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Searching for: Posts from DefinitelyNotRif.
Posted: Mon, 13/12/2021 10:13 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 26/11/2021 14:50 (3 Years ago)
Can I order a Tropius please? Thanks!

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Posted: Fri, 26/11/2021 12:11 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 26/11/2021 09:51 (3 Years ago)
Can I buy a Nosepass? I saw that you only have one, so if you can get a dupe to sell (via the Tall Grass or breeding), I'll pay as if it's Rare (999pd)

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Posted: Thu, 29/04/2021 07:35 (3 Years ago)
Don't worry, it was very challenging! Thanks for all the hard work it must have taken to set this up!

And you know what, to prolong the contest, I'll give up one of the shinies as a prize for the next one to solve it =]

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Posted: Thu, 29/04/2021 07:11 (3 Years ago)
I hope I understood the Wikipedia hints correctly... In that case, my first guess is:
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This was a lot of fun!

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Posted: Thu, 29/04/2021 06:55 (3 Years ago)
This looks fun, I'd love to participate!
How do I sign up (or did I just need to post this)?

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Posted: Mon, 19/04/2021 07:30 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 17/04/2021 07:12 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 14/04/2021 11:49 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 13/04/2021 15:05 (3 Years ago)
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Evil Magikarp - I always bet on tails (the Magikarp picture) and it didn't work, but now I tried both options one after the other, and it worked! Either you have to bet on heads for some reason, or you need to lose in the entire session (since last time I won twice before losing).
Mysterious Area - I don't think I've used it yet, I'll try once my mons come back in a few hours.

Thanks for the advice!

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Posted: Tue, 13/04/2021 14:47 (3 Years ago)
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I have discovered the Mossy Forest area in the Rumble Zone, and played the coinflip for 10,000 chips until I lost.
Now that I think about it... Does the former refer to legendary-related maps, rather than these evolution areas?

Also, thanks for the clarification about Search for Gold, I'm nowhere near that lmao. Around what level do you start getting amounts like these?!

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Posted: Tue, 13/04/2021 09:23 (3 Years ago)
You get it when you finish the tutorial - though it may take a couple of minutes to appear.

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Posted: Tue, 13/04/2021 07:50 (3 Years ago)
(EDIT: And happy birthday!)

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Posted: Tue, 13/04/2021 07:48 (3 Years ago)
I've fulfilled the requirements for the "Mysterious Area" and "Evil Magikarp" badges, but they haven't showed up. I did it yesterday, so it's not because of the 15 minute delay.
It might be because I'm still missing the "Search for Gold" badge in the second set. On the other hand, I've been able to get badges from the second set before completing the first, so it doesn't make sense...
Is this a known bug?

Also, about "Search for Gold":
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Is there a way to see how much PD you've earned from Rumbling? It feels like I should have gotten enough to get the badge already, but I don't know for sure...


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Posted: Mon, 12/04/2021 21:17 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 12/04/2021 20:36 (3 Years ago)
After doing the Raylóng task, I have 3 dragon gems left. Apparently they sell for 25k-30k apiece, so it's tempting, but their high price must mean there are plenty of reasons to keep them as well.

My question is, are any of those reasons relevant for a beginner like me? I'm not going to go for the Kalos legendaries or mega stones any time soon, so should I save them up for when I will or is it fine to just sell them? I could definitely use the PD...

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Posted: Mon, 12/04/2021 15:23 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 12/04/2021 13:38 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 12/04/2021 13:09 (3 Years ago)

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