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Posted: Tue, 06/10/2015 01:47 (9 Years ago)
Really disappointed with batting performance of india and also the way of showing anger by people on ground is also a matter of shame for the ozis

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Posted: Sat, 03/10/2015 03:48 (9 Years ago)
Yesturday's match was great. We can't blame anyone coz the pitch was batting friendly.. but we have to appreciate kyle abbort for his fantastic yorkers in the end coz if he wasn't there the indian team's score would have been pass 200 mark

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Posted: Thu, 01/10/2015 08:10 (9 Years ago)
I dnt think membership should be must it should be free for random users

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Posted: Thu, 01/10/2015 06:25 (9 Years ago)
India will beat africa for sure

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Posted: Mon, 17/08/2015 13:53 (9 Years ago)
Name: Abhay




Type of magi Telekinesis

Academy:Magic High School

Room No: A/16

Roommate: open

Crush: open

Bf/gf: open

History:to be told

Other:He is awesome

Password:High School Life Rocks

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Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 03:35 (9 Years ago)

Title: consequencies

What if we report a cheater he will get banned forever and we will not get anything back... u know that we can handle the loss of PDs but what about the nuggets?? They r the most valuable item in this game and if u r scammed then u r screwed..

Think wisely...!!

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Posted: Mon, 13/04/2015 06:28 (9 Years ago)
How much PD would an anniversary gift worth??

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Posted: Mon, 23/03/2015 16:58 (9 Years ago)
I think pokedollars and nuggets should be a givable item to pokemons because in some cases trainers set up a trade with a note that he/she selling this for PDs or nuggets... in this case there is a big chance of cheating a trainer

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Posted: Mon, 23/03/2015 16:49 (9 Years ago)
I think legends should not be an obtainable thing if obtainable then they should not allow to trade or battle because legends are not the personal properties of trainers they are legends because they are merely exist

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Posted: Mon, 23/03/2015 15:13 (9 Years ago)
An app should be designed of this game in which we can enjoy every bit of this game and that should be free

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Posted: Mon, 23/03/2015 14:18 (9 Years ago)
There should be a pokemon league in which a trainer having 8 badges of a particular region can participate and there should be a gym battles for badges and battle fronteir in every region as well and the level of the pokemons should increase by battling too

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