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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from AnnoyedClaude.
Posted: Fri, 06/11/2015 17:14 (8 Years ago)
My Entry #1

My first entry, hope it looks good to everyone

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Posted: Thu, 05/11/2015 21:55 (8 Years ago)
@Everyone on here who's complaining about it being digital:

if you have any sort of apple device, there's this one app called ibisPaint X that could help you with this stuff. its free and there's plenty of time to play around on it. you could even just trace over your traditional art and work from there!~

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Posted: Thu, 22/10/2015 20:21 (8 Years ago)
Username: TheDarkDuskWolf
Which categorie(s) are you entering in?: Female Char X Gijinka
What style(s) of art will you be submitting?: Digital
Password: I dont bite

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Posted: Thu, 25/06/2015 19:33 (9 Years ago)
i um.. i posted it... sorry to hear your leaving.

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Posted: Sat, 04/04/2015 00:35 (9 Years ago)
Happy birthday...!~

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Posted: Sat, 07/03/2015 16:31 (9 Years ago)
Hi. I'm only doing this to pass the tutorial so uh.. Yeah.

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