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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Atsumi.
Posted: Sat, 21/05/2016 09:44 (8 Years ago)
Walking through the crowded streets, you catch a glimpse of something shiny reflecting in the sun. Curious, you walk in the direction of the before mentioned shiny thing, and find yourself standing outside a small door, tucked in among the bigger shops.

The sign on the door reads -

[Arcane Infinity]

After reading the sign, you notice the door is slightly ajar and decide to walk in. The inside is small, but cosy. Looking around you can see the wall on your left is covered with different sheets of paper, all boasting a different Pokemon and style in which the Pokemon is created. To your right is a small area covered in small pillows and miniature coffee tables with little numbers tagged on the tabletops. Directly in front of you is a counter spanning the width of the shop, effectively cutting the shop in half length ways.

A loud thud from behind the counter draws your attention, and you call out asking if there's anybody there. You see a hand shoot up giving you the thumbs up, and some indecipherable mumbling before a young girl pops up from behind the counter.

"Hey there!" the girl chirps. "My name is Atsumi, but most call me Atsu, and I run this little shop."
You nod a greeting and open your mouth to begin asking some questions, but Atsu cuts you off.

"The rules are over here." She says, sliding a piece of paper over to you. "And the examples are over on that wall." She points to the wall you noticed first coming in. "Oh and, here are the forms to fill out." She slides some more paper over to you.

You take all the pieces of paper bewildered, and blankly stare at Atsu until she huffs and makes a shooing motion over to the miniature coffee tables and pillows. Taking her hint, you go and sit down at one of the tables and begin to read.


=-= Rules =-=

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- Please follow all the site rules!
- Only one order at a time please!~
- Please do not rush me, I'm still in school and I still have a life too!
- If you use sprites I have created for you anywhere on PokeHeroes or outside of PokeHeroes, please credit me!

=-= Things to note [please read] =-=

Show hidden content

- This is not your typical sprite shop, you have been warned.
- I can use X & Y sprites as well as megas.
- I do not use any PokeHeroes sprites.
- Example sprites are not free to use.
- If a Pokemon has a gender difference or forme difference, please state so.
- If you have a specific sprite you want me to use, from another generation, or a custom sprite that you have permission to use, please state so.
- I am doing these for free. Why you may ask? I simply want to improve my spriting skills. I will accept tips and bribes if you're that kind of person.

=-= Sprites available =-=

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This is divided into two sections, Typical Sprites and Unorthodox Sprites.

=-= Typical Sprites =-=

Typical sprite include the following;

=-= Recolours =-=

[Ninetales as Lanturn] & [Lanturn as Ninetales]

Astu, my Pokemon swapped colours with another!
Pokemon #1 [base, specify if shiny]:
Pokemon #2 [secondary, specify if shiny]:

=-= Fusions =-=

[Mewtwo x Beedrill] & [Butterfree x Chinchou x Lumineon]

Atsu, my Pokemon fused with another!
Pokemon [up to 4 pokemon]:
Colour scheme:

=-= Cotton Candy =-=

[Blue Dugtrio] & [Pink Masquerain]

Atsu, my Pokemon tastes good!
Colour [isn't limited to blue/pink]:

=-= Infernos =-=

[Purple Shelgon] & [Lime Luvdisc]

Atsu, my Pokemon's gone inferno!
Colour [pick from pallets provided]:

=-= Parties =-=

[Trainer with 3 Pokemon] & [Trainer with 6 Pokemon]

Astu, let me show you my party!
Trainer Sprite:
Pokemon [up to 6, please specify gender/if shiny]:

=-= Pokeballs =-=

[Eevee Pokeball] & [Mew Pokeball]

Atsu, my Pokemon won't come out of it's Pokeball!
Pokemon [specify if shiny]:

=-= Trons =-=

[Blue Torkoal] & [Yellow Butterfree]

Astu, my Pokemon's gone tron!
Colour [pick from pallet provided]:

=-= Unorthodox Sprites =-=

Unorthodox sprites include the following;

=-= Recolour Animations =-=

[Sandshrew, Magby and Trainer] & [Espeon]

Astu, my Pokemon moves!
Pokemon [specify gender]:
Colour Scheme:
Trainer [yes, provide trainer/no]:

=-= Custom Trainer Sprites =-=

[Revamped Aroma Lady] & [Revamped Sabrina]

Astu, I wanna be a trainer!
Description [include as much detail as possible]:

=-= Avatars =-=

[Ranger F with Roserade] & [Swimmer F with Empoleon]
[border styles]

Astu, make me an avatar!
Trainer [only from gen 4 and upwards]:
Pokemon [specify if shiny]:
Border Style:
Border Colour:
Background Colour:

=-= Pokemon Party Icons/Pokemon Summaries =-=

[Empoleon] & [Gardevoir]
[border styles]

Click on the Pokemon to view their summary!

Atsu, make me a Pokemon Party Icon & Summary!
Border Style:
Border Colour:
Background Colour [icon]:
Background Colour [summary]:
Pokemon Details [nickname, gender, shiny?, nature, type & ability]:

=-= Waiting list =-=

Show hidden content

#1 -
#2 -
#3 -
#4 -
#5 -


You finish reading all the papers, and either decide to order a sprite, or bid farewell to Atsu.
She doesn't seem to mind whatever you do, but waves you goodbye if you decide to leave with some parting words.
"Thanks for dropping by, have a good day!"

[Read more]
Posted: Fri, 20/05/2016 00:09 (8 Years ago)

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