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Posted: Sun, 09/11/2014 07:40 (10 Years ago)
...you must use a Pokemon that knows Foresight...

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Posted: Sat, 08/11/2014 12:28 (10 Years ago)
..that will allow you to access...

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Posted: Sat, 08/11/2014 11:58 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 01/11/2014 05:02 (10 Years ago)

Hi there! Welcome to the Pokemon Zeta/Omicron Fan Club!
As some of you might know this game, it is not a hack from the original Pokemon game. It is a great game that is available for both Mac and Windows.
Warning! It is still in beta version
Click on the image above to go to the official website, click here to go to the Reddit site
Downloading might take a while, but it is really great.
Tired of the boring old sprites without animations?
You can also download additional X and Y sprite packs here

So anyway, you can sign up here for any discussions about the game, any trading needed or just join in for fun!
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Posted: Sat, 27/09/2014 10:47 (10 Years ago)

Title: Pokeball

What is the PokeBall int the Item Shop used for?

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Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 14:47 (10 Years ago)
Sending a plushie. Sorry that i don't have much dream points. Just started out.

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Posted: Sun, 14/09/2014 10:14 (10 Years ago)
Hi! How's it going?

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