you're going to bomb someone, you can't do it with quite so many witnesses."

Especially not Mimi. She's slippery.

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Posted: Wed, 16/10/2024 03:03 (4 Months ago)


"Yes, I did kill your father. My name is Shi no Shiryō, you killed my nuggie, prepare to die."

Sawyer's eyes widened. "Of course, IT WAS YOU!" They batted at Shi with the butter knife. (Darcy watched from a distance while facepalming with a groan.)

❄️ lucian arbred's pov🕊

"Mika, was it? Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm afraid I didn't catch your talent."

Lucian visibly squinted. Okay, Ultimate Detector, he thought.

Earlier, he had been willing to excuse Kubo hiding his talent, because it didn't seem to be for nefarious reasons. But even his eye twitched a little upon hearing that bit of hypocrisy from him.

Most of all though... he still wanted to know what was going on with Mika.

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Posted: Tue, 15/10/2024 21:51 (4 Months ago)

❄️lucian arbred's pov🕊️

"Thanks, Lucian."

Lucian nodded, swallowing slightly. His neck bobbed slightly as he did so, but it’s not like you would see it underneath his scarf, which he clutched at like a lifeline. Perhaps he was holding onto her in a way, by doing so.

It covered him, covered his scars, those echoing reminders of the past. As Kubo thanked him then, he smiled, just a little. But there was something sad about it.

”...of course. What are friends for?”

He betrayed a bittersweet hint of hurt in those words. So slight, so subtle, that Kubo might not have even caught it.


That was what they were. And there was no point in thinking of anything else. Anything more. And how could he even afford to think of such a thing, during such a dire time? Then again… Lucian couldn’t recall a time when his life hadn’t been quite so dire.

When everything had been alright.

When he wasn’t protecting everyone he held dear.

And failing.

And maybe, just maybe, he could protect Kubo too. Like he’d promised.


Lucian could only nod at that acknowledgment. He couldn’t help but wonder if there was more on Kubo’s mind, or… no. Perhaps not. He was a very troubled person, but it couldn’t be that.

"Not that I'm aware of..."


Right. Of course.

”I see.” That was all he could think of to say. What else was there?

"Is it just me, or is that person staring at us?"

Lucian froze. He slowly turned over, noting… wasn’t that Mika Uyehara? What was he doing, skulking around like that?

”Um… pardon me. It’s not very polite to eavesdrop. Did you have something to say?”

Lucian knew there were often situations where you couldn’t get the answers out of others directly. There were… plenty of them. But, given Mika’s talent, and how he had lied about it…

Kubo had done that too. But he wasn’t a specialist in weapons.

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"...Mika Uyehara. Ultimate Archivist. Now if you'll excuse yourselves, I'm heading to the Nurse's Office to create a bomb."

. . .

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"Please do not build a bomb. It is an unsafe venture for both you, and whoever you're bombing."

Oh… Kaoru… was still with us back then.

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"It's just for fun! No one'll get hurt, Kaoru!"

No, Sawyer, that’s not-

He couldn’t help but glance over at them for a moment. Still causing chaos, even when their memory was so foggy…

Lucian furrowed his brows.

”Mika Uyehara… what are you planning?”


"My baby, my poor, delicious baby, destined for consumption, given life for the sake of death, my baby. You have wounded my dear, beloved nuggie. You shall pay with your life!"

Sawyer felt like they had just activated a video game cutscene. Wait.

Oh. Yeah. That makes sense.

Sawyer equipped a butter knife from the table and started swinging it. “Oh, yeah?! Well, you TOTALLY killed my father! So, pay for that!”

Perfect. A classic line. Probably.

. . .

"Oy! No touchy!"

Sawyer’s eyes widened as the yoshi was flung from their grasp, and swallowed by the Mimi(?) abyss. They gasped, and grabbed their own wrist, staring at it, dropping the butter knife with a CLANG!

. . .

"We must put our differences aside! Protect the yoshis, Shi! There's a dino snatcher on the loose!”

“A dino snatcher?!” Sawyer glanced left and right. “Where?”

Put our… differences aside.

That sentence numbly repeated itself in their head.

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Posted: Fri, 11/10/2024 04:31 (4 Months ago)

❄️lucian arbred's pov🕊️

Lucian watched with bated breath as Kubo hesitated before responding at last.

"I need you to meet up with me in the infirmary after dinner. Don't tell anyone."


The infirmary? But why? Why that specifically? And... it needed to be confidential. Which would be something Lucian would understand. Especially if it was just for another one of their sessions together.

But this... seemed different. Very different.

He opened his mouth slightly, about to ask why, but then, Kubo explained further.

"Idris'll be there. You can ask him if you're worried. I just need you to be there, okay?"

"...alright. I understand. I'll be there."

Lucian pondered it, for a moment. His mind swirled with questions. Of course he hadn't suspected Kubo of anything dubious. Not completely, anyway. He wanted to trust him. He met Kubo's gaze once again, this time head-on.

"I don't have any idea what this is about. But, if it's really that important to you... I'll see you there. And we can sort out whatever you need to talk about. Okay?"

I'll always be there for you. Like I promised.

"Was there... anything else you wished to speak with me about?"

There was almost something he longed to ask him. But he just couldn't say it. Not directly.


Sawyer's eyes wandered over to the dino nuggets. A spark jolted into their expression, as they got up from the table, running over to...


. . .

They almost thought they heard something along the lines of-- "Sawyer? What are you- oh my gosh."

Miyako. Huh. Right... that was...


And... well. Sawyer didn't think they ever had much of an idea who the heck that other person was.

Liquid. Liquid everywhere.

Mannequin... right. A mannequin.

In pieces.

I didn't know those were sharp.

Why would someone... want to pierce a doll?

That looked like a person...?


That's not right.

Sawyer's hands swooped behind their back and they beamed at Miyako. They were smiling so hard that it almost seemed... forced. Had anyone looked, they'd see pretty much the majority of their braces.

"Hii, Mimiii! Whatcha got there? Are those Yoshis?"

No. Wait. Scratch it, scratch that.

Sawyer picked up one of the Yoshis(?) from the table and stared at it, blinking over and over. They tilted their head to the side.

"Huh. That's odd! Did these ones get... left behind?"

💌Darcy Harper's POV🦋

Lord have mercy.

Darcy cupped his hands together, pursing his lips and closing his eyes. They wondered if they should go after Sawyer or not. Maybe... probably. It was a little frustrating sometimes.

The way that he often had to look out for them. As much as he did.

And they'd been acting so... strange. No, strange was how they usually were. That was normal.


Darcy slowly opened his bleary blue eyes, stained with messy, blackish mascara. He cupped the right side of his face with his hand, letting out a weary sigh. Sawyer was making a fool of themself as usual... honestly. He was surprised they hadn't made a Triassic Playground reference.

In his lonely, absentminded state, Darcy wasn't sure what to do. Or who to talk to.

Kubo? That would just be awkward.

Idris? Oh, again, would you look at that, AWKWARD. Heyy, buddy. Sorry about all that stuff I said to Mei that might have just pushed her further over the edge.

Setsuna? He was probably too busy making snow angels with Sutaraitsu or... whatever the hell those two did.

Sawyer? Well. Not a good idea for obvious reasons.

Miyako? ...ugh. Not her. No.

The list just went on and on and on...

But he couldn't help but notice Mika Uyehara out of the corner of his eye. What was he doing?

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Posted: Fri, 11/10/2024 03:15 (4 Months ago)

❄️lucian arbred's pov🕊

"Hey, Lucian..."

Lucian's brown eyes widened slightly, his eyebrows shooting up as he whipped around to face Kubo. He had been jolted out of his thoughts to hear that familiar voice. The one that always made his heart skip a beat. It was... such a relief to see him again.

. . .

"oh! Kubo? it's... you." His tone was gentle, soft, betraying only a slight note of surprise. A slight smile crept up on him, as his eyes met those of the Ultimate Detective once again. It felt like so long since they'd spoken last... and yet, it really hadn't been that long at all.

(Only several months.)

"You have a minute? I have something to ask you... something important."

Something... important?

Lucian's heart leaped. He fiddled cautiously with his scarf, clasping it gently between his fingers. His heart stirred slightly, almost breathlessly in the way that it pounded, albeit so carefully. With the event that Monokuma was to be putting upon them all... he couldn't help but wonder if...

Yet, he couldn't dare hope for that. Could he?

"ah... yes. O-Of course. What do you need?"

He silently cursed the heat that flowed to his cheeks, for it might give him away when... if...

If I have the wrong idea.

💌Darcy Harper's POV🦋

It felt so strange to be in the cafeteria now. He spotted Kubo approaching Lucian... and wondered what that could possibly be about. And then there was... ugh. Miyako, hanging out with her precious girlfriend. He wasn't sure how to feel about her. Darcy mostly found themself staring at her begrudgingly.

Ugh. I'm sure she would have left me to die if she could have. Even after that.

At the same time, he wasn't entirely sure if he blamed her. Anyone else would have. Even if he had protected her from some terrifying Monokuma abomination... it didn't mean she owed him anything. She wouldn't have even thought twice about him just being left to die. Completely, entirely forgotten.

But Darcy couldn't help but dwell on one thing in particular.

The plan to get out of the school. Was it even feasible? He hoped they could all find a way out, but it just didn't seem too likely. He didn't want to dare hope about it.

And Sawyer was despondent, as usual, these days. So, so very quiet. So unlike their typically chaotic self. Darcy couldn't help but feel like something was on their mind, what that was, he could never say. But especially not now. Their eyes would move from side to side, as though merely silently observing everyone. It was almost... creepy.

Darcy never thought he'd use that word to describe Sawyer. Sawyer was clumsy, ditzy, a total mess, absolutely scatterbrained, and sometimes even a bit dumb and impulsive. But they were never creepy. Quiet. Distant. Calculated. No, that seemed much more fitting a description of other people here.

They had seemed relieved when they saw that Darcy was alive. When he'd come back, through... he didn't even know, after Kubo came to get him... well.

Sawyer had blinked and stared in puzzlement for only a few moments, before they ran forward and hugged him. Darcy had smiled slightly, softly, relieved to see them again. Relieved to see them alive and well.

But Sawyer kept uttering that one thing over and over...

How they "couldn't afford to lose Darcy" and "That isn't supposed to happen. Not again. Not again. Not again. Not again."

When Darcy had inquired...

"Sawyer... are you referring to when... I left?"

". . ."

They'd just stared at him, silently, with the most peculiar expression.

It was almost like...

They knew.

He didn't know HOW Sawyer knew.

Nobody knew.

ESPECIALLY not them.

How could... how could they know?

Of all people.

. . .

Especially... when their memories were such a mess. How could they realize?

How could they know?

I don't know if I can even hope for that much.

Darcy hoped Sawyer's memory would come back. They were behaving so strangely. They were always weird! But not like this.

Not... creepy weird.

Not quiet. So quiet. That wasn't Sawyer.

Looking at everyone with such familiarity, and yet such alienation.

He had only one hope... to help them remember.

And he had to put his trust, his faith, his intuition into that.

Darcy could only hope.

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Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 02:57 (4 Months ago)
Name: Kalani Akana

Gender: Transfeminine + Non-binary (She/they, prefers feminine and androgynous pronouns.)

Age: 24 years old

Birthday: July 4th (Nothing to do with 'Murica, I just associate them with fireworks)

Personality: A chaotic, flamboyant fellow who is something of a jokester. She lives life in the fast lane, the type to appreciate the present and the good things as they come. They tend to be way too chill about the most difficult of situations, always maintaining that carefree "whatever" sort of vibe. Even when things get especially bad, Kalani pretty much never takes anything seriously. She can often come across as insensitive when it comes to other people's feelings, often just expecting people to chill out when they experience difficulties. Kalani is rather ill-suited when it comes to emotional manners, preferring to just move on and brush things off or take a more practical approach. Which doesn't always work when she deals with more emotional people.

Personality Type: ExTP (either Ne-Ti-Fe-Si or Se-Ti-Fe-Ni. Depends on how she turns out.) 7w8 sp/so 738 SCUEI FLVE Chaotic Neutral Sanguine [Dominant]

[]Height: 5'5" (165.1 cm)
[]Weight: 121 lbs (~54.88 kg)
[]Skin Tone: Chestnut.
[]Hair Style: Mostly curly with partial waves. As seen in the photo, they keep it tied back in a messy ponytail, with perky bangs that cover almost her entire forehead. Short, swervy locks partially cover her ears. Part of their hair is braided behind their ear.
[]Hair Colour: Medium Brown
[]Eye Colour: Bright yellow! Natural color is brown, but they wear colored contacts.
[]Clothes: As depicted in the photo, Kalani typically dresses rather eccentric, perfectly befitting of her personality. They're the type of person to not wear a lot of layers, preferring tank tops, crop tops, t-shirts, shorts, skorts, and skirts. She also often sports flip-flops or sandals.
[]Accessories: Golden triangles dangle from their ears. Also has a couple piercings directly attached to her ears, in the shape of lightning bolts, as is depicted in the photo. Also sports a tiny dapper hat that is portrayed in the photo. Has tiny white fake flowers around her neck.
[]Other: Has freckles on and around her nose. Also on their shoulders, although it is not depicted in the photo.

History: Kalani Akana had a rather normal and untroubled childhood. Nothing much to speak of. She was given the freedom to what she wanted, to be whoever they wanted to be, and yet her parents were more so what you would call indifferent. They let her do pretty much whatever she wanted, without pushing much of anything on them. There were never really any expectations, which did lead Kalani to become a bit unhinged. They were never taught morals or any sort of limits. However, she also didn't really have reason to despair, as love and support were things she had never truly known. Nor had they known any extreme abuse or neglect. Only indifference.

Sexuality: Pansexual 🩷💛💙

Voice Claim: I'll think of one, maybe.

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Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 02:45 (4 Months ago)

♟️Laurence Walton's POV📖

"Naw. Can't say I'm able to help you much there, Walty. Maybe ask the Detective actually in charge of this case?"

Of course. It figures she'd be completely incompetent as usual. He didn't know why he even bothered asking at that point.

"Oh, right. Of course you of all people wouldn't be able to offer any assistance. I suppose I'll have t-"

He looked to the left and right, about to set off in search of them, or to maybe inquire about their whereabouts, before the dreaded moron herself answered his question for him. When he had been just about to draw such an obvious conclusion himself.

"Whoops! They're not here! Too bad for you, then."

Ugh. He hated that stupid cheesy grin on her face.

"Can you not take anything seriously?!" he scoffed. He pinched the sides of his nose, inhaling sharply. No, no, he couldn't let her ruin this opportunity for him. He'd solve it all by himself if he had to. Which he probably would.

Focus, Laurence. Focus.

"Jing Yu and Cali Mabey... that's what it said on the sheet. If you can find them, you'll be ahead of me, in any case."

"Right. I'll be seeing you around then."

Hopefully not anytime soon.

After all, he could solve this just fine on his own. And even if he had to work with... with this- impudent waste of space and potential- well. He wasn't going to let that drag him down.

He would rise to the challenge, even if he was going to do everything in his power to avoid her as much as humanly possible, and then after they had both served the remainder of their punishment (mostly his own punishment), he would never speak to her ever again.

Hopefully not.

Though, unfortunately for Laurence Walton, fate had other plans.

🌹Cadence Laurier’s POV👠

(We don’t ask when she got here or why, I don’t know, I’m trying to get back into this after forever of not posting so 😭)
Cadence Laurier adjusted her signature large, red square glasses, humming out a simple “Yes, thank you,” as the person serving her refilled her coffee. It was always important to have plenty of caffeine for the energy needed to get as much done as possible.

And even when Cadence was out traveling, she could scarcely tear herself away from her work. She had brought a number of her papers with her from the agency. After all, it was a challenge to be at the top. Everyone would always try to knock you off your throne… the one you’d worked your ass off for and damn well deserved.

Also, it just paid the bills. Oh, but speaking of those kinds of people…

Cadence heard a commotion going on in the next train car over. And, oh! Wasn’t this juicy… that crackjob Mawer was playing cards with the rest of the scraps. Well. That was certainly intriguing.

She was always ahead of schedule anyway. Besides… This wouldn’t be a mere worthless expenditure. Something that those lazy worthless hacks often did, always waiting until the last minute for the most important things. This had purpose.

She did always love to have all the information.

And in this case, she would have all the cards in her hand.

Cadence Laurier pretended not to notice them, that she was merely wandering through the cars, and happened to look up and see the card playing, a perfect look of mock surprise plastered upon her face.

“Oh, Mawer. What a surprise. Are you engaging in some harmless fun? Or gambling all your money away in the form of chips?” She leaned over, giving the people at the table a sickly lipsticked smile. “What are you all playing? I would love to know… if that’s quite alright.”

🧣Eloi Torres's POV🌧

I wish I didn’t have to do this alone.

When he was with Niwa, he knew there was someone there. A friend, someone he could depend on. Someone who also believed in superheroes. Someone who could believe in him when he didn’t believe in himself.

Someone who didn’t make fun of him, belittle him constantly… he wasn’t even sure how he had gotten selected here in the first place. And yet, he’d managed. Eloi was going to figure it out somehow, by himself.


By myself.

Okay, I can do that.

🍭Sawyer Laurens’s POV📚

(They are a silly goose and I love them but I have no idea what to write for them right now. Send help.)

💝Cali Mabey’s POV💐

(Sigh, yeah, hang on. I’ll post for them too another time, hopefully.)

🥽Suzume Fujimori’s POV🧪

I still don’t know what this is all for. Is this really all there is? All there is going to be… to humanity, for humanity…

Suzume cleaned up her supplies for the day and headed out. There was nothing more that could possibly be said. Nothing more that could possibly be done. It was just like any other day.

Any other day, where she would go to work, do what was required of her. And she would love it. She was doing what she was passionate about.

And yet… sometimes it felt…

Ugh. Her head hurt… for some reason. It didn’t make much sense. Nothing was making sense.

That wasn’t right.

Everything always made sense. She could… always make sense of everything. But something was wrong.

There was something… distinctly wrong.

"Good evening, Sir. Is there something you wish to speak to me about?"

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Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 04:24 (5 Months ago)

🦋🕊️🍭Third Person POV📚💌❄️

Everyone was yeeted to the cafeteria with no idea how they got there. Dorky was probably gonna write their point-of-views. Probably. But he was too tired right now. Try again next post.

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Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 03:40 (5 Months ago)

💌Darcy Harper's POV🦋

"Have to trust somebody? Huh."

The way Kubo spoke those words seemed as though he had never pondered them before. Darcy wondered briefly, then, if Kubo had trusted anyone in his life. Perhaps... at one point in time... one entirely different from this one... he had.

And it hadn't ended well for him, to say the least.

...when Darcy thought about it, who could he really say he trusted? There were only things you could trust. Things you could count on. Not people.

The only person that he could name, that he had ever trusted... was Sawyer.


"I don't intend to die here. And if I die, I'll die as myself and no more no less. I've already said I'll say sorry, so I don't see how any of that's your problem."


Dying as... himself. Darcy hardly saw how that was a good thing, given who Kubo was, and yet...

"No. She didn't die protecting me. She died hating me."

Did she?

A stabbing guilt pierced at Darcy's gut. He clutched his side once again, as though the words had cut right through him. Protecting someone... someone who wasn't even worth it.

Someone like...

. . .

"She hated me. And that's the truth of the matter. Even if she held love for me at some point, she was destined to hate me, because she was Catholic, and I was-"

Sawyer and I, we weren't destined to hate one another. Were we?

And yet...

What could Darcy really say on the matter?

Belief. Belief, or lack of it, thereof, could separate people. It always did. People would be leaps and bounds apart, no matter how far they tried to reach. No matter how hard they tried to reach each other.

I never told you the truth about that day.

. . .

Will I... ever?

"Mature, yep, that's me. Thanks for recognising it. Why not we talk about this later?"

Darcy's mouth opened very slightly, as though he was finally about to break his silence. But he merely nodded.

Right... later.

And, oh. Of course he ignored that. Whatever... typical of him anyway.

"Well, whatever it is... I'm heading back to my dorm now. You'd better find yours too. Your roommate..."

Right. Of... course.

"Hm... well, you should get some rest. You're pretty beat up."

"...right. See you around, I guess. Thanks again... for finding me."

Darcy turned around and walked away. There was nothing left to say.

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Posted: Tue, 01/10/2024 20:55 (5 Months ago)
Reservation please? ^^

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Posted: Tue, 01/10/2024 04:08 (5 Months ago)

💌Darcy Harper's POV🦋

"You felt bad for me? Why? Over Miyako's childish prank? Don't be ridiculous."

No, maybe he was right. Maybe that was...

. . .

In that moment... Darcy almost thought he could see himself. When he saw him.

Kubo Atsushi, who wanted so badly just to get by, his lying about his talent so painfully obvious. But no one could just let him do that. When Darcy thought about it, there was a lot of pressure involved with that kind of thing.

And... surely, everyone did have the right for hostility towards him, given how he had behaved. And yet...

Darcy couldn't help but wonder if, maybe it wasn't entirely deserved. Maybe there was some truth to that. That lie, that he was that stammery kid he had pretended to be, so as not to be attacked.

He didn't know how to be anything else. Anything other than some hopeless ball of awkwardness or a stone-cold jerk that just pushed everybody away.

"No, I did," Darcy concluded finally. "I really did. When you realized what you were dealing with... you just wanted to be left alone. You didn't want to be put through that again."

You try so hard... you put in all that effort. And yet, it's never enough.

"Pot meet kettle. As if half the people in this dump- (including YOU)- don't already have trust issues. I can't imagine that any of us will be walking away from this place without some freshly acquired mental problems."

Darcy visibly stiffened. He clenched at his own side with his hand, as though he had been stabbed.

"Yes... that's right," he murmured. "Horatia. Kaoru. Futatabi. Mei. Akora. They're all... dead."

And there were two killers still among them. Solaro, and Setsuna. Setsuna... who, however noble his reasons, had almost committed murder himself.

And can I really call myself any better? Knowing what I've done?

Darcy exhaled hastily. "You're right. You're... right. I don't suppose any of us are going to walk out of this unscathed. But..."

Oh, jeez. What do I even say to that? He's right, isn't he? No... that doesn't sound right.

"You have to trust somebody," Darcy said finally. "It might not be wise, given the situation, but it's all you can do to remain halfway sane."

I'm so tired... I don't want to go back. Not again. I'm so tired... so tired of testifying.

"Who are you to tell me how my mind works? Who I am is who I am. You don't know what my life's been like, or who I want to be. Sure, I'm a sh***y person. Maybe that puts me at higher risk of dying or whatever, but that's my prerogative. I'll play nice from now on, so what's your point?"

Darcy almost startled bristling, like some sort of deranged wild animal. "You're RIGHT!" he barked. "I don't know what your life's been like. I don't know how your mind works. But what I do know is that your trauma is no excuse to be an a*sh*le, Kubo. Just--"

Darcy clutched the cross around his neck tightly, huffing and panting over and over as he attempted to calm down. "I'm not talking about survival, Kubo. If you die here... is this really how you want to go out doing it?"

And is this... really how I want to continue on... the way I always have...

"Right. It's- whatever. You'll play nice. Okay. I guess."

"People say they'll change all the time. But let's be honest here, how many really do? Lucian's... special. He's a good person, or as close to one as you can get. What can you say about other people, really though? Everyone fakes it. Manners, smiles, little 'I love you's? Love doesn't last, and neither does any of that. Soon it's off to to screamsville while the kids hide in the closet. Don't try and sell me any of that 'people can change' crap. You're either born good, or you're born bad, and there's nothing you can do to change it. Some people are lucky, and they don't realise they're a piece of s**t until the day they die, because they never know just what they've done. They're stupid. They don't realise they've killed the kid across the street, because none of the things they said that drove him to hang himself simply weren't important to them. That's what people do. Hurt and hurt and hurt, most without ever even seeing it. Sure, some people are born to help people. Lucian's one of them. But they're not the majority. Most of us are just murderers waiting for the chance, and we're so stupid we don't realise we're just how screwed up we really are."

Darcy stared him down, for a long time, scarcely blinking, before lowering his gaze. "You know... if... you go on thinking like that... then that's exactly why you can't change. You just think there's no hope for you. Or that it's impossible. You can say Lucian's born good if you want, but..." Darcy paused, lingering over the words.

"You don't know what my life's been like, or who I want to be." They replayed in his head, almost instinctively.

"Can we... really say we know what Lucian's life has been like, Kubo? Maybe you do. But I sure don't. Maybe... he went through a lot of screwed up things too. Heck, maybe he's somehow a terrible person. But some people... they go to those efforts, they say those things, they do those things, because they really care."

He gritted his teeth, his hands slowly clenching into fists.

"But... I? Myself? I don't even know."

Maybe she was right.

"I think... we all like to think we're good people. But who the hell even knows what that means? But it's just... the things people go through. That changes them in the first place. Shapes them into who they are, or something."

Darcy felt at the string of the cross hanging around his neck. This place... was starting to feel suffocating. Tiring. So... so dusty. So old.

Put away at the back of an attic.

Not even given a room to call your own.

So doll-like, all you were was a doll.

Something nice to be put on display.

Nothing permanent.

A pretty lie.

"You can say... people are all good, or all bad. And, hell, it probably sounds strange. Coming from me of all people. But... you know... not even..."

Mei. That's it.

"Not even Mei was completely screwed up! Did you see what she did for Setsuna back then? And... and she... she confessed to me. All those twisted things she did. All the deals she made, the people she killed. And even she found it in her to perform something... kind. To do something good. Once in her life. Maybe there's good and bad in everybody. And what matters is what we act on."

And... there was her, too. I guess.

"And... Kaoru... she... died protecting you, didn't she?"

"This murder game... it's a bit of a work of art, isn't it? It forces us to address the demons in us, and come right out and tell everyone how horrible we really are. I said some awful stuff to Lucian and Idris back there. And I hate myself for it, but really, I just hate myself because I know I meant it."

"You... meant it, huh?"

Darcy lingered on the thought. Kubo had meant it. He'd meant all those awful things he said.

Maybe they weren't so different after all.

"And I know that... most people would deny that. I'd have denied it a while ago, when I was that 'timid, stammery kid' of yours. But now I... I know that I'm destined for hell. Kaoru knew it too, from the moment she met me."

"Kubo, that's... actually..."

But he didn't get a chance to say anything.

"But still, I... I promise, I can play nice. I can know all these things, and still play nice for you Darcy."

So many thoughts rushed through Darcy's head. All the things he knew he was supposed to say, like... how that wasn't true. How... it was all just an excuse. How Kubo wasn't truly terrible. That he was choosing not to change. Yet...

"So please. Just leave me alone a little while longer. I don't want to know you, and you don't want to know me, not really. So don't sell me any of that 'redemption' bull."

And yet, there was only one thought, one sentence, that came from Darcy's parted lips.

"Kubo, that's actually... really mature of you."

And, quietly, so quietly, he murmured, "...far more... mature than I am."

Than I ever will be.

"I don't need redemption. I just need peace and quiet... for a little while longer. I promise you, you'll get a return on your investment."

"Right. Peace... and quiet. Okay. That... sounds nice, actually."

"Yeah. And I'm just a detective. So maybe let me do my job, huh? I'll let you make chocolates, and you can let me get us outta here. Sound like a fair trade?"

The remark stung far more than Darcy anticipated. But, ouch, this guy was always nothing short of harsh. Whatever, really.

"Sure. Do you... even like chocolates?" Darcy wasn't even sure why such a nonsensical question came to mind. He seemed like a coffee flavor kind of guy. Maybe... Darcy just didn't want to think about it right now. All the thoughts, that couldn't help but circulate...

"Uh... that's not important. Come on, move..."

"Right." Of course, not important to the plot matter at hand.

Darcy too, screamed, when it hit, half-expecting to die. He swore he saw his entire (incredibly sad and pathetic) life flash before his eyes. But...

"What the- What just happened?"

"I... don't know," Darcy coughed, brushing himself off. He squinted, glancing at their surroundings. "Although, whatever it was, I can't say I'm surprised. Given everything that's happened so far."

Who knows... what else will turn out, that I always thought to be unthinkable.

🍭Sawyer Laurens's POV📚

Something had changed. Sawyer could almost feel it in the air. And yet...

As usual, they couldn't seem to bring themself to feel it. To care. Why would they when they didn't understand what was going on?

But there was something... off. They could feel it. When they looked at her.

When she spoke...

There was something strange about the words.

Something was not quite right.

And Sawyer didn't know how they knew this... how they knew this, when...

She was but a scarce blurry memory.

But I feel like... I know what she wanted then.

And why she wanted it.

🕊️lucian arbred's pov❄️

I don't know why I didn't move then.

. . .

I don't know why I didn't intervene.

Inaction always caused the worst of things. The last thing you wanted to stand by and do, was nothing. So why did he find himself merely watching, as Idris and Miyako spoke?

Perhaps because Lucian's creator from behind the screen screwed up but ehh that's not possible

Lucian knew that he didn't trust Miyako. He couldn't trust Miyako. Not once since that day.

And he... he wasn't the type to hold grudges. But she just... always gave him a bad feeling.

It always seemed like she was sneaking around. Like he never knew what exactly went on in her head. What she was doing.

Lucian found himself about to walk away from the pit. Sawyer seemed to still be staring down into it.

But the vacant, faraway look in their eyes was replaced with something else.

It seemed like they were trying really hard to piece something together... something important.

"Sawyer... can we talk?"

They didn't seem to hear him. Lucian waved a hand adjacent to their face.


Sawyer blinked. They turned to look at Lucian, squinting slightly, as though they weren't wearing their glasses, and couldn't quite see him.

"Me?" they asked. "That's me, right? That seems to be the alias thingy everybody's telling me I'm called."

Lucian sighed. "yes. Do you keep forgetting everything? No matter how hard you try?" That kind of thing could definitely prove to be troublesome. Both for Sawyer in their relationships, and this whole Killing Game situation. And Lucian couldn't help but feel like... nobody was helping them with this like they should be.

Perhaps they didn't know how to try.

"I dunno. Kinda, I guess. Mmm! I feel like I know you from somewhere. There's something so familiar about you, like some kind of faraway dream!"

"right. It's just... that's because we were friends. are." Lucian patted them on the shoulder gently. "I know this must be difficult for you. maybe we could try to jog your memory someho-"

Sawyer's eyes immediately widened, and they swatted Lucian away. "No. Nonono! No way. I don't- I don't want to remember, I-"

They clutched at the sides of their head, visibly grimacing. "Please... don't make me remember. I- not again. I can't. I don't-"

Not... again?

Lucian felt at the spot where Sawyer had swatted him, his eyes widening. "Sawyer... what do you mean by..."

"Please. Not again."

Maybe it's best not to press the matter... whatever it is.

"It's just... the way you were looking at Miyako... earlier."

". . . Miyako?"

Oh. Right.

"White hair. Hoodie. Super bright blue eyes. Snarky expression." Lucian listed off the physical features on his fingers. "The... way you were looking at her earlier," he explained, hesitating before finally saying it.

"I want to know what that was all about."

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