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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Anubis4Hae.
Posted: Wed, 04/04/2018 00:35 (6 Years ago)
Happy birthday Riakooo:D :D :D :D (Y)

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Posted: Mon, 26/03/2018 22:14 (6 Years ago)
I have only 10:,( :,( :,( i try again:D

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Posted: Tue, 15/12/2015 17:17 (9 Years ago)
Hey, Sakura! Count me in! Let me join the PH Games!
Username: Anubis4Hae
Have you submitted proof of task completion?:Yup
Other: Password
Comment/suggestion:Good Luck to everybody!

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Posted: Sat, 17/10/2015 18:49 (9 Years ago)

Title: send a plushie

please send one i don't have;) ;)

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Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 21:32 (10 Years ago)

Title: WOW

That is so awesome!:D :D amaizing:D

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Posted: Fri, 22/08/2014 01:32 (10 Years ago)

Title: Raylóng Quest

Great:D :D challenge accept:D

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Posted: Wed, 20/08/2014 21:27 (10 Years ago)

Title: Aplication

What is your favorite color? Black
What is your favorite element? Psyquic
Which do you prefer: Flareon, Vaporeon, or Jolteon? Vaporeon
How many Electric types do you have? i don´t know T_T
Name ALL of your Electric types.Pikachu, Ampharos, i don´t remember more T_T
What is Team Ray's goal?Destroy all bad humans who treat their pokemon bad and those who seek to destroy
IF you get in, would you want to be a scientist, a spriter, or a player? maybe scientist and player

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Posted: Mon, 11/08/2014 22:15 (10 Years ago)

Title: Fantasmas

Mejor llamemos a gengar:D :D

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 14:24 (10 Years ago)

Title: Hola!!

Muerta de frio:S :S pero con unas buenas batallas y atrapando pokemons sera genial:D

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Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 21:46 (10 Years ago)

Title: Gracias

Gracias, acabo de encontrar las cajas, por algun motivo no aprecian:D

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Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 21:42 (10 Years ago)

Title: Ayuda!!!!!1

Una pregunta muchachos alguien sabe donde puedo usar mis llaves, aun no encuentro como y donde, ayuda:,( :,( :,(

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Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 21:31 (10 Years ago)

Title: Dance

Let me dance with you!
Your Username:Anubis4Hae
What are you hunting?Lugia and Articuno
Are you willing to dance for others?of course everyone to the dancefloor

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Posted: Fri, 01/08/2014 16:58 (10 Years ago)

Title: Gracias

Gracias:D ^u^, la otra vez lo intente pero no me dejaron porque no se que y no me dejaron ahora lo intentare, gracias:D

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Posted: Fri, 01/08/2014 16:33 (10 Years ago)

Title: Ayuida!!!

Que alguien me diga como puedo conseguir una batalla?? que necesito y donde lo encuentro la estoy perdida :,( :,( :,(

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Posted: Tue, 22/07/2014 19:02 (10 Years ago)

Title: Hola

Hola Soy Riven, y soy de Seul, mucho gusto:D

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Posted: Sun, 20/07/2014 20:22 (10 Years ago)
Hi everybody, this is so cool8) ;)

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