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Dream World

afridi123's Gifts

[View afridi123's Plushie Collection]

fawnyanz 3 Years ago
Lolinontot "You’re studying for a test.Your focus is lost to a tapping on your window.You see a PlushOtto staring back at you with a sad expression. You ignore it. It started pecking louder.You put a book on your head to stop the sound but the PlushOtto peck gets EVEN louder.You put your book back down, stomp to the window and open it angrily.The PlushOtto flew in, sat down on your bed and fluffed itself up.You were mad, but it was so adorable that you couldn't do anything but keep it" 3 Years ago
matso 3 Years ago
Elliana 3 Years ago
Zlyveon 3 Years ago
azem 3 Years ago
Nectario 3 Years ago
