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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Wed, 24/06/2015 15:54 (9 Years ago)
I am the die, where is the bottle.

Oops, wrong di!

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 15:31 (9 Years ago)

I am your ears, where is the mouth?

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 15:11 (9 Years ago)
Your crush is starting at you from the 10th story window (you might want to make sure he doesn't jump out), where are your parents?

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 15:06 (9 Years ago)
Your cookies are in the cookie jar (duh!), where is my ice cream truck?

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 13:03 (9 Years ago)

Title: Well, back to work!

According to my findings, the thief went that way =>
Where are the police?

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 12:55 (9 Years ago)
I am the deceive, where is my magnifying glass?

Oh, wait, there it is! So where are the findings, then?

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Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 00:03 (9 Years ago)
TailsPower is really Phantom BB. (The Avatar)

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Posted: Wed, 10/06/2015 19:37 (9 Years ago)
With an Ultra Ball and take it too...

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Posted: Mon, 08/06/2015 15:23 (9 Years ago)
That's what I said in a different thread! But don't worry, I won't say you are copying. ;) It really would be a helpful feature.

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 06:10 (9 Years ago)
This hair is soooo pertty! <Stares cross eyed at tuff of hair>

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 06:05 (9 Years ago)
U all idiots.

Yay*The*Espeon wants all espeons to die a slow a painful death.
CORRECTION:Yay*The*Espeon*Is*Dead wants all espeons to die a slow a painful death.

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Posted: Fri, 05/06/2015 15:23 (9 Years ago)
MooMooMalk jumped over the moon

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Posted: Fri, 05/06/2015 15:13 (9 Years ago)

What is he doing on my clipboard?

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Posted: Fri, 05/06/2015 15:11 (9 Years ago)
ShinyHaxorus is really an unshiny Pichu

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Posted: Fri, 05/06/2015 15:07 (9 Years ago)
The Reval Glass is dead, where is the killer?

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Posted: Fri, 05/06/2015 15:06 (9 Years ago)
Kill all of your Pokemon and...

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Posted: Fri, 05/06/2015 00:34 (9 Years ago)
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

\f0\fs22 \cf0 \cb2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec3 }

This is part of my new Signature I was just working on... Talk about a Ditto!

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Posted: Fri, 05/06/2015 00:27 (9 Years ago)
PrototypedSadness is actually a happy man.

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Posted: Fri, 05/06/2015 00:22 (9 Years ago)
I am the seats, where are the wings?

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Posted: Sat, 16/05/2015 14:06 (9 Years ago)

Title: This is an optional title

and this is the text. YAY.

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