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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from DefiantApple.
Posted: Tue, 17/12/2019 19:09 (5 Years ago)
Gosth I want something mystery!
Username: DefiantApple
Item I want: 2 brown box, 1 green box, 1 green key, 1 pink box, 1 pink key, 1 purple box, 1 purple key, 1 red box, 1 red key
How many: 10 items in total
Tips: 5000 pd
Password: 12
Other: Should cost 80 normal gems, right, since I'm asking for 10 mystery items+the 20% off rn? Thank you!

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Posted: Tue, 10/12/2019 00:08 (5 Years ago)
Gosth I want something mystery!
Username: DefiantApple
Item I want: 2 brown box, 1 pink key, 1 purple box, 1 red key, 1 green box, 1 gold box
How many:
Tips: 4000 pd
Other: Thank you!

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Posted: Thu, 24/10/2019 14:59 (5 Years ago)
I am giving out free Gastly/Haunters and/or Litwicks to anyone that wants them! If you'd like some, just comment below and I will st up a trade! You can also ask for specific genders if you'd like.

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Posted: Tue, 24/09/2019 15:16 (5 Years ago)
The Plushie has been sent to Zarkesh successfully!
Thanks for your purchase. :D

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Posted: Tue, 24/09/2019 15:04 (5 Years ago)
Hey Purple give me a Pokemon!
Pokemon: Haunter/Gengar
Gender: doesn't matter
Other: Thanks! =^._.^=

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Posted: Tue, 24/09/2019 14:59 (5 Years ago)
Username: DefiantApple
Pokemon: Dragonair
Gender(if available): 1 male and 1 female
How many: 2
Other- Thanks! Also, if you happen to stumble across any extra Haunters, I'm trying to get Gengar and will trade with my own haunters.

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Posted: Tue, 24/09/2019 14:49 (5 Years ago)
Hello! Even though I joined this game awhile ago, I never introduced myself so here it is. I'm DefiantApple, I like Gengar and am currently shiny hunting gastly (thus, if anyone would like to trade haunters for a gengar, pm me about it :D). I like reading, watching anime, playing pokemon go (my friend code is 8094 0413 0730), and I am a freshman in college this year. =^._.^=

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Posted: Mon, 29/04/2019 02:52 (5 Years ago)
May I have some Lemonade? =^._.^=

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