Forum Thread
Plusies Suggestions
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Plusies Suggestions1:


I'd rather know if I were sending a shiny plush instead of a normal one. Especially since if I received a shiny Plush, I may or may not like the shiny. (Such as I don't like shiny Magikarp, but if I got enough Magikarp Plushies sent to me, I'd get an ugly Magikarp added to my collection)
And if I'm sending a plush to a friend, and I know they like one shiny but hate another, I wouldn't want to risk sending them the plush that they hate the shiny of even if they love the normal form of it.
If shiny Plushies get added, I'd prefer for them to be a different Plush from the original for users to buy. This way users know what they are giving and getting without that random factor to it.
Normally when you go to a shop you don't have a small chance of getting something different than you were trying to buy, either.
Shinies will be available - but then on a higher price and with a 100% chance of being shiny.