Forum Thread
[Val's Art Shop] OPEN
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → [Val's Art Shop] OPENSample:
[b]Offer:[/b] min 50 nuggets / 100k
[b]Before or after?[/b] When you will send payment
[b]Offer:[/b] min 50 nuggets / 100k
[b]Before or after?[/b] When you will send payment

Reference: <3
Offer: 400 nuggets
Before or after? is 50/50 ok with you? Half before, half after? + a tip!!

Reference: here
Offer: 250
Before or after? i would prefer 50/50

"Magic exists.
Who can doubt it,
when there are
rainbows and wildflowers,
the music of the wind and
the silence of the stars?"
Reference: is she ok to do?
Offer: 300 Nuggets
Before or after? Send me a PalPad when complete and I will send it over! :>

[Made by Suahh]

Reference: any - you choose :3 preferably a character that hasn't much art yet!
Offer: 400 nuggets
Before or after? 50 before/50 when done? :3
.gif above ©Haikyuu!! official anime
Reference:anyone here owob!
Offer: 250 nuggets owo
Before or after? before uwub

Reference: Anyone here or here~
Offer: 228 nuggets + 500k PD~<3 (If that's fine ;w; I can up the nugget or the PD offer~<3)
Before or after? Either is fine by me~ ;3
Reference: Not a dog, it's just a random creature i guess
Offer: 130k pd
Before or after? Before
Reference:This bab please
Offer: 300k PDs
Before or after? 150k when accepted, 150k after image will be done :3
Reference: Rae !!
Offer: 250k pd :'>
Before or after? before!!